Astronomy Chapter 2 Our local group o Andromeda o Held together by Gravity o 30 40 different Galaxies in local group o Coma Berenice One thousand galaxies o Virgo Two thousand galaxies Makes up Super Cluster with Milky Way and Come Berenice Universe is expanding o Galaxies are expanding to give one another more space o Gravity wins in every case except this expansion What is winning here then Dark Matter Energy or force o Accelerating Universe Common temperature in the Universe 3K 454 F Currently Universe is cooling Will eventually bring Universe to Absolute Zero Big Bang Theory o One center Center has yet to be found lost in Fog Fog fossil radiation Needs 2 75 K temp to find center because it is too cold o Measure distance travelled by light at 300 000 km sec speed of light Lightyears In one year o 6 trillion miles o K kilo 10 3 o Mega 10 6 o Giga 10 9 o Tera 10 12 o Pc parsec 1 pc 3 26 ly Orion Constellation o Hero and hunter o o 88 constellations unrelated not nearby one another Constellations o Bull Taurus o Fish Pisces o Imaginary Created for everyday use Dark Side of the Moon o Earth always sees the same face of the moon Flat land hills and craters o Dark side is mostly craters o Moon rotates on its axis Takes 28 days to revolve around the earth 1 month Takes 28 days to spin around axis Which is why we always see the same side of the moon Equality synchronous rotation o Moon takes 28 days around axis 28 days around earth test question Earth o Rotates on 23 5 degree axis o Equinox equal distance from the sun o Summer solstice sun is high in the sky vice versa for winter test question o Eclipse Cone of shade umbra total eclipse total darkness in that area Sun disappears from view solar eclipse Half shade Penumbra lunar eclipse Moon disappears from sight o Troposphere Bubble of air detaching from ground 6 minutes lift off international space station is 250 miles upwards o International space station 40 minutes each of daylight and night 17 000 mph in orbit mandatory o Hubble Space Telescope HST 375 miles upwards o Space X 30 mill Prize up to 60 miles must be able to carry human being 2 weeks Spaceship One o Burt Rutan former Space X winner Richard Branson o Virgin galactic Space trip 100 000 o Solar Eclipse There is not a solar eclipse every month every 28 days the moon orbits the earth because the moon is on its own plane off by 5 degrees Disc of the moon fully covers the sun Only then see the corona of the sun from behind Pink gas chromosphere
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