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EXAM TWO 1 LECTURE ONE 3 6 13 CHAPTER FOUR Physical Developmental Infancy Health Wellness complete physical mental and social wellbeing Infant Mortality death of deaths during a particular year per one thousand live births Increase mortality caused by poor maternal health when mothers have inadequate prenatal care infant malnutrition and limited access to health care Infant mortality also increased with Mothers age higher in women younger than 20 and older than 40 Being African American twice as high as national average 14 per 1000 Gender higher in boys than girls Region of country higher in southern states and lower in northeast and If mother smokes 68 higher Education west Angola has the highest rate of infant mortality at 190 per 1000 live births US is one of the highest industrialized countries of world is at 7 per 1000 Sweden tends to have the lowest rate at 3 per 1000 live births Three leading causes of infant mortality in US 1 Birth defects 2 Being of low birth weight premature especially at risk Lack of access to early adequate prenatal care 3 Sudden infant death syndrome SIDS Highest mortality rates are in regions of southeast Asia and sub Saharan Africa 20 of African women can expect to lose an infant in their lifetime 40 of children who die before five years tend to be newborns World Health Organization estimates that 75 of newborn deaths could be prevented with proper maternal nutrition appropriate medical care during pregnancy and child birth and adequate care after birth Nutrition process by which we take in food and use it to supply the body o Adequate nutrition has strong links to child s growth and wellbeing o Breastfeed or not If not then parents will bottle feed American Academy of Pediatrics uniquely better for infant s being recommended baby is breastfed for first six months of life breastfeeding w supplementation should continue to 12 months of age o Benefits for infant Lower rates of infectious diseases Lower likelihood of ear and respiratory tract infections diarrhea Lower rates of infant mortality Less likely die from SIDs Decreases likelihood of childhood diabetes Less likely for childhood cancer Decreases likelihood of developing asthma o Benefits to mother Lessens likelihood of bleeding after delivery Increase spacing of kids Women who breastfeed stop ovulating Earlier return to pre pregnancy weight Decrease likelihood of developing ovarian and breast cancer EXAM TWO 2 Less likely to develop osteoporosis o Malnutrition lacking one or more nutrients that are needed for the body Especially important in first two years when brain and nervous system are developing rapidly malnutrition can impair brain and nervous system functioning o Two forms to malnutrition Macronutrient less common diet that contains too few calories to sustain growth Extreme will cause Marasmus disease o Infants w Marasmus are severely underweight more likely to have nerve damage may have chronic diarrhea may be a link to mental illness in adulthood Kwashiorkor Disease diet deficient in protein o Develops when baby is weaned from mother s breast and doesn t receive proteins of another form o Physical problems including swelling feet and hands irritability and possibly brain damage Micronutrient common in US estimated that 65 of infants have diets that are deficient in iron Diets low enough in iron to cause anemia o Children w anemia tend to score on mental and motor development and in some cases kids show signs of language impairment o More likely if mother is iron deficient low birth weight if they drink cow s milk low in iron or if parents use low iron formula Diet deficient in calcium or vitamin D o Rickets Softening or weakening of child s bones Food insecurity frequent lack of access to enough food for active and healthy living 18 of families in US are food insecure 30 if single parent households in the country are food insecure Rate of Immunization o Infants need shots early in life to protect against diseases o Considered an indicator of country s health status o Full set of shots include 1 Hepatitis 2 3 Flu 4 Polio 5 Measles and Chicken pox DTP diphtheria tetanus impetuses o 80 of kids in US will receive full set of shots discrepancy in textbook Highest rate in Connecticut 94 receive full set Lowest rate in Colorado 67 receive full set PA has 69 Philadelphia is 68 full set of shots o Around the world 78 of kids receive immunization of DPT which is considered bare minimum for essential shots up from 20 in 1980 o Southeast Asian and sub Saharan Africa receive lowest percent Which is EXAM TWO 3 o Child s health care insurance insurance o In 2003 12 of all kids 20 living in poverty lacked health care o Kids who lack coverage are less likely to receive care for infections tonsillitis asthma regular wellbeing baby checkups and more likely to use hospital ER rooms at routine care o Around the world about 10 6 million kids die before reaching five years old of conditions from immunizations that medical care would prevent or not treat Kids are likely to succumb to respiratory infections measles diarrhea Sudden Infant Death Syndrome healthy infants w no apparent problems are put down to sleep at night and then won t wake up Leading cause of death under one Most at risk from 2 to 4 months Causes are not well known but we know how to decrease likelihood Factors linked to SIDs o Infant s sleeping position on stomach has more higher risk Campaign in 2000s tried to get parent s to get kids to sleep on back SIDS rate declined by 48 Soft bedding Over heating wrapped too tightly in too much clothing Mother s smoking before and after pregnancy Infant exposed to illicit drugs prenatally Increased during winter months LECTURE TWO 3 18 13 Physical Activity and Obesity Great concern over obesity rates in America If kids are obese is early childhood there is a likely chance they will be obese in adulthood Physically active 3 years 12 years olds o Researchers took kids when they were young followed them to three years old and twelve years old o Factors linked to Kids are more active Gender males more than females Kids who s families have a nutritious diet Kids were more active if they spent more time outside Kids whose parents are fit were more likely to be more active Living in a community that had active recreation center and active Obesity 3 years 12 years olds programs o 15 of kids 2 5 years old are considered overweight o 16 of kids 2 5 years old are considered at risk for being overweight by

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