3 12 15 Week 9 Classical Conditioning Conditioned Fear Q are we born with our fears or do we acquire them through experience A Innate reflexive responses to stimuli Learned feelings of fear to stimuli Phobias irrational extreme fears maybe we acquire them though classical conditioning experiences as well Q if we acquire phobias through classical conditioning then how might we get rid of a phobia A extinction training expose someone to thing they re afraid of but don t let anything happen systematic desensitization scientists use on someone with phobia slowly gradually introduce someone to what they re afraid of finally able to deal with fear anxieties subside flooding Taste Aversion Learning never eating a food after it makes you sick ex if you ve had food a million times before without getting sick you will probably only stay away for a while but you ll still eventually probably eat it again even if you know that the sickness had nothing to do with the food Taste Acquisition still eating something even though you think it s gross ex caffeine most used psychoactive drug ex spicy burning food endorphins Operant Conditioning a learning process in which a behavior becomes associated with a consequence as a result of this association the consequence influences the probability of that behavior occurring again in the future reinforcement reinforcement behavior results in something good more likely to do the same behavior in future punishment do something bad less likely to do it Edwards L Thorndike scientist that first demonstrated the power of changing behavior by manipulating the consequences of that behavior he called it instrumental learning in the beginning Pavlov used dogs Thorndike used cats If a behavior put cat in the box it won t like it but they always tend to get it boxes by themselves put cat inside box can t get out then puts tuna right outside of the box cat stars meowing Law of Effect if a behavior is followed by a pleasurable consequence it will tend to be repeated scratching shows the cat that there is a lever for the cat to get out right before door opened that is the behavior that is more likely to reoccur in the future good reinforcement now cat will always know that that is the behavior to get what it wanted Context behavior Consequence consequences serve to strengthen or weaken the box lever connection Box Scratching Box push lever Who is this man pinky Orville redinbocker B F Skinner took work from Thorndike ran with it very influential man in psychological history studies entire career how is operate conditioning used to control human behavior hired by government to train pigeons used to send messages in the war crows are genius work in groups attack people he could train pigeons to do crazy stuff to modify their behavior Behaviorism John Watson Skinner was a very big advocate for it behavior changes through rewards punishments can only know that which is directly observable no speculation about what is going on in the mind behavior that you can see be publically verified Context Behavior Consequences Types of Consequences Appetitive good things such as food Aversive bad things such as shocks or punches 2 ways to reinforce reward me give me something I like or take away something I like both make me happy ex giving me present or doing my chores 2 ways to punish people give something bad or take away something good By doing this behavior I will Examples Reinforcement positive Dog sits on command Gets a treat Punishment positive Touch the filing cabinet Get a shock Punishment negative Come home after curfew no TV for a week Reinforcement negative open umbrella don t get wet Q How do you reward a behavior that never occurs ex reward boyfriend to do dishes give kisses if that works don t reward to go backwards gradually tell them to clean it off then eventuality to dish washer A Shaping rewarding successive approximation of the goal behavior until the goal behavior has been mastered Reinforcement Schedules Continuous Reinforcement reinforcement occurs after every target response every time Partial Reinforcement sometimes the target response is reinforced and sometimes it is not reinforced probably won t immediately erase all of your work but chances it will still work again consequence fails to reoccur extinction if you get rid of behavior you previously established
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