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Interpersonal Relations Chapter 2 Studying Marriage and Family Structural functionalism our family performs functions so our society can survive looks at how the parts of our society for example Family roles Expressive roles looks at the disagreements between people and groups involves the husband which says his role is supposed to look at inequalities in our societies gender expectations looks at how we influence and are influenced by the Instrumental roles earn money provide shelter fix things and be a leader for the family involves the wife which says she is supposed to give emotional support and nurture the family Conflict theory Feminist theories Ecological theory environment Family development theory over a period of life Family life cycle Symbolic interaction which can include what words or gestures we choose to use Family systems theory members interact because in order for change to occur the whole family must show a change the series of stages that a family is predicted to go through looks at how we interact with others by using symbols looks at the family as a whole to see how the family looks at the changes our family goes through Studying marriage and family says that everyone has an equal chance to be allowed to is a small group that is being studied out of the entire population is the study of number things is the study of non numerical things Qualitative research Quantitative research Probability sample Sample be apart of the study if they were randomly selected not everyone had an equal chance to participate Surveys or also interviews which are generally face to face or on the phone usually assigned randomly to a group that is being controlled Nonprobability sample Experiment looks at the cause and effect of a relationship Participants are can include questionnaires which can be sent through mail or online says that participants are picked non random because

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KSU HDFS 24011 - Interpersonal Relations-Chapter 2: Studying Marriage and Family

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