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LA Midterm Test Answers 1 During the implantation process barriers are put around trees in order to a Protect trees from damage b Protect soil around the trees from compaction c Keep construction equipment off of the soil around the trees d All of the above e None of the above 2 The landscape architect has to put into consideration that on most sites a There are existing natural and manmade features b Some things have to be removed during the implantation period c Some things have to be protected and saved d All of the above e None of the above 3 In his design for the art gallery in Washington D C I M Pei a Expressed the essence of the composition in the use of the triangle b Repeated the design of the existing art gallery on the opposite side of the plaza c Both A and B 4 Surveying is necessary for the location of horizontal placement of elements in the landscape rather than the vertical placement a FALSE 5 For the implementation process the landscape architect has to consider the space required for construction equipment and formwork as well as the dimensions of the actual part of the landscape that is to be constructed 7 When thinking of plants in terms of space the concepts that might be considered include a TRUE 6 A landscape architect studies plants to emphasize Line form texture and color a b Primarily to understand their growing requirements c Both A and B a Opening and closing of space b Concealing and revealing c The enclosure and shaping of space d All the above 8 Art can be defined as a An idea given form by the mind of man b Wild nature that gives inspiration to landscape architects c A magnificently beautiful wild landscape d A and B e B and C 9 Wild nature can be a source of inspiration to landscape architects it too is art a FALSE 10 Landscape architecture is a craft that emphasizes functional issues and skills rather than art a FALSE 11 GIS maps were used in the design process for the resort Island of Bimini to a Compare the relaxed atmosphere of Bimini to its neighbor Nassau b Determine where the buildable lands were c d Study the existing architectural styles Locate the Florida Keys in relation to the Bahamas 12 In constructing the Island resort of Bimini in the Bahamas the sand dunes on the beach were a Removed in order to make more recreational space b Cleared of their vegetation in order to ride dune buggies c Carefully preserved d Paved for skateboarding e None of the above 13 The planning of the Island resort of Bimini in the Bahamas a Emphasized a Polynesian theme for this tropical Island landscape b Called for exotic plants to be imported from South Florida and Jamaica c Emphasized the natural characteristics of the narrow island ridge that brought visitors into close contact with the water Included the creation of wide expenses of new land by dredging the mangrove 14 In order to provide for spectacular views over the blue waters of the Bimini coastline beach d houses were planned for the areas on the ocean side of the sand dunes 15 Which of the following is a component of geography a FALSE a Physical b Cultural c Economic d Descriptive e All the above a Catastrophic b Gradual c Day by day d All the above e None of the above 16 Changes in the landscape can be 17 Climate plays a strong part in shaping the landscape Forests indicate areas of high rainfall and grasslands indicate low rainfall a FALSE a TRUE 18 Soil is created by interaction between geology and climate 19 The earth s thin layer of soil makes a Base geology possible b Makes vegetation possible c d Food for carnivores in the food chain e B C D It possible for animals to feed on vegetation 20 An example of a catastrophic change in the landscape is glaciations a FALSE 21 Vaux Le Vicomte was a Designed by Andre Le Notre b Designed by Le Brun c Designed by Le Vau d All of the above Landscape painting a b Scenes of pastoral landscapes c d The economics of maintenance e All the above 23 The Greeks organized buildings 22 During the 1700s English designers of the landscape were influenced by Literary discussion of landscape principles and ideas In a very formal and symmetrical manner In haphazard fashion In freely suring space a b c d Not formally or rectangularly but with free grouping suggested by the site e None of the above 24 The middle ages are characterized by designs featuring a Strong indoor outdoor relationships b The four rivers paradise c d Floral parterres e All the above Inward introspective planning 25 The major garden spaces of Versailles are shaped by a Garden walls b Earthen embankments c Boxwood hedges d Buildings and trees e None of the above 26 The ecological factors that influenced Islamic Gardens was a Aridity b Heat c Oasis high contrast to the surrounding deserts d All the above 27 France during the 1600s started building gardens a That were completely different from Italian Renaissance gardens b That were inspired by Italian renaissance gardens c That were exact copies of Italian Renaissance gardens d That made use of water in the same manner as Italian Renaissance gardens 28 In Italian Renaissance gardens a Colorful flowers predominated b Green laws predominated c Plants were mainly variations in green d All the above 29 Typical characteristics of Medieval designs Long vistas a b Spectacular fountains c Walled cloister d All of the above 30 Later in his career Repton proposed a A more symmetrical proportioning b A rational and scientific approach to design c A more picturesque approach to design d All the above e worded different answer with Repton at bottom 31 Nature in Japanese gardens a Is stylized b Miniaturized c d All the above 32 The Italian Villa is characterized by Is often borrowed scenery from outside the garden boundaries a Terraced gardens with flowing water between the levels b Outward expanding views c Outdoor spaces organized along sight lines d All of the above 33 The plan for a landscape development a Describes what is on the site that has to be kept demolished or built b Describes what is under the surface of the site c Established vertical locations and horizontal locations for all elements d All the above 34 The spatial perception of land forms is affected by a Floor area b Slope c Silhouette of upper edge d All the above 35 Landforms can a Enclose space b Hide views c Be used for display d Be used to surprise us and create interest e All the above 36 The main products of Professional landscape Architect are his her ideas a FALSE a FALSE 37 As

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