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Renaissance Sacred Music Expansion of use of music in worship o Plainchant o Hymns o Motets o Settings of the Mass The beginning of polyphony o Single lint chant o Added 4th or 5th above the chant wouldn t sing a word just a single vowel o Addition of independent melody above the chant o 2 or 3 independent melodies above the chant o phrases points of innovation characteristics of vocal genres o smooth melodies o a cappella o imitative polyphony o fuller harmony addition of 3rd s and 6ths o use of a cantus firmus or fixed melody the bass part is much longer Josquin de Prez 1450 1521 o Ave Maria virgo serena o Latin motet o SATB a cappella o Imitative polyphony o Pairing of voices Giovanni Palestrina 1525 1594 o Sicut cervus o Based on a psalm o Pope Marcellus Mass o Gloria o 6 part choir a cappella o shifts between low and high voices The Mass is the most solemn ritual of the catholic church The daily service w 2 categories of prayers o The ordinary texts remain the same o The proper tests vary with the day Giovanni Gabrieli o St Marks Cathedral Venice Italy o Architecture of the building lent itself to creative placement of choirs and instrumental ensembles o Combination of instruments and voices first time ever they combined In worship o Antiphonal effect o More homophonic 2

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Auburn MUSI 2730 - Renaissance Sacred Music

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