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THE SOCHE BUFF S GAZETTE Professors Noh et al 2 AGRARIAN SOCIETY 1 Plow made this society possible What were the main technological innovations of agrarian society Controlled weeds Lead to the harnessing of large draft animals Maintains the fertility in the soil Fertilizer Permanent fields Smelting Iron Tools and weapons Harnessing animal Power Supplied military Wars of conquest and empire building What and why were the main demographic features of agrarian society 2 Writing and Numerical Systems Record business activity Record taxes rents etc Independent inventions of writing o Sumerians about 3 000 B C E o Mexicans about 600 B C E Population Huge increase Empire building Highest Birth rate 6 7 live births per woman o Agricultural economy o Religion o Old age insurance your sons because they take care of you when you re old I d Rather Be Studying pease umd edu 2 1 2023 How did elites maintain power Restrict Military technology 3 1 Monopolize force 2 Promote civil order 3 Confiscate spoils of war 4 Steal from peasants Kleptocracy 5 Religious ideology they have one true god not multiple first society like this order Peasants are heavily taxed their lives were terrible used to legitimize the elites in exchange for political order supporting the religious inspired warriors to fight suicidal wars most times the religious leaders were the leaders of the society as well Frontier Societies ex Australia Canada Iceland New Zealand USA o under supply of labor o over supply of land o Absence of Feudalism o Populated by commoners Ideology of individualism o 4 Stratification What were the main features of social inequality in agrarian society most unequal hereditary monarchies proprietary theory of state Dual legal system widespread slavery the master owns the actual person and serfdom the master of the estate owns the land not the individual but the serf is tied to the land and cant leave The Itch of Ignorance is a Gift pease umd edu 2 1 2023

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