CH 11 Development How do newborns start to make sense of environment When do newborns develop these senses How newborns infants and children think How do children develop socially How do children think about moral ethical issues Newborns survival reflexes o Rooting touch cheek open mouth o Swallowing put something on lips swallow o Moro startle them arch back arms fling out sideways o Grasping put finger in their palm grasp o Stepping hold them up step forward Newborn development orient toward human faces voices recognize sound of mother s voice longest exposure although muffled o Pacifier suck more vigorously while listening to mother than to other person Newborns DON T have o Many visual abilities no full color vision washed out colors hard to discriminate can t focus well at things beyond 8 12 in 3 D infants won t respond to visual cliff depth perception until crawling for 2 weeks o Many basic cognitive abilities no knowledge of cause effect relationships yet can t see it doesn t exist object permanence Piaget o Schema Ex infants eat whatever is put into their hands o Assimilation o Accommodation o Sensorimotor 0 2 yrs Piaget s Developmental Stages concept framework that helps us organize interpret world around us interpreting one s new experiences in terms of old schema modifying one s schema so that it can incorporate new info Discover by sensing doing Old vs new habituation gaze at new things for long time 3 months EEG measurements Schema of causality do A B happens Object permanence awareness that things continue to exist even when they re not perceived throw a fit when toy taken away o Preoperational 2 6 yrs Language Theory of mind ability to take another s perspective what s going on in your head isn t going on in another s head put yourself in other person s shoes Egocentric what s going on in your head is going on in another s head Conservation properties mass volume remain same despite changes in form o Concrete operational 6 12 yrs of objects o Formal operational 12 yrs Abstract thinking Was Piaget right o Mostly yes o Not exactly right about effects of genes social environment faster progressing kids not as smooth transitions CH 11 Social and Moral Development emotional tie w another person child w primary caregiver mother Attachment Harry Harlow o Monkeys raised w out mothers serious social problems when older o Tried to isolate mother factor breed away from mothers no polite social behavior picked fights didn t know how to act mothers provide food comfort close phys contact o Created fake mothers to raise monkeys Wire mother food but no contact monkeys got food then spent no time w them Cloth mother food and comfort monkeys got food and spent time w them Provided security when monkeys were scared o Created creepy robot terrified monkey ran to cloth mother for security o Safe Haven Distressed attachment figure provides comfort o Secure Base New environment attachment figure offers affection security exploration Wire monkey ran to corner of room to cower Cloth monkey ran straight to mother for comfort o Other relationships infant doesn t feel comfortable getting comfort or mother doesn t provide comfort Quality of attachment measured strange situation test SST o Infant mother stranger in a room infant s response when mother leaves returns mother leaves infant left w stranger mother returns both mother stranger leave infant left alone stranger returns mother returns mother encourages infant to explore Infant Attachment Styles o Secure 66 comfortable w mother distressed when mother leaves seeks contact when mother returns o Avoidant 20 somewhat comfortable w mother rarely cries but may show anger when mother leaves avoids mother when she returns o Anxious Ambivalent 12 anxious w mother distressed when mother leaves mixed when mother returns Reactions to SST at 12 18 months predict future social academic skills Securely attached infants show o Better social skills later in school o More persistent and flexible in solving problems o Better grades in school Early Attachment Romantic Styles o Maybe related to romantic relationships later in life o KSU student Kristin Mickelson Adult s romantic styles vs how their parents treated them Secure happy trusting friendship longer more satisfying romantic Avoidant fear of intimacy emotional jealousy Anxious Ambivalent obsession emotional extreme sexual attraction relationships jealousy Early attachment may influence later close romantic relationships o Attachment styles stable over time disregarding life changing events esp negative Moral Reasoning Kohlberg o Heinz scenario moral or not o Stages of Moral Development Preconventional age 9 morality guided by self interest Conventional early adolescence morality upholds rules laws takes into account other people s evaluations Postconventional late adolescence morality guided by agreed upon rights ethical principles o Correct Yes older child more likely to be in higher stage But variation can t attach ages to stages Culture specific individualistic cultures value postconventional morality more than collectivistic cultures Western vs East Asian
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