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10 08 2013 1920 s Culture Wars Roaring 20s Harlem Renaissance Anti Immigration Ku Klux Klan 1915 BOOTLEGGERS MAKE ALCOHOL Religious Fundamentalism o Scopes Trial 1925 o Protestant Reformation Modernism Technological change Negative Responses o Carnage on the battlefield o Max weber the iron cage of civilization o Franz Kafka metamorphosis o T S Eliot The Wasteland Technology Science Psychology The New Deal Great Depression The Great Depression How was the New Deal possible Redefining politics redefining government redefining freedom Limits Gross annual domestic investment fell from 16 billion to 1 billion Stocks lost 90 of their value 26000 businesses failed 25 of the workforce was unemployed 33 of banks went under agricultural income declined from 12 billion to 5 3 billion 1 million farms seized foreclosures Franklin Delano Roosevelt 1933 1945 Liberal a new deal for the American people Laws and government programs to lift the economy out of the depression Coalition Government intervention o Emergency Banking Act 1933 Put money into banks Provided funds Federal Deposit insurance Corporation FDIC o National Industrial Recovery Act NIRA National Recovery Administration NRA Wagner Act 1935 National Labor Relations Board NLRB o Civilian Conservation Corps CCC Young men worked on outdoor labor 3million people were employed at 50 a month o Civil Works Administration CWA o Fair Labor Standards Act 1938 o Federal Housing Administration o National Housing Act Federal Housing Administration o Social Security Act 1935 Unemployment insurance Aid to the elderly and poor Aid to the disabled Aid to families with dependent children Most vulnerable members of the society because they couldn t work FDR s program Fireside chats o Least policy regulated o Weekly radio addresses where he would talk to the American public o Psychological effect o Connection with Americans o First president whose voice American s recognized Coalition o Compromise o Critics on the right said he was doing too much o Critics on the left said he wasn t doing enough Politics Transforming the Democratic Party Surge of the Left Liberalism o Labor 400 000 textile workers struck American federation of labor AFL Congress of Industrial Organizations CIO 1935 United Auto Workers UAW sit down campaign o Communist Party Popular front Emphasis on the people In a broad sense embracing everyone in the country Limits Social Security as a right of citizenship Women o More women in government Frances Perkins Secretary of Labor Active during the progressive era Member of hull house Hull house Eye witness of triangle factory fire Women were making shirts fire started locked in the building people burned to death or jumped out of the building and died Close advisor to Roosevelt Eleanor Roosevelt first lady Wrote a newspaper column Labor legislation work relief o Removal from the workplace Economy act 1932 African Americans o In government Mary McLeod Bethune special advisor on minority o Attention to injustice of segregation Eleanor Roosevelt Harold Ickes Secretary of the affairs Interior Were republican and loyal to Abraham Lincoln shifted to FDR for democratic values o Exclusion of Agriculture and Domestic Workers o Public Assistance Programs Up to states to determine who was in need 10 08 2013 10 08 2013

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UD HIST 206 - Culture Wars

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