Dr Sarah Deyong Texas A M 2 12 13 CIAM 1928 59 Interna onal Congresses of Modern Architecture founded in 1928 by Le Corbusier and Sigfried Giedion an historian and theorist to promote modern architecture interna onally Other founder members include Gerrit Rietveld El Lissitzky Moisei Ginzburg Walter Gropis and Hannes Meyer the rst CIAM mee ngs were organized around themes on ra onal building techniques mass housing and urban planning Congress themes before WWII CIAM II 1929 Minimum Dwelling CIAM III 1930 Ra onal Land Development CIAM IV 1933 The Func onal City CIAM V 1937 Dwelling and Recovery Themes a er WWII were organized around urbanism the new monumentality and the new regionalism Congress themes a er WWII CIAM VI 1947 Reconstruc on of Ci es CIAM VII 1949 Art and Architecture CIAM VIII 1951 The Heart of the City CIAM IX 1953 Habitat Housing for the Greater Number PROJECTS Le Corbusier Chandigarh 1952 59 Lucio Costa and Oscar Niemeyer Brasilia 1956 Alvar Aalto Historian and cri c Sigfried Giedion and Jos Luis Sert write the Nine Points on Monumentality 1948 The essay proposes the idea of a new and democra c monumentality as dis nct from the pseudo monumentality of social realism People want buildings that represent their social and community life to give more than func onal ful llment They want their aspira on for monumentality joy Pride and excitement to be sa s ed 1 Dr Sarah Deyong Texas A M 2 12 13 Le Corbusier Urban Plan for Chandigarh Punjab India 1951 Nehru and Le Corbusier Le Corbusier Urban Plan for Chandigarh Punjab India 1951 The master plan was based on Le Corbusier s urban planning principles laid out in CIAM s Athens Charter of 1933 in which the city was analyzed in terms of four func ons living residen al work business and industry leisure parks and transporta on To these four func ons postwar CIAM added a h the administra ve and civic center The design of the civic center addressed ques ons of symbolic expression Le Corbusier High Court Chandigarh 1951 1955 2 Dr Sarah Deyong Texas A M 2 12 13 Le Corbusier High Court Chandigarh 1951 1955 Symbolism of Chandigarh Le Corbusier blended modern architecture with tradi onal mo fs which themselves are a blend of di erent tradi ons Buddhist Hindu and Mughal Islamic Nehru and Le Corbusier Le Corbusier Parliament Building Chandigarh 1951 Le Corbusier learned lessons from the Mogul tradi on with its generous provision of deep loggia brise soleil sun breaker roman c roofscapes and symbolic treatment of water The crescent shaped parasol is a tradi onal image of authority though inverted in the Parliament Building in an an authoritarian gesture This image recurs on top of the Governor s Palace and the Secretariat 3 Dr Sarah Deyong Texas A M 2 12 13 hlp www youtube com watch v gnlqZ18LIHs Le Corbusier Secretariat Building 1953 Le Corbusier Casa Sarabhai Ahmedabad India 1951 55 Lucio Costa Master Plan for Brasilia 1956 The new city of Brasilia was the concep on of President Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira and was meant to symbolize the government s commitment to na onal industry The congress with its secretariat stood along the main axis of the green plaza and Superquadra apartment blocks extended along the curved residen al cross axis 4 Dr Sarah Deyong Texas A M 2 12 13 History Geography President Juscelino Kubitschek ordered the construc on of Bras lia It is a planned city The main urban planner was L cio Costa Oscar Niemeyer was the chief architect to most of the public buildings and Roberto Burle Marx was the landscape designer The city plan was based on the ideas of Le Corbusier Bras lia was built in 41 months from 1956 to April 21 1960 when it was o cially inaugurated From 1763 to 1960 Rio de Janeiro was the capital of Brazil and resources tended to be centered on the south east region of Brazil Bras lia s geographically central loca on in the middle of the country made for a more neutral federal capital However the placement of Brazil s capital in the interior actually dates back to the rst republican cons tu on of 1891 which de ned where the federal district should be placed but the placement was not planned un l 1922 More importantly Bras lia s loca on would promote the development of Brazil s central region and beler integrate the en re territory of Brazil Some say the real reason was to move the government to a place far from the masses According to legend in 1883 the Italian priest Don Bosco had a prophe c dream in which he described a futuris c city that roughly led Bras lia s loca on UNESCO has declared Bras lia a World Heritage Site 5 Dr Sarah Deyong Texas A M 2 12 13 The city was originally planned for 500 000 people but the total popula on of Bras lia has already reached 2 2 million Central Bras lia known as the Plano Piloto has a popula on of around 200 000 and s ll has some areas in the North Wing for expansion Most people however live in these satellite ci es created to house the exceeding popula on The most important of these towns are Ceil ndia 350 000 Tagua nga 243 000 Sobradinho 130 000 Planal na 150 000 and Gama 131 000 Urbanism Lucio Costa L cio Costa s plan for the city was detailed and thorough It s pulates which zones are to be residen al and which are to be commercial It limits where industries can selle where certain buildings can be built and how tall those buildings can be etc The fuselage of the airplane contains the ministries government buildings the senate and chamber of depu es and a futuris c cathedral designed by Oscar Niemeyer There is also a tall television tower with spectacular views of the city and the lake 6 Dr Sarah Deyong Texas A M 2 12 13 The wings of the airplane are named the North Wing and South Wing each is roughly 7 km in length The avenue between the lake and the wings called L2 Sul or L2 Norte depending on which wing it s on has churches schools and hospitals A wide high speed avenue called the Eixo connects the two wings by passing under a central bus sta on where the banking sector Sector Banc rio and hotel sector Sector Hoteleiro are located The 100s and 300s addresses are on one side of the Eixo and 200s and 400s are on the other superquadra There are residen al areas on these streets made up of blocks of ats named Super Quadra Sul or Super Quadra Norte The blocks are lled with three or six storey buildings Each has eleven buildings iden ed by leler with schools and churches in areas placed in between them Commercial streets typically separate Superquadra blocks from
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