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CCJS300 Exam 1 Study Guide Introduction to Research Methods Why do we need to study research methods We need formal ways of asking and answering questions o We sometimes make errors in our personal human inquiries Inaccurate observations Overgeneralizations stereotyping Selective observation ex hear what you want to hear Illogical reasoning Gambler s fallacy Ideology and politics Other Social Sciences that use the same research methods Anthropology Economics Psychology Sociology Social Work Features of the Scientific Method Empirical Verifiable Cumulative Ethical and ideologically neutral Statistically Generalizable Self Correcting Types of Questions asked by Social Scientists Measurement questions age etc Descriptive Questions describe what is happening right now Exploratory Questions ex explore averages of descriptive statistics Causal Questions what causes crime Evaluative Questions ex does D A R E work Who are the Researchers Professors Academics Government employees Practitioners non academic Journalists Scientists Theories Paradigms and Methods Theory attempt to develop plausible explanations of reality Paradigm essentially an overview of theories Ex Behaviorism Problem can shift Two Logical Systems Linking Theory and Research Deductive Logic derivation of expectations and hypotheses from theories Inductive Logic development of generalizations from specific observations Types of Research Pure vs Applied Pure basic research that wants to gain new knowledge Applied have problem that you want to solve Qualitative vs Quantitative Qualitative observational or historical approach Quantitative concepts have to be mathematized Basic Approaches to Research Positivist auguste comte hard sciences take this approach Critical Marx Freud make the world a better place Interpretive Max Weber experiential Scientific Research and Time Cross sectional Research snapshot of a collection of people at one particular time Survey research works this way Longitudinal Research Time as a variable Time Series observe different people at multiple times Panel observe the same people at 2 or more times Cohort observe people who shared an experience at 2 or more times Case Study observe a small set of people intensely across time Purposes of Research Exploration Description Descriptive Statistics Explanation Causality Evaluation Application The Language of Research Concepts Abstract tags that we place on reality Operationalization turning concepts into measurable things Variables Dependent variables that are being predicted effect Independent variables that are doing the predicting cause Hypotheses Specific statements that describe the relationship between the DV and IV The Research Process Deduction Operationalization Measurement Analysis Induction Theory Hypotheses Research Design Data Gathering Findings Theory General Steps in Empirical Research Problem Formulation what are you interested in studying Research Design What research method will you use Data Collection Methods Analysis Presentation of Findings Conclusions Interpretations Limitations Ethics in Research Definition doing what is morally and legally right in the conduction of research The most serious question in research Ethical Horror Stories Biomedical Examples Nazi Research teaching children to stutter etc Social Science Examples Milgram Obedience Study Zimbardo Simulated Prison Study Humphrey s Tea Room Trade study Project Camelot Researcher fraud and plagiarism making up own data Rules to Research No Harm to Participants like the Hippocratic oath Voluntary participation Anonymity and confidentiality Deceiving respondents Generally not a good idea Codes of Professional Ethics Transparency is the best policy Institutional Review Boards IRB informed consent special populations juveniles prisoners etc Colleges universities The Belmont Report Principle of Respect for Persons respect respondents Principle of Beneficence no harm to participants Principle of Justice benefits and burdens should be shared Examples of Ethical Problems The Brajuha case ASA code of ethics Weinstein Decision Shield Laws laws that protect researchers from having to give up their sources field notes The Ofshe Case synanon Organizations and individuals can sue researchers for slander and The Hutchinson Case Golden Fleece Award Hutchinson received golden fleece award showed that he supported Hutchinson sued McCarthy for defamation of character went to libel communism Supreme Court The Scarce Case You need to approve all of your research with a universities IRB if you are a student How to avoid Ethical Problems Be careful in your research design Consider alternative methodologies that may present less risk to you and your respondents The Experimental Model The experimental model as a research design the gold standard in research Developed in the natural sciences experimentation in the social science began in psychology Perceptual psychology Behaviorism Mental Measurement Human Factors explanation and evaluation Experimentation is best suited for 2 of the 4 purposes of research Topics in Experimental CCJS Research effectiveness of Arrests for domestic violence Drug education programs DARE Correctional bootcamps etc Three Steps to Establishing Causality Linking IV and DV Demonstrate that a relationship exists between key variables Specify the time order of the relationship IV comes first because that is what is being altered or manipulated Eliminate rival causal factors expose spurious relationships 2 types of rival causal factors o Internal Validity Did variable X IV produce a change in o External Validity can we generalize to other populations or variable Y DV settings Internal Causal Factors variables related to internal validity o Experimental and Quasi experimental designs for Research Campbell and Stanley 1963 History has an impact Maturation Testing Experimental Mortality people dropping from Instrumentation Statistical Regression Selection Bias research Selection Maturation Interaction

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