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Psychology 2301 Study Guide Exam 1 The topics terms and names listed below represent the main areas to be covered on the exam original sin Thought that a child must be raised to get away from selfishness they are born with John Locke Children are born as a blank state with the capacity to be influenced by experiences Positive experiences positive experiences Jean Jacque Rousseau Children are born with innate purity and goodness The purpose of raising the child is to supply the child s basic needs Hall Father of developmental psychology recorded a large number of kids questionnaires measure how thinking varies over time development of developmental norms what age kids reach certain milestones adolescence is a period that needs to be studied in itself Gesell videotaped kids and other complex methods of studying kids systematic observations development occurs through maturation Maturation occurs with genes heredity Domains of developmental psychology Physical what child can do Cognitive problem solving Social new behaviors Goals of developmental science Define exact and detailed description of behavior Explain provide answers as to why we see what we see predict hypothesize what will happen in the future Influence improve human condition Theory Logically related concepts that describe and explain why behaviors take place Concise parsimonious Heuristic Build on existing knowledge Falsifiable Nature vs nurture Does hereditary or environment determine how a child behaves and develops Continuity vs discontinuity Slow evolving development or development in stages Activity vs passivity Child engaged in development look for stimulation gravitates towards most information look for control of environment vs inactive and depend on environment Research methods Surveys Questionnaires Track information over time Advantages quick Problems Sample may be influenced by social acceptability of answers not always truthful answers Experiments Control group is unaltered and the experimental group undergoes various treatments to see the effects Treatment independent variable variable where change will occur dependent variable Confounding variables variables outside the independent variable that has an effect on the control Advantage shows cause and effect relationships Problem Controlled to the point where ecological validity is lacking Naturalistic studies See behaviors in a natural setting coding scheme what you re looking for time sampling observe a behavior in a structured way Advantages See behaviors in a natural setting Disadvantages time consuming training Longitudinal Follow a single group over time stability of behaviors norms Disadvantages Drop out effect people disproportionally drop out of the study Cross generational effect 1 cohort with a separate experience than others Cross sectional People of different ages are compared Problems Different education not experiences influence results cohort effects each participant tested only once no changes over time Sequential design Combines cross sectional and longitudinal studies Participants studied multiple times over several years allowing for comparison of the group to itself Comparisons of cohorts Ethnography detailed description of a single culture or context Freudian theory Stresses importance of unconscious sexual forces tension between urges feelings and society child develops personality that controls urges eros driving force that sustains life breathing etc Thanats destructive force Stages of development Oral urges in mouth oral activities baby not fed or changed on time problems in personality Anal 1 3 conflict over potty training Phallic 3 6 urges focused on genital area of a baby Boys desire for mother oedipal complex identifies with father to impress mother repression of feelings fear castration anxiety superego develops out of forbidden emotions Girls Electra conflict blames mother for lack of penis grows close to father and realizes there is still a lack of a penis renounce father and becomes close to mother less reason less well develop superego less identified with mother less morally upright Latency period 6 12 quiet period focus on school recover from emotions from prior years Genital stage 12 puberty on focus on genital region relationships having a family partners taking care of family Id legislature of personality Pleasure principle instant gratification Ego reality principle executive control id Superego morality judicial branch check on ego moral choices Erikson Agreed with Freud about basic instincts id ego superego Disagreed w him adaptive active seek to do better experience best outcome ego strongest and most important part of personality culture society important Criticism not a developmental theory 8 stages of conflict crisis at each stage to resolve Trust vs mistrust infancy baby can depend on caretakers mother s overall response to baby parents not responsive people not trustworthy Identity vs role confusion adolescence understand self concept core values preparation for adulthood Negative outcomes of role confusion depression schizophrenia delinquent conduct gangs cult Positives experiences of responsiveness in kids Watson Children can be trained to be or do anything Behaviorism development in terms of behavior changes caused by environmental influences Learning theories theories asserting that development results from an accumulation of experiences Reinforcement anything that follows a behavior and causes it to be repeated Positive reinforcement pleasant consequence that increases the chance that a behavior will occur again Negative reinforcement an individual learns a new behavior that will replace an unwanted behavior Punishment anything that follows a behavior and causes it to stop Piaget Constructivist children construct own development active adaptive curious explore reflexes represent effort to explore grasping grasp objects in different ways sucking reflex suck thumb nipple etc IQ tests decide child s profession patterns in certain ages certain abilities many abilities and thoughts develop Intelligence basic life function creature survive and adapt Intellect Content least interesting what we know IQ Contribution influenced teaching school systems Equilibrium all cognitive development stems from this state of balance between thought processes and development disequilibrium unbalance of concepts unable to make adjustments to solve problems Never complete equilibrium motivation to grow and change Cognitive

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TEMPLE PSY 2301 - Study Guide Exam #1

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