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CAS 100A Exam 1 Review Public Advocacy and Civic Engagement o Public advocacy publicly speaking out about an issue Ex Rallies local meetings clubs o Civic engagement so to shape policies and the realties they change use of speaking skill power to shape thought and action and Plagiarism Proper Verbal Citation and Stage Fright o Plagiarism expulsion Consequences failing the assignment failing the course possible o Proper Verbal Citation Always document directly quoted material summarized articles and any statistical or visual material that you get from another source In a speech you have to orally cite Name s of Author s Date Title Newspaper or Journal Title Remember you have to give enough info that a listener could look up the article More than 3 authors et al o Stage Fright Defined as feelings of nervousness anxiety or outright fear concerning public speaking You don t have to be perfect Don t put too much pressure on yourself The more experience you have the more comfortable you ll feel Concentrate on feeling absolutely prepared 1st step Quality of the Speech o Putting more time into your speech will lead to a better speech in the end 2nd step Practice o Work on speaking to the audience not at them o Aim to feel over prepared o Practice in front of others to prepare FRIGHT I Imagine yourself succeeding F Face your fear R Relax your body G Get to your venue early H Hype yourself up T Tackle speech mishaps Critical Listening Thinking o If we are to avoid being manipulated and taken advantage of we need to have method of deciding how much to allow others messages to influence us o To be a critical listener is to be able to listen to others messages and discern or distinguish the good from the bad o We need to be able to make up our own minds about the significant issues we face in daily life and this ability depends on our skill in listening to others messages with discernment and good judgment Communication Model o Sender The person who creates and transmits a message Meanings the central ideas that we want another person to understand and respond to A message is used to convey these meanings Encoding the process of finding and selecting symbols that will represent cognitive meanings Emotional meanings are NOT encoded because they happen more or less involuntarily because our emotions show themselves automatically Message o Receiver Signs ex Hand motions Symbols words or letters used to convey meanings o Message The one who takes in and tries to make sense of the message Affected by environmental factors which are referred to as external noise Additionally internal noise of the audience can affect the perception of the speech Decoding the process of interpretation done by the receiver Reacts to the speech based on her own interpretation Feedback a message generated as a response to a message received something said or done Organized complex of behaviors that both represent a sender s thoughts and express her his feelings during the act of communicating Vocal sounds facial expressions eye contact hand gestures and bodily movements portray what s going on in the sender s mind Must be sent through some medium or channel Affected by environmental factors which are referred to as external noise o Additionally internal noise of the audience can affect the perception of the speech o Context Wherein communication takes place Time Place An audience is likely to be in a different mood and even physical state in terms of alertness energy level etc at an early morning meeting than at an evening session Where a conversation takes place can influence people s expectations about what will be said and different rules for communication apply in different contexts Occasion The reason that people are brought together Professional vs social setting An imperfection marked by urgency that can be corrected through the use Rhetorical Situation o Exigence of discourse o Audience Speech Purposes o Inform People who can be affected by discourse and who are capable of assisting in solving a problem Capable of enacting change Design a different speech for each audience Factors working for or against the speaker o Constraints o Fitting response Mindful of context exigence audience and constraints Informative or educational communication aims generally at creating awareness of a subject and an understanding of its causes effects magnitude inner workings and other features that define its nature and character Aims at producing knowledge Message strategies definitions descriptions examples illustrations demonstrations analogies statistics and testimony Ex This I Believe Speech o Convince Seeks to influence a listener s beliefs or opinions about subject Goal to produce conviction or agreement Conviction may lead to later behaviors but these are not the focus of the speech to influence belief Strategies persuasion via argument reasoning proof Ex Problem Policy Speech o Motivate Move to action A motivational speech seeks to create in the listener a desire and willingness to act in a specific way Strategies good organization as well as persuasion with a lot of emotional appeals Ex Motivational Speech o Celebrate Celebrating any formal activity that honors praises solemnizes or commemorates persons or events Celebratory speeches are usually given in connection with ceremonial occasions Strategies Adapt to situation praise mourn appeal to shared values Ex Ceremonial Speech Thesis Statements o After determining the appropriate purpose for your speech the next step is to form your thesis statement o Your thesis statement expresses what you want your audience to take away from your speech your residual message Audience Analysis o Demographic help identify possible diversity Ex Age gender race religion o Psychographic help identify beliefs and values o Consider cultural differences Different customs for different countries Using preferred cultural identities o Interact with your audience o Get Feedback o Demographics psychographics vs stereotypes The Classical Canons o Invention Sources of Supporting Information Experiential Knowledge o Your own personal experience and knowledge o The experience and knowledge of others o Experience and knowledge of your audience Published Information o Newspaper and magazine articles o Speeches o Government publications o Laws and regulations Rhetorical Proofs making capabilities Logos appeals to our thinking reasoning and inference o Rationale o Dates Fact Statistics Cause and Effect

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