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Psych 111 Exam 3 Chapter 12 Personality Personality psychological qualities that influence feelings behaviors and thoughts across situations and over time characteristic patterns of thinking feeling and behaving Personality Psychology studies person s factors and its effect on their behavior Describe individual differences in human nature Explain determinants of personality Psychodynamic Perspective case studies of clinical patients in psychoanalysis Unconscious influences on behavior Personality forms in early childhood o Id instinctual energy pleasure principle unconscious Seeks immediate gratification and relief o Superego conscience morality principle o Ego rational part reality principle Acts as person s self Coordinate needs of the id with reality Unconscious part of mental activity that cannot be voluntarily retrieved Intrapsychic conflict anxiety reliance of defense mechanisms Defense mechanisms protective behavior that reduces anxiety o Repression keeping distressing thoughts feelings buried in unconscious Freudian slip if repressed ideas leak into consciousness o Projection attributing one s own thoughts feelings motives to another o Displacement diverting emotional feelings usually anger from their original sources to a substitute target o Reaction formation behaving in a way opposite of one s true feelings o Regression reversion to immature patterns of behavior o Rationalization create false but plausible behavior excuses to justify unacceptable behavior Psychosexual stage personality development oral anal phallic latency genital Personality is the product of conflict during psychosexual stages Fixation person maintains childlike behaviors that are related to conflict and stage in which problems occurred Neurosis continuing conflict between ego id superego now anxiety disorder Neo Freudian theories pleasure is the major motivation for human behavior Alfred Adler inferiority complex overwhelming feelings of inferiority can lead to overcompensation Carl Jung collective unconscious common psychological predispositions as humans passed from generation to generation o Extroversion outgoing and introversion less outgoing Karen Horney first female psychiatrist emphasis on impact of male dominated Humanistic Perspective goodness of human nature emphasis of free will humans strive for full potential self actualization Self patterns of thought feelings and actions we perceive in our own mind society Self concept mental model of abilities and attributes Congruence self concept fits with actual experience Self esteem generalized evaluative attitude towards self Self schema cognitive organization that helps us think about the self and process self relevant information Interpersonal Self the self we are in the presence of other people Individualism emphasis on independence and self reliance Collectivism interdependence cooperation lack of conflict Behavioral Perspective personality is history of response tendencies shaped by reinforcement environmental determinism Social Cognitive Perspective individuals are self organizing self reflecting self regulating behavior is shaped rewarded by interactions with other people Laboratory studies with humans especially kids Reciprocal determinism thoughts and feelings affect behavior process of interacting with environment Self efficacy belief about performance capacity confidence in abilities to gain reinforcement Bandura Locus of control belief about amount of control people have in their lives Rotter Trait x context behavior Mischel emotional predisposition x situation Trait Perspective factor analysis of personality scales Uniqueness of each individual importance of present context rather than history Trait stable personality characteristic tendency to act in certain way over time Temperament biologically based tendencies to feel act in certain ways Five Factor Model CANOE Conscientiousness agreeableness neuroticism emotional stability instability openness extraversion heritability of 5 Roles in personality Genetics 40 Environment 60 Interaction of genetics and environment genetic predisposition leads to choice of environment Components of environment Shared family race neighborhood Nonshared birth order nonfamily networks Temperament child s pattern of mood activity or emotional responsiveness linked to later personality suggests possible genetic origin for personality Personality inventories objective personality tests often using numbered scales or multiple choices Projective test test of personality based on Freudian theory that provides an ambiguous stimulus onto which the test taker projects their personality as they describe object Rorschach Inkblot Test Chapter 13 Social Cognition Social cognition how we think about social situations Social behavior how we behave around others or because of others Personality psych study of how people differ Social psych study of how people are similar study of individuals in groups Sociology study of society and social institutions Attributions judgment about cause of a person s behavior explanation of events Dispositional Internal causes traits Situational external causes environment Attributional biases consistent patterns of attributions that typically are biased towards self Fundamental Attribution Error tendency to over attribute others behavior to Actor Observer Bias tendency to over attribute own behavior to situation others Self serving Bias tendency to attribute negative events to situation and positive disposition behavior to disposition events to disposition Optimism Bias belief that bad things only happen to others Just World Bias belief that world is fair bad things happen to bad people and good things happen to good people Correspondence Bias tendency to view behavior as result of disposition even when the behavior can be completely explained by the situation in which it occurs Prejudice negative affects about members of group increased contact can reduce prejudice Discrimination negative behaviors towards members of group Stereotype negative cognitions abut members of group simplified set of traits associated with membership in a group or category Stereotype threat raising awareness of a negative stereotype about a group to which we belong has the ability to educe our performance Attitude learned predisposition to respond to things in particular evaluative ways favorable or unfavorable evaluations the predispose behavior Explicit what we are aware of what we openly report Implicit

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