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The Rise of the First Two Party System 1789 1800 The new Constitution created 1787 is going to create a new federal government Washington s Inauguration April 1789 On April 1789 George Washington is going to inaugurated formally admitted as the First President of the United States George Washington deserves a lot of credit for becoming the First President No one has been president before There was no pattern model for how Washington should go about doing his job Consequently Washington was under a lot of pressure to take on the role as as President the first president ever The whole presidency thing was brand new territory for the country No one knew what Washington s title should be Example Your Highness Your Excellency etc No one knows what being president is supposed to look like Example Length of service term for presidency Life Set time limit This is what Washington s presidency was like He served for two 2 terms He stopped serving voluntarily His choosing to stop after 2 terms is going to set the precedent for future presidents The New National Government is going to be made up of First United States Congress Supreme Court the Judicial Branch Federal Departments State Treasury War Attorney General Presidential Cabinet see positions titles below President George Washington s Cabinet George Washington John Adams Henry Knox Alexander Hamilton Thomas Jefferson Edmund Randolph President Vice President Secretary of War Sec of Treasury Sec of State Attorney General Hamilton and Jefferson did not like each other personally and professionally They argued about the political power and its proper use of it This conflict is going to be another factor of why the two political parties Hamilton liked the British Jefferson liked the French developed Federalists and Democrats Federalists and Democratic Republicans First two political parties NOTE The first two 2 political parties were NOT Federalists and Anti Federalists Storming the Bastille 1789 Part of the French Revolution July 1789 French citizens are going to storm and overtake a prison known as The Bastile The Bastille prison is located in Paris France The prison is going to symbolize represent French royal authority The storming of the prison is symbolically important An overthrowing of French royal power and authority How did Americans view the French Revolution They are supportive and proud The Americans are proud of the standard that they set after their own American Revolution Hey they are following what we did our precedent They are happy that other countries are following their lead in revolting Believed that the two revolutions American and French are linked Linked in the sense that both countries wanted freedom and liberty from the higher authority The Reign of Terror 1793 By 1793 four years after the storming of The Bastille start of the French Revolution The American s are going to change their supportiveness and views towards the French and their goal Basically the French get out of control and start executing a lot of people Crazy shit This period event was called the Reign of Terror because the French people are Political enemies Anyone who held power political authority Those going to execute hundreds of political enemies of the people who are rich and elite Both the French King and Queen were executed The executions were led by normal people Death by guillotine chop off head What a bloodshed Public opinion of the French Revolution is going to split A group of Americans are going to believe that the French Revolutionaries are becoming too radical crazy Do the people Revolutionaries have too much power in the country Is this the cause of too much democracy gov elected officials Is America going to start to see their own Reign of Terror in the states American support for the French is going to decrease They are starting to get scared Opinions concerning the French and the French Revolution are going to play a role in the development of the two new political parties mentioned earlier Development of the parties Federalists and Democratic Republicans One party will support the Revolution Democratic Republicans and the other will not Federalists Why did the two 2 political parties develop One reason was because of the French Revolution Another reason was because of different opinions concerning the proper use of political power Interpreting the U S Constitution Strict Construction The idea that the Federal government could only do what was specifically If the Constitution said the Federal government couldn t do XYZ then the mentioned in the Constitution Federal government could NOT do XYZ Hence the name strict construction Strict rules Supported by Thomas Jefferson Democratic Republican Broad Construction The idea that the Federal government could do anything that the Constitution did not specifically prohibit it from doing If the Constitution doesn t say that the Federal government can do XYZ then we could do XYZ Hence the name broad construction Lacking rules Supported by Alexander Hamilton Federalist The development of the two 2 political parties are going to revolve around Thomas Jefferson DR and Alexander Hamilton F Opposing sides on the use of political power Democratic Republicans Strict Construction Federalists Broad Construction Opposing sides concerning opinions over the French Revolution Democratic Republicans Support the French Revolution Federalists Do NOT support the French Revolution The first two 2 political parties that developed Federalists Broad Construction Supported by Alexander Hamilton Federal government can do XYZ if the Constitution doesn t say we can t Supported the strong use of federal power Supported increased taxation Wanted to keep political power in the hands of elected elites Believed that the U S should reestablish good relations with the British Critical of the French Revolution Did NOT support the French Revolution Favored the British over the French Federalist support going to come from urban areas Federalists are going to support manufacturing vs agriculture Strict Construction Supported by Thomas Jefferson Federal government can NOT do XYZ unless the Constitution says they can government AKA Jeffersonian political party Wanted state governments to continue to check the power of the Federal Didn t like Hamilton s plans for the U S commerce and financial development Believed agriculture was the key to the American economy Democratic Republicans white men especially farmers Believed that

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