Psychology Review Sheet Chapters 9 12 1 Theories of Language Development a Behaviorist B F Skinner reinforcement shaping extinctions operant conditioning i Language development ii Does not predict over generalizations of children was learning through trial and error b Nativist language development is best explained as innate biological capacity i Language is acquired during a restricted period of development ii Why language develops c Interactionist Social interaction and experience 2 Concept Category formation a Family resemblance features that appear to be characteristics of category members but may not be possessed by every member b Prototype theory best most typical member of the category c Exemplar comparing new instances with stored memories for other instances of the category 3 Algorithm Set way to do something 4 Heuristics Fast and efficient mental shortcuts that may or may not be effective in problem solving 5 Ratio IQ Statistic obtained by mental age physical age 6 Deviation IQ individual score average score in same group x10 x 100 a Age alone does not influence IQ 7 Spearman s Factor Theory a Large number correlations small number of underlying factors b Only affect specific tasks 8 Thurstone s Factor Theory a 7 specific factors 9 Gardener s Multiple Intelligences a Linguistic b Logical mathematical c Musical d Spatial e Bodily kinesthetic f Interpersonal g Naturalistic h Spiritual i Existential j Interpersonal relating to oneself 10 Sternberg s Intelligence a Analytic intelligence solve problems in situations with one right answer b Practical application of one s experiences to the external world and everyday tasks c Creative ability to deal with novel situations and think about situations in new ways Biological Theory a Environmental factors that affect intelligence include family size birth order gender race etc Smallest unit of sound in language is phoneme 11 12 1 Prenatal development stages a Germinal stage prenatal development starting at conception i Zygote ii Sperm and eggs b Embryonic stage embryo and bodily systems c Fetal stage fetus the brain 2 Prenatal environment a Teratogens agents that damage the process of development b Learning in the womb fetal stage c Motor development execute physical activity d Reflexes patterns of motor responses that are triggered by specific patterns of sensory information e Cephalocaudal rule motor skills go from head feet f Proximodistal rule center of body to periphery trunk elbows knees hands feet 3 Perceptual development a Functional at birth b Infants show spontaneous looking preferences c Contrast sensitivity d Visual depth e Motion based depth cues 4 Piaget s 5 stages of cognitive development a Sensorimotor understand through senses object permanence object exists even when you cannot see it develop assimilation organization into schemes accommodation new categories language b Pre operational motor skills but not understanding conservation of physical properties centration focus on one feature of an object egocentrism how they see a situation c Concrete operational conservation transform object but still the same object d Formal operational abstract and hypothetical reasoning a Attachment emotional bond that forms between newborns and primary caregivers b Separation anxiety children are separated from their caregivers c Secure secure base d Avoidants not attached e Ambivalent seek and then avoid caregiver f Disorganized confused g Authoritarian increase in control decrease in affection 5 Social development h Authoritative moderate levels of control and affection i Permissive moderate levels of affections low levels of control j Uninvolved low levels of both affection and control 1 Psychodynamic approach permanent traits dispositions or characteristics Freud personality formed by needs strivings and desires personality formed in childhood a Id drives present at birth bodily needs unconscious b Pleasure principle seek immediate pleasure at any c Ego external world enables us to deal with life s impulse practical demands d Reality principle delay of gratifying immediate needs and functions effectively in the world e Superego mental system that reflects internalization of cultural roles 2 Psychosexual stages a Fixation pleasure seeking drive becomes psychologically stuck at a stage b Oral stage libido gratification comes from oral exploration of the world pessimism c Anal stage being in control excessive order d Phallic stage pleasure conflict frustration of phallic genital region sex role identification problem e Latency stage no interest f Genital stage intimacy 3 Defense mechanisms unconscious coping mechanisms that reduce anxiety generated by threats from unacceptable impulses a Denial refusing to accept that the feeling is present b Repression refusing to think about anxiety causing thoughts motivated forgetting c Projection attributing one s undesirable traits actions onto others they become the problem not you d Reaction formation taking actions opposite to one s feelings in order to deny the reality of the feelings e Rationalization creating intellectually acceptable arguments for thoughts behavior to hide the actual anxiety causing impulses f Regression reverting to the comfort of behaviors of an earlier stage of development in order to cope g Displacement substituting a less threatening object for the subject of the hostile sexual impulse h Sublimation redirecting anxiety causing impulses into socially acceptable actions 4 Trait Theory Big Five a Consciousness b Extraversion sociable c Agreeableness gets along well with others flexible versus stubborn d Heuroticism emotional stability neurotic 5 Personality inventories 1 Group two or more people who believe they have something in common 2 Prejudice a positive or negative evaluation 3 Discrimination a positive or negative behavior 4 In group versus Out group a People behave differently when in groups i Deindividuation physical masking ii Social loafing tendency for people to expend less effort when in a group than when they are alone 1 Bystander effect diffusion of responsibility iii Group polarization initial learning is stronger overtime 1 Groupthink iv Attraction 1 Situation geographically closer 2 Physical attractive features 3 Psychological intimacy commitment passion 5 Approval motive power of social acceptance a Conformity and obedience 6 Accuracy motive being right a Informational behavioral influence persuasion 7 Cognitive dissonance Reduce by changing
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