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Knes 287 Final Study Guide Module 1 in movement 3 Ways of defining sport 1 Knes the interdisciplinary study of the body and more specifically the active body a Body is the object of physical culture because its what you can observe 2 Physical culture represents a ontologically mixed entity a Ontologically mixed entity diverse ways of being physical a The espn view of the sporting world defining sport by suggesting it incorporates that which one confronts when reading the sports pages of a major newspaper or when viewing espn programing i There have been many problems with this because then the national spelling be would be considered a sport b Sports a structured goal oriented competitive contest based ludic physical activity outcomes i Structured rules or constraints for the game ii Goal oriented clear identification of winners and losers iii Competitive contest based excitement generated from uncertainty of iv Ludic involving elements of freedom and playful creativity v Physical involving the use of the body as an instrument c Sport is used to describe the various culturally sanctioned aspects of physical activity practiced in a given society 4 The active body is the internal instrument with regard to participation and the external object with regard to spectating of physical culture 5 With other cultural forms music food media the sporting practices of society are subject to be different and change 6 Gramsci s notion a Culture as a Contested Terrain i Dominant culture practices and meanings struggle for their position of ascendancy against residual or emergent practices 1 Dominant sporting practice male football 2 Residual sporting practice baseball cock fighting cricket 3 Emergent sporting practice soccer has been for many years extreme ironing 7 Sport is not substantial it is relational a Meaning the interconnections between sport economy technology politics and culture b Bob Costasitis said that sport and the contemporary society are separate and mutual exclusive entities This is WRONG c Sporting Fetishization we treat sport as if its disconnected from the various forces which shape its constitution i As if its not a product of a particular cultural and historical movement 1 We want to look at sports with their relationships ii We take our sporting lives for granted iii We temporary fetishize when we watch sports games because that specific game is our sole focus and were not worried about the connections to society and the relationships d Societal Construct whose form and function speaks to the nature of the society we live in i Sport and a mirror of society the REFLECTION THESIS 1 One way determining relationship between contemporary society and sport this is WRONG ii C Wright Mills said it was the sociological imagination 1 Any account of sport must be rooted in an understanding of its location within society 2 Sport and a product and producer of society a A two way mutually reinforcing relationship between sport and contemporary society ACCEPT THIS iii iv Jigsaw Analogy we need to look at the piece in context of the whole puzzle not just in itself Interrelationships and interconnections between sport and society are very important because sport is related to culture economy technology and politics Module 2 Sport and the political order 1 Politics the structures processes and practices of governance where peoples lives are controlled shaped and regulated by external forces a politics with a BIG p macro power ability to govern lives on a societal level 1 for a non authoritarian political system there has to be Ideological consensus in the ideas and values ideology of the system of rule I absolute monarchy and representative democracy are both ideological consensus agreeing to the system of rule b politics on a small scale is Micro power ability to govern lives on a personal level 2 HEDEMONY Antonio Gramsci s notion of hegemony speaks to the subtly coercive operations of political power a the winning of active agreement to a specific understanding or position of authority b Macro society level c meso group level d micro individual level 3 Sports and politics A sports is inter related to the nature of a the system of governance b the power structure c the political order hierarchy d political relations B Politicization of sport Sarah alien is a hockey mom and Obama playing basketball B2 Sportization of Politics sport effects politics George bush throwing first pitch to gain popularity or English team doin nazi salute VS Politicization of Sport using political concepts to effect sport and its structure Example players listen to coach or quarterback micro politics C Chinese view their government as state run D Sports in America is all about the celebration of individualism rags to riches F HEGEMONY rollerballs corporate society as an example whereby public opinion sentiments are manipulated in order to create popular support for the political order system of rule 4 The USA and Neo liberal Capitalism A American sport is highly politicized linked to the political order a In American it is neoliberal capitalism which is a political order linked to a type of economic formation B Chinese State Capitalism and the Beijing Games Chinese govt communist party used these games to win hearts of the population and to demonstrate its right to stay in power Used Beijing games to get people to agree and believe in the hegemony of the people sportization of politics C Post War social welfare consensus a Increased involvement of the state in addressing social problems and inequities b Part of social welfare agenda was sports social agenda D The Core Tenets of Neo Liberal Democracy a Don t waste public money b Give more money to individuals through lessening the tax burden c Develop corporate business friendly anti union to stimulate economy through Trickle down economies d Let the free market become the regulator of economic and social development e The privatization of the public sector f Social democratic Olympians athletes Govt focused direct state funding g The Neo liberal Olympians largely state and publically funded private and corporate funded athletes no Module 2 Exam PART ONE Topic 1 Sport Power and Masculinities Masculinity is an embodied performance of which sport culture is an important part Its also a per formative act measured and defined against femininities Topic 1 The structure agency debate and the denaturalized body Stop looking at the body as a bounded organism we need to

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