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4 28 Week 15 Schizophrenia long lasting psychotic disorder involving a break with reality characterized by disturbances in thinking emotions behavior perception psychotic means break with reality hallucination perceiving that you see things irrational beliefs ex that you have gone back in time you re from the future delusions thoughts beliefs that are not true start acting very strange Negative Symptoms absences of normal behavior flat affect catatonia social withdrawal lack Flat Affect no emotion or response to good or bad news when they talk they have no emotion only have to have portion of symptoms to be diagnosed with Schizophrenia Positive Symptoms not good bad but that you have an excess of these behaviors that don t belong on the surface that you can see hallucinations delusions disorganized thinking real English works but just don t make sense irrational thought word salad jumbled words of speech no up down asleep not aware behaviors that have disappeared Social Withdrawal very social person can become withdrawn and lost eye contact socialization Lack of speech completely stop talking negative symptoms are more difficult to treat than positive symptoms better at suppressing behaviors that don t belong medications treatments than bringing back Catatonia lack of movement become unresponsive to outside stimuli catatonic not most severe form cannot live on their own can t interact with people homeless people need treatment Types of Schizophrenia last 2 aren t as important Disorganized confused speech patterns vivid frequent hallucinations inappropriate affect socially impaired with poor hygiene Catatonic Schizophrenia catatonic state does not respond to the outside world Will not move for hours on end often staying in odd postures Totally on or off switch Paranoid when person suffers from hallucinations delusions often auditory in which they believe they are being persecuted or pursued ex Beautiful Mind movie about famous physicist started having symptoms around 17 not diagnosed until late 20s often had delusions that he could solve all of these codes that only he could see was often being pursued by KGB CIA hired him for secret work etc Undifferentiated move around to types of schizophrenia to another type constantly change Residual after a major episode of schizophrenia that is over Person may return to somewhat normal but retain odd quirk symptoms it s not like they have episodes all the time sometimes it is more active episode may end and they will go back to normal it s a reoccurrence quality when they go back to normal they still have some unusual characteristics hard to tell hard to convince them that symptoms aren t real ex grad student graduated with PhD KSU w paranoid schizophrenia that was receiving treatment was completely functional you d never know but he still had traits like monotone Genetic Factors runs in families can be inherited not single schizophrenic gene not that simple array certain of genes that need to be present to only increase risk to predispose Q What causes schizophrenia A biological in nature Probably multiple factors but strong evidence that is a biological neurodegenerative disorder neurons all over parts of the brain are dying why ex you can weigh the brains of exactly same type of people after they die person with schizophrenic brain will weigh less you if you re exposed to certain environmental factors shared pair of identical twins one twin has schizophrenia does the other twin also have it if it was caused by just one gene likelihood would be that both twins would have it Concordance Rate 49 that one twin would also have schizophrenia fraternal twins sharing all DNA concordance rate would only be 7 04 of people who aren t siblings reason we know this studies looking at twins the case for genetics identical twins 100 paternal twins 50 of genes are Schizophrenic child who was adopted incidence of schizophrenia in his adopted Evidence Drugs that block dopamine reduce positive symptoms of schizophrenia when they gave drugs blocking dopamine to patients they will stop positive Dopamine Hypothesis theory that it is excessive dopamine that causes schizophrenia family vs biological family more in biological family symptoms bad symptoms their brain changes they may make more receptors for dopamine because of the meds dopamine antagonist if you give normal person dopamine they will cause the hallucinations delusions when you look they don t actually have abnormal amounts of dopamine maybe their brain is sensitive to dopamine most schizophrenics have been taking medication to block dopamine for so long so dopamine is neurotransmitter for pleasure reward feels good we wouldn t find any pleasure if we were given dopamine blockers depression they won t stay on their medication because it makes them depressed some people show yes they do some don t Psychological Therapies Chapter 13 2 Types Clinical disorder you may need psychotherapy also biomedical therapy Often go together 1 Psychotherapy Psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud Austrian Physician inventor of psychoanalysis mental behavioral problems are caused by conflicts between acceptable Characteristics Dream Analysis unconscious mind emerges in brain Free Association unconscious mind emerges in free flowing stream of ideas Freudian Slip going on a rant without speaking slip with a word but it Conducted by clinical psychologists or psychiatrists Basically taking about your problems goals you want to make what exact therapy you need to help Cognitive Behavior Therapist to be free from actions compulsions 2 Types Insight Action Insight Therapies aimed at understanding motives actions why are you doing the things that you do lots of self reflection childhood relationships figure out WHY take longer some people actually stay in this type their whole life because they like it learn a lot about yourself actions troubles etc ADVANTAGES can learn about oneself may address root of problem could be life changing can be most effective if you know that there s a reason from past DISADVANTAGES may be lengthy costly may never find underlying cause of problem behavior unacceptable unconscious desires really means something because you said the wrong word close to repressed material seeking experiences and motivations for behavior ideas creating a completely accepting atmosphere Action Therapies aimed at changing behaviors figuring out way to make it go away change it moving forward so you can change it ADVANTAGES

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