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STUDY GUIDE EXAM 2 Power Point The Relationship Between Health and Nutrition and the Health Consequences of Deficiencies Excesses and Imbalances What causes poor nutrition Disease Obesity malnutrition impaired immunity physical mental impairment What is the World Health Organization WHO definition of health social determinants of health Health complete physical mental and social well being with absence of disease or weakness Social Dominants of Health conditions in which people are born grow live work What is the definition of imbalances caused by consumption of a poor diet or the inability of the body to absorb nutrients ex insufficient carbs protein fat fiber vitamin minerals calories vegetarian vegan diets What are the examples of the social determinants of health ex resources to meet daily needs access to educational economic job opportunities access to healthcare transportation to opportunities public safety social support language literacy cleanliness of water food culture What are the examples of deficiencies excesses and imbalances Deficiencies ex calorie protein malnutrition vitamin mineral deficiencies heart disease cancer diabetes obesity respiratory dysfunction osteomalacia poor wound healing Excesses ex heart disease cancer diabetes obesity kidney disease hypertension stroke poor wound healing respiratory dysfunction Imbalances ex insufficient carbs protein fat fiber vitamin minerals calories vegetarian vegan diets Chapter 8 Energy Balance and Body Weight Regulation Disordered Eating In the movie shown in class why is the zip code and death certificates important population planning Know and understand the following Energy balance a state in which energy intake equals energy expenditure energy intake energy expenditure energy stored Energy balance The 3 Stages of Energy Balance Positive negative energy balance 1 Energy balance energy balance occurs when energy intake equals energy expenditure Body Weight tends to be stable during energy balance 2 Positive energy balance positive energy balance occurs when energy intake is greater than energy expenditure Body weight tends to increase during positive energy balance 3 Negative energy balance negative energy balance occurs when energy intake is less than energy expenditure Body weight tends to decrease during negative energy balance Energy expenditure amount of energy calories that a person uses to breathe circulate blood digest food and be physically active Energy store adipocytes Adipokines hormone like substances produced and released by adipocytes Adipocytes cells found in in adipose tissue and used mainly for fat storage Hypertrophic growth Hyperplastic growth Hypertrophic growth during weight gain loss adipocytes increase decrease in size or number during hypertrophic growth the size of the adipocytes increases during hyperplastic growth the number of adipocyte cells increases during the weight loss the size of the adipocytes decreases by the number remains constant Visceral subcutaneous adipose tissue visceral adipose tissue VAT adipose tissue deposited between the internal organs in the abdominal area subcutaneous adipose tissue SCAT adipose tissue found directly beneath the skin providing insulation from heat cold provides protective padding for organs Hypothalamus in brain that contains neurotransmitters to control eating behaviors Catabolic neurotransmitters promote satiety Anabolic neurotransmitters promote hunger Hunger physiological drive to consume food Satiety physiological response to having eaten enough food Gastric banding gastric bypass risks complications Gastric banding reduces the size of the stomach by wrapping an adjustable band around the upper portion of the stomach creates small stomach pouch that fills quickly with food triggering satiety Gastric bypass involves reducing the size of the stomach by bypassing a segment of the small intestine this procedure helps people eat less food decreases nutrient digestion absorption Tryptophan amino acid that is a constituent of most proteins essential in the diet Component s of TEE calculate BMI and know the standards for normal weight obesity etc TEE Total Energy Expenditure total energy expended or used by the body Major Components of TEE Thermic effect of food TEF energy required to process food and accounts for 10 of TEE Physical activity energy required for movement accounts for 15 30 of TEE Basal metabolism energy required for basic life functions and accounts for 50 70 of TEE BMI CALCULATION weight LBS height INCHES 2 x 703 Normal Weight Standards 18 5 24 9 kg m 2 obese is BMI 29 9 Ideal Body Fat Percentages Male 12 20 Female 20 30 higher BMI higher mortality lowest BMI also mortality rates Calculate calories for weight loss and weight gain Estimated Energy Requirements EERs intended to help adults maintain healthy body weight PA Physical Activity sedentary low active very active Males EER 662 9 53 x age y PA x 15 91 x weight kg 539 6 x height m Females EER 354 6 91 x age y PA x 9 36 x weight kg 726 x height m Recommendations for women men waist circumference 40 inches or more in males 35 inches or more in females indicates central adiposity measurement should be taken while person is breathing out feet 6 to 7 inches apart with weight evenly distributed on legs tape should be lose enough that there is one finger s width between tape body Leptin parabiiosis experiments ob gene the gene that codes for the protein leptin db gene the gene that codes for the leptin receptor leptin a hormone produced mainly by adipose tissue that helps regulate body weight ob ob mouse leptin db bd mouse leptin receptor Surgically connected mice shared bloodstreams diabetic obese mouse had leptin by receptor wasn t working leptin is supposed to tell it when to stop eating is full if obese mouse is connected to diabetic parabiiosis study setting reasonable goals slow steady weight loss Approaches to weight loss Health weight loss maintenance programs Choosing nutritious foods in moderation increasing energy expenditure by daily activity moderation wise choices hunger satiety cues multiple benefits of physical activity Disordered eating causes signs symptoms treatment Disordered eating behaviors include a wide variety of unhealthy eating patterns such as irregular eating consistent underrating and consistent over eating vs Eating Disorders characterized by extreme disturbances in eating behaviors that can both physically psychologically harmful What causes eating

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