CCJ 4497 Exam 3 Review Cost Efficiency Evaluations What They Do Allow us to assess our returns on CJ policy investments What policies provide the most benefit for the least cost They highlight if a policy s impact justifies expense required to produce it Inform compliment deliberations about whether policies should be implemented continued expanded terminated Essential to making a more accountable effective CJ system Cost Effective vs Cost Benefit Cost effective cost per outcome Used o determine which of several approaches is best for a given outcome Determines which of several approaches that target qualitatively different outcomes creates the most monetary terms policy costs benefits Cost benefit benefit relative to the cost Conducting a Cist Benefit Analysis possible solutions State policy question derived from needs evaluation provide context for describing specific problems Identify perspective of analysis different perspectives different classifications of outcomes as costs benefits Identify costs benefits cataloging any costs benefits related to a policy of interest Assigning value monetary value assigned to all costs benefits Compare costs benefits of multiple policies take all monetized costs benefits create a bottom line assessment Assess sensitivity articulate limitations cost benefit estimates mat be incorrect sensitive to minor changes evaluations based on implausible untested assumptions unreasonable time in assumptions about costs benefits Limitations of Cost Efficiency Evaluations House of cards criticism frame discount rates or incorrect cost benefit estimations So much error it s meaningless Garbage in garbage out Why Cost Efficiency Evaluations are Important failure to account for selection bias identify unintended effects Provide general sensitivity functions like need theory evaluations Guidance about how likely it is that a given policy will produce substantial returns Forces us to be explicit about range of goals that inform judgments about a policy s worth Help monitor performance Community Policing Era of Police Isolation Social distancing separation of police from the community reform era in govt nationwide move towards professionalization resulted in the Technological developments 911 telephone system Prevailing ideology the professional knew best community involvement in crime control was seen as unnecessary Re emphasizing Communities Community policing developed out of 2 major forces Concerns about rising crime rates National Civil Rights movement These movements lead to increasing attention funding for research policy development Policing orgs Became committed to improving policing methods Federally funded victimization surveys documented the existence of unreported crime Early Research Research began in investigate the effectiveness of policing tactics potential alternatives Kansas City Preventative Control Study Found that decreasing increasing routine preventative patrol w in the range tested have no effect on crime citizen fear community attitudes towards police response time or accidents Rand Investigative Experiment detective only solve a small percentage of cases assigned to them spend most of their time on tasks unrelated to crime solving Newark Foot Patrol Experiment police could develop more positive attitudes to ward community members could promote positive attitudes toward police if they spent time on foot in their neighborhoods Community Oriented Policing Community policing promotes organizational strategies which support the systematic use of partnerships problem solving techniques to proactively address the immediate conditions that give rise to public safety issues like Crime social disorder fear of crime Community Partnerships Process Trust facilitates community contact which facilitates communication which Problem Solving Process problem identification problem solving reinforces trust info exchange further facilitates trust Theoretical Model problem identification Effectiveness Community policing wasn t uniformly adopted by police agencies Effectiveness in the context of broken windows theory Support for broken windows theory is typically found in that increased effective community policing of minor crimes will reduce overall rime rates Effectiveness in the context of social disorganization theory in some areas community oriented policing has been shown to strengthen informal social controls reduce crime Private Prisons Background of America CCA Growth of Private Prisons inmates Rationale 1st private prison facility was opened in 1984 when the US INS now ICE contracted w Corrections Corporation Private prisons functioned as a response to calls to reduce govt involvement more generally Many states the federal govt turned to private corporations to help manage the increasing costs of housing The private sector s share of inmates grew from 6 5 in 2000 to 8 in 2008 Almost of the growth in private prison beds has been from contracts let by the Federal Bureau of Prisons Private prisons can provide the same care control of inmates achieve the same better outcomes as govt run facilities for less expense Does the research support this argument Measures of outcomes show that private prisons don t significantly better the results than govt run prisons Cost efficiency evaluations are rare when done only produce apples to oranges comparisons Types of Privatization Govt contracting individual prison services Employment of prison inmates Construction financing of prisons Govt contracting w a private corporation to provide complete private management of a facility Most arguments in favor of private prisons revolve around the increased efficiency of a private prison over a 3 main concerns when evaluating the quality of prison services Argument for Efficiency govt run prison Security of the institution Rehab efforts Quality of life Disincentivizing Success Cost efficiency evaluation of private prisons are typically flawed fail to account for important hidden costs Opponents of private prisons argue that their incentive to cut costs to maximize profits presents the threat of safety of prison staff the public at large Private prisons may try to find ways to extend the amount of time convicts will remain in prison The desire for profit may distort the function of private prisons towards incapacitation away from the provisions of rehab services that would help prisoners rejoin society productively Opponents of privatization argue that it is an
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