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TEST CCJS300 Midterm Format 100 Questions Mostly T F Multiple Choice All notes discussion handouts Films Elegant Universe Milgram Hagan chapters 1 3 13 Doping for Gold Statistics stats will be be on the exam just no calculations SPSS Introduction to Research Methods Why do we study research methods 1 Because we make errors in our personal human inquiry Inaccurate observation 1 2 overgeneralization 3 selective observation 4 5 illogical reasoning ideology and politics 2 Science The study of matter 1 Auguste Comte Progression of Knowledge 1 Theological supernatural explanation earth revolves around sun 2 Metaphysical philosophical explanation number of teeth a horse has 3 Scientific Explanations rational logical empirical methods what people create symbolically to represent reality symbols Emergence of Science and Scientific Methods 2 words etc 1 Replication repeat experiment or studies with same methods 2 Verification confirm accuracy of findings or results through additional observations Probabilistic not going to happen the same each time The Nature of Science 1 Effects will most often occur when certain causes are present 1 Not dealing with absolute determinism if not A then must be B Improving Research and Critical Inquiry Hirschi and Selvin 1973 1 Objectivity value neutral minimal personal bias or a dispassionate approach to the subject matter that holds constant personal bias 2 Vigilance concern for accuracy and efforts to eliminate minimize errors 3 Empathy willingness to put oneself in the role of the researcher Theory and Methods 1 Theory attempt to develop plausible explanations of reality 2 Paradigms different ways of viewing something form of belief that permits selection evaluation and criticism 3 Methodology the collection of accurate facts and or data regarding the nature of crime the how part 4 Theory is why methodology is what is The Elegant Universe THANK YOU 1 1665 Isaac Newton s breakthrough of gravity worked 2 Early 1900 s Einstein discovers velocity of light 1 nothing can go faster than the speed of light 2 Conflicts with Newton 1 gravity keeps the Earth and planets in orbit but did not know HOW gravity 2 Imagine the sun suddenly disappeared 1 Newton believed that the planets would immediately fly out of orbit because there was no more gravity from the sun to hold them 2 Einstein believed that it would take about 8 minutes time for sun s rays to reach Earth for the planets to fly out of orbit BECAUSE nothing can travel faster than light not even gravity 1 Einstein supported this by his observations on light and creating a 4 dimensional fabric 3 When sun disappears gravity would travel at same speed as light because everything is weighing down on the fabric of time and after 8 minutes planets would fly out of orbit 2 All leads to Einstein s Theory of Relativity 2 Paradigm shift 1 Pure and Applied pure is acquisition of new knowledge for the sake of development basic knowledge applied is solving immediate policy problems trying to advance the field apply research practical 2 Qualitative narrative observed Quantitative numerical value numbers measurement Types of Research of variables Types of Analysis 1 Crime analysis focus on crimes against persons or property 2 3 Operations analysis focus on the examination of personnel deployment and workload Intelligence analysis focus on relationships between persons and organizations distribution patterns Investigative analysis uses crime scene evidence and information regarding the background of victims to develop physical behavioral and psychological profiles of the suspect s responsible for the crime s 1 Verstehen understanding or empathy 2 Scientism if you cannot measure it it is not worth studying or commenting on 4 Purposes of Research 1 Exploration 2 Description 3 Explanation causality 4 Evaluation Application Researchese the language of research 1 Concepts abstract tags put on reality and the beginning point in all scientific endeavors 2 Operationalization defines concepts by describing how they will be measured take idea and try to measure It 3 Variables something that changes opposite is constant they are concepts that have been operationalized or have taken on different values of a quantitative nature Independent variable that causes a change predictor 1 2 Dependent variable one is trying to predict outcome 4 Hypothesis specific statements regarding the relationship between variables Has to be testable General Steps in Empirical Scientific Research Induction inferring about a whole group on the basis of knowing about a case or two Deduction moving from a level of theory to a specific hypothesis 1 Problem formulation review selection and specification of the area to be investigated 2 Research design type of experimental or non experimental approach studies of a group at one time or over a period of time use of group control 3 Data collection methods choice of a variety of methods such as questionnaires 4 Analysis and presentation of findings summarizing reporting and statistically analyzing interviews analysis of existing data where appropriate and presenting findings 5 Conclusions interpretations limitation of the study what the researcher believes the study has to say Ethics in Research 1 Ethical Horror Stories avoid 1 Biomedical examples doping for gold 2 Social science examples Milgram experiment 3 Researcher fraud and plagiarism 4 Lucifer effect transformation of human character causing good people to engage in evil 2 FIlm Stanley Milgram Obedience to Authority 1 Dealt with giving volts to word pairing and so on inside man 2 40 psychiatrist predicted 10 3 People who continued with experiment 50 3 The Researchers Role try to be objective and VALUE FREE as possible 1 The researchers primary role is that of a scientist Ethics in CCJS Research 1 Federal regulation of research 1 2 IRBs institutional review boards research screening committees set up in colleges and universities to oversee the ethical propriety of research Informed consent making aware of procedures description of risks benefits questions or concerns freedom to withdraw 6 elements for obtaining informed consent 2 Film Doping for Gold East Germany Steroids women with massive clits and weird side effects from testosterone how it relates to ethics in research 1 The Belmont Report 1974 1 Principle of Respect for Person should be treated as independent agents they aren t just a means to an end have courtesy 2 Principle of Beneficence do not harm

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