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Introduction Biology Today 09 27 2013 What is Biology Biology The scientific study of life Certain things are required for something to be considered living including reproduction homeostasis mitosis breathing etc Diverse forms of life include humans animals plants fungus parasites bacteria Hierarchical Levels of Life Atom Smallest unit of matter Molecule more than one atom bound together Organelle little organ a specialized cellular part Cell smallest unit of life Tissue multiple cells working together to perform a function Organ multiple tissues working together to perform a function Organism a single living being Population multiple organisms of the same species living in a given area Communities several populations of different species living in the same area Ecosystem all organisms and non living matter in a given area Biosphere all ecosystems combined Biosphere ecosystems communities populations organisms organ systems and organs tissues cells organelles molecules and atoms The Scientific Method Observe Question form Hypothesis make Prediction Experiment Revise Repeat until correct

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Cal Poly Pomona BIO 110 - Introduction: Biology Today

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