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Classnotes 4 Chapter 4 Pregnancy Prenatal Development Stages of Prenatal Development Germinal conception 2 weeks Embryonic Organs and major body systems develop rapidly 2 8 weeks Respiratory Digestive Nervous Spontaneous abortion or miscarriage common here Fetal 8 weeks birth Addition of fat myelination to neurons Bones fetus Prior only cartilage Grows 20x from its previous length germ embryo Finishing touches emerge Fingernails Toenails Eyelids Alertness research 90 95 of the day drowsing Closer to birth fetus sleeps 85 90 of the time Includes deep sleep and REM sleep more than half of the time REM sleep associated with learning and memory Eyes move just like adults left to right Sleep Babies sleep a lot not consolidated As they grow they move to a more consolidated sleep cycle They sleep most at about 1 years old Fetal Behavior Fetus can Yawn Squint Swallow Make fists muscle development Sleep Move hiccup SIDS sudden infant death syndrome abnormal sleep patterns indicate a higher risk Fetal Movement Awake or asleep the fetus moves more than 50x hour Flexing extending exploring Sucking thumb Tons of tactile stimulation Touching face no 1 for touching per hour Clasping hands Touching foot to leg Touching umbilical cord Licking the uterine wall walk abouts walking around Fetal movement indications Mismatch of environment for preemies Changing care so preemies can Curl up Bring their knees together Touch themselves with their hands like in utero kangaroo care Babies love movement especially laughter Ex trampoline baby Fetal Taste gustation What are the study results for taste By 3 months in utero babies have mature taste buds Amniotic fluids carries strong tastes Ex curry cumin garlic onion and other essences from mother s diet Babies might prefer what mom ate during pregnancy Preemies suck longer on flavors they ve been exposed to in utero It s a preference Fetal Learning Decasper Greensboro UNC Sensory Adaptation With benign and constant stimuli Ex we stop thinking about the air conditioner in the background of a room You might not think about clothes when you have them on Sucking Studies Sound developed by 6 months in utero Post birth If baby sucks on nipple it triggers familiar audio Pauses sucking baby hears unfamiliar Sound Preferences Mom s voice preferred over a stranger Mother s voice filtered through amniotic fluid preferred over air conducted voice newborn Preferred mother s native tongue not foreign Xenophobes Does not like unfamiliarity Preferred being read familiar tales ex cat in the hat even if by stranger not new ones Women men who talk read to the fetus will feel more comfortable with the newborn than those who do not Mozart Effect Kits claiming to Increase attention span Encourage better sleep patterns Expanded cognitive powers NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THIS In fact it is harmful to stick earphones etc too close Can damage baby s ears Ultrasound High frequency sound waves directed at the mother s abdomen produce a picture of fetus in uterus Uses advantages Monitors fetal growth movement position and form Assesses amniotic fluid volume Judges gestational age Detects multiple pregnancies Can detect major structural abnormalities or death of a fetus Helps diagnose sex linked disorder Chorionic villus sampling CVS Tissues from hairlike chorionic villi projections of membrane surrounding fetus are removed from Uses advantages placenta and analyzed Early diagnosis of birth defects and disorders Can be performed between 10 and 12 weeks gestation Yields highly accurate results within a week Should not be performed before 10 weeks gestation Some studies suggest 1 4 more risk of fetal loss than with amniocentesis Risks and Notes Amniocentesis Sample of amniotic fluid is withdrawn and analyzed under guidance of ultrasound Most commonly used procedure to obtain fetal cells for testing Uses Advantages Can detect chromosomal disorders and certain genetic or multifactorial defects 99 accuracy rate Can help diagnose sex linked disorders Normally not performed before 15 weeks gestation Results usually take 1 2 weeks Small risk of fetal loss early amniocentesis is more risky and not recommended Risks and Notes Embryoscopy Tiny viewing is inserted in woman s abdomen to view embryo or fetus Uses Advantages Can guide fetal blood transfusion and blood marrow transplants Can assist in diagnosis of non chromosomal genetic disorders Fetal Blood Sampling Needle guided by ultrasound is inserted into blood vessels of umbilical cord Uses Advantages Allows direct access to fetal DNA for diagnostic measures including assessment of blood disorders and infections and therapeutic measures such as blood transfusions Risks and Notes Fetal loss or miscarriage is reported in 1 2 of cases Increases risk of bleeding from umbilical cord and fetal distress Maternal Blood Test A sample of the prospective mother s blood is tested for levels of alpha fetoprotein AFP human Uses Advantages chorionic gonadotropin hCG and cestriol May predict Down Syndrome and other abnormalities Classnotes 5 Chapter 5 Birth and the Newborn Baby What are the pre 20th century childbirth customs and mortality rates Mortality rates have decreased dramatically for both mothers and children Mortality reduced for women because of the growing use of maternity hospitals for safer conditions for Also due to antibiotics blood transfusions safe anesthesia improved hygiene and drugs for inducing childbirth labor What is meant by the humanizing trend of childbirth In response to the social trends of wanting a home birth labor and delivery may take place in a quiet homelike birthing room under soft lights with the father present as a coach and older siblings invited to visit after the birth Women have the choice of local anesthesia should she want or need it but can see and consciously participate in the birth process She can also hold newborn on her belly immediately after birth Rooming in policies allow baby to stay in mother s room What are the 3 stages and the corresponding characteristics of a vaginal childbirth 1 First stage Labor feeling contractions dilating Parturition what brings on labor a series of uterine cervical and other changes Typically begins about 2 weeks before delivery sharply rising estrogen levels stimulate the uterus to contract and the cervix to become more flexible o Timing of parturition is determined by an increase in the rate at which the placenta produces the protein corticotrophin releasing hormone CRH Braxton

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