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WWI 1914 1918 Main Points o Franze Ferdinand Sarajevo o Wilson declares neutrality o Lusitania May 1915 o American Intervention o Red Scare Immigration Restrictions o Prosperity WWI 1914 1918 o Began with Serbian terrorist group Black Hand killed the heir to the Austrian Hungary Empire Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand in 1914 Austria Hungary declares war on Serbia Allied Entente Powers Britain France Russia Vs Central Powers Austria Hungary Germany Italy Progression Era in American History the relationship between government and the American people was changing People looked towards the government to regulate the on going changes brought to American society by the onset of the Industrial Revolution and Americas rise to power on a national level Franze Ferdinand Serajevo o World War one breaks out in 1914 w the assassination of the Austrian Hungarian emperor Franze Ferdinand Assassinated by a Serbian nationalist Impose martials law massive crackdown in the empire to prevent a revolutionary outbreak Russia comes the aide of these rebel German sides with the Austrian Hungary empire France England Russia Wilson declares Neutrality o August 1914 President Wilson declares that the U S will remain neutral in the battle and will not take a side which allows them to manufacture and sell arms equipment to BOTH sides Protecting Americas access to foreign markets Wilson was also attempting to keep domestic 1 3 Americans in the census of 1910 was either first second generation Americans and therefor had relations with some of the European powers involved in WWI o Favoring the allied powers American Profiting and German Technology o The U S has to extend credit to the nations in which it was selling to Germans 26 Million English 2 Billion o The U S is clearly favoring the British in this war o Germans must rely on new smart technology Submarines U boats o Fragile could not stay underwater for very long o Allowed them to sink British ships Lusitania May 7 1915 British Ship o Germans warned Americans to stay away from British declaring British waters war zone o Nearing the Irish coast on May 7 a single torpedo struck the ship sinking it chain reaction Transporting arms to the English 1500 passengers drowned 197 Americans o The U S responds by threatening the Germans saying that they have to suspend all submarine warfare or the U S would declare a declaration of war they do so not wanting the U S to enter the war American Intervention in WWI o Zimmermann s Telegram Germany would assist Mexico in conquering U S territory if they fought a border war with the U S o In 1917 WWI reaches a deadlock and Germans decide to reinstate submarines warfare 5 Americans ships sunk in March 1917 Wilson ask Congress for a declaration of war April 6 1917 o Wilson says that U S was entering this war in order to make the world safe for democracy Fourteen Points Speech Fighting for world peace free trade disarmament self determination etc o Over 2 million Americans served in WWI for a little over a year o In entering WWI the U S does tip the balance and the stalemate is broken o November 1918 Germans surrender and sign for peace Paris Peace Conference Versailles Peace Treaty Germany forced to pay reparations and disarm League of Nations o A Wilson supported collective security organization who s member nations agreed to mediate future international disputes to prevent war and o In 1918 Republicans won control of Congress Rejected joining the advance global conditions league of Nations Thought that America would loose control in involving itself in international meddling also doubted that world peace could be established Isolationist and returning to the norm o Wilson s Versailles Treaty not ratified by congress separate treaties with German Austria and Hungary are ratified in 1921 American Unrest Striking Terrorism o Americans U S involvement in WWI o American people begin to question whether involvement in WWI was o Over 50 000 Americans died in combat another 50 000 pass from o When the war ends and soldiers return there is much American unrest Striking o Thousand American workers go on strike looking for more money and People wanted more money to provide for their families o U S steel police Boston municipal workers miners Terrorist ATTACKS o In addition to major strife terrorist strikes in American package bombs to Mayor of Seattle Attorney general U S Mitchell Palmer chief law enforcement official of the U S o Sets up special unit headed by J Edward Hoover head of the FBI roots of the FBI Investigate bombings 1919 1920 worth it disease less hours American He concludes that the source of this unrest is from communist agents from abroad Attempting to destabilize the U S during the Russian revolution caused Russia to withdraw from o Creating a workers paradise new world order o The U S begins to round up suspected communist suspend civil rights meetings broken up by federal agents dozens deported back to home WWI countries The first red scare the first time the government recognized communism as the threat to American civilization o The world seems to becoming unhinged o B c of the governments heavy handed response people become scared the bombings do stop Still not clear exactly who was behind the bombings Red scare leads to the American isolationism o Workers do get modest wage increases and less hours o People are afraid that returning soldiers would replace them not a good o Period of American isolationism WWI waste of time money and o Restrict the number of immigrants allowed into the U S which changes this past steady flow cap at 150 000 immigrants select amount from time to be striking American blood each country How does this change working conditions change U S economy o Working conditions improve wages increase o No steady supply of labor and so the value of citizen labor rises o 1920 s characterized by a growing prosperity o The GDP rises by 40 during the 1920 s considerable economic growth growth for consumer items Change in American Business Operation o In 1902 only 2 of companies used electricity o By 1930 over 85 of U S businesses run on electricity allowing companies greater mobility don t have to be near water power instead they can move closer to source of labor raw material transportation flexible Changes the way people live homes cities Changes in new appliances o Washing machines vacuum cleaners irons refrigerators o Quality of life changes becomes easier o Spreading the use of the automobile price

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