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LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 1201 Historical Overview Hot Arid Oasis high contrast to surroundings Walled paradise Plants and trees 4 Rivers quadrangular layout Irrigation Not formal Beautifully fitted to the site Irregular Islamic Greek Pompeii Indoor outdoor relationships between houses and gardens Middle Ages Defense Inward introspective Walled or tops of hills Cloisters for study quadrangles Related to Parisian garden ideas Examples Carcassonne France o Le Puy France o Bad Wimpfen Germany o San Gimignano Italy Renaissance Italy Luxurious villas Cultivated intellectual lifestyle Search for order in design Cleanliness Well planned Plants mainly green Color from architecture pots etc Water extremely important in hot areas Hills outwardly expanding views Gardens terraced with water connecting between levels Outdoor spaces rooms organized along sight lines Theatrical design Examples Villa Dante o Villa D Este France Flatter terrain accentuated Cooler and greener than Italy Water in flat sheets Distant views Bilateral symmetry Huge scale Design teams collaboration o Le Notre Landscape Architect o Le Brun Painter Interior Designer o Le Vau Architect Examples Vaux LeVicomte Versailles England Japan There was much literary discussion of the landscape Cool and damp climate perfect for green grass and flowers Early gardens were imitations of the Italian style A Design Revolution changed all of this English Landscape School attacked the old Renaissance ideas Romantic painting of wild landscapes influenced design ideas Picturesque designs developed for gardens Many old gardens were destroyed Park like landscape replaced the old formal garden ideas Influenced by early Chinese heritage of Paradise Gardens Imitations of nature Pleasure Gardens for entertainment Miniature gardens as compared to the much larger early Chinese Gardens Reproduction of nature by artificial means Public Parks were observed in China 1000 years before the development of Western parks Scenic paintings were translated into garden designs Not symmetrical Park Movement Parks originally were country estates for the wealthy Technology and social consciousness combined to create public parks Emphasis on social aspects of design Concern for health and safety of workers and urban dwellers Repton proposed a scientific approach to planning the landscape knowledge of surveying mechanics hydraulics agriculture botany and architecture These ideas were spread through America Birkenhead Park in Liverpool England was the first planned public park Olmsted wrote about his observations of the park Utilitarian planning emphasized drainage systems and open space for disease o prevention Recreation thought of as a means of preventing crime The park movement and Central Park in particular later influenced town planning and highway design throughout the world BUILDING GREEN COMMUNITIES Tree Removal Regulated Urban Forest Canopy Maintained For Shade Healthy and Managed Mixed Native Species Urban Forest Canopy Real Estate Developments are Landscaped Green Parking Lots A Percentage of Natural Habitat Protected in the Community Open Space Carbon Footprint Reductions Cleaner Filtered Air Stream Bank Buffers Preserved Non point Pollution Abated On Site Storm Water Managed With Trees and Woodlands Recycling of Vegetation Waste Energy Use Reduced The View From the Road Enhanced Notes summarizing the film A Legacy for Living All that the environment asks is for man to live as part of nature Landscape Architects deal with the problems of adapting man to the environment o shopping o living o driving o having fun Land Use Planning How to properly use land Frederick Law Olmsted Park in New York City Design Process Analyze site Alternative ways of treating the site Solutions to keep man and nature in balance The Father of Landscape Architecture His legacy includes Central o Time Very important aspect of Landscape Architecture What will it be like in 20 50 years Team Approach to Planning and Design same profession Talents may be in areas of land use design construction plant materials economics and law affecting land use planning etc Different talents to team members even with the People Design influences people How do they feel Site Analysis Vegetation Slopes Hydrology Land use Zoning and legal restrictions These factors must be studied in order to solve problems of land use Outdoor Rooms spaces to life Outdoor rooms must be designed for people activities in order to bring Design and Planning Decisions Decisions are not made just for good looks They are made because that is the best way to do it Resources must be carefully preserved both man made and natural Collaboration Design Teams Working together the various professionals on a team can make cities better places to live for people Nature can be shaped to the mood People can be fitted to valuable space that is growing scarcer Stewardship Thoreau and Emerson thought that man should be the steward of the Earth and living things upon it Legacy Man must treat natural elements with greater concern to pass on the legacy

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LSU LA 1201 - Historical Overview

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