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12 27 2014 StudyBlue Flashcard Printing of ALL Deck Structuralism understand mind by analyzing basic units of though break down conscious experience Willhelm Wundt 1879 structuralist father of psychology Dualism Nativism dualistic nature of humans is what separates them from nonhumans nature men are born not made Ren Descartes 1596 1650 dualist heavy emphasis on separation between soul and body https www studyblue com printFlashcardDeck deckId 13326082 1 100 12 27 2014 StudyBlue Flashcard Printing of ALL Deck Functionalism determine function of behavior William James 1892 1910 functionalist focused on how actions help organism adapt to environment Actionalism how events ideas become associated in mind learning memory formation Hermann Ebbinghaus 1850 1909 actionalist studied memory and learning Materialism nothing exists but matter energy https www studyblue com printFlashcardDeck deckId 13326082 2 100 12 27 2014 StudyBlue Flashcard Printing of ALL Deck Thomas Hobbes 1588 1679 materialist humans are inherently bad all behavior can be understood by physical processes Empiricism nurture men are made not born John Locke 1632 1704 empiricist tabula rasa blank slate no human nature only ability to adapt to environment Max Wertheimer 1880 1943 Gestalt Psychology understand how people perceive information as a whole mind wants to organize things seen Immanuel Kant 1729 1804 A Priori Knowledge built into human brain doesn t have to be learnedA Posteriori Knowledge gained from experience in enivornment https www studyblue com printFlashcardDeck deckId 13326082 3 100 12 27 2014 StudyBlue Flashcard Printing of ALL Deck Charles Darwin 1809 1882 natural selection behaviors naturally selected if improve chances of survival reproduction Hippocrates brain is ultimate source of emotions thoughts Aristotle focused on how humans should behave to maximize happiness anecdotal evidence B F Skinner behaviorist experimental analysis of behavior all behavior should be studied analyzed modify environment to maintain discourage a behavior Albert Bandura Bobo Doll Experiment 1961 children imitated aggression kindness when given opportunity showed children can learn aggression through observational learning children heavily influenced by watching adults boys more influenced by men girls more influenced by women https www studyblue com printFlashcardDeck deckId 13326082 4 100 12 27 2014 StudyBlue Flashcard Printing of ALL Deck Level of Analysis level of process studied not complementary no opposites Biological Approaches Experience Knowledge Psychologists vs Psychiatrists Correlational Studies Neural cause brain Physiological cause internal chem f x s Genetic cause genes Evolutionary cause natural selection Learning cause prior experiences w environment Cognitive cause knowledge or beliefs Social cause influence of other people Cultural cause culture in which person develops Developmental cause age related changes Psychologists have graduate degrees Ph D Psy D Ed D Psychiatrists are physicians can prescribe medication have medical degrees M D relationship b n already existing variables no variables manipulated CANNOT determine cause effect does NOT imply causality https www studyblue com printFlashcardDeck deckId 13326082 5 100 12 27 2014 StudyBlue Flashcard Printing of ALL Deck Experimental only method to determine cause effect relationship b n Independent Variable is changed and Dependent Variable will change researcher controls changes in IV and observes changes in DV Self Report Methods people rate describe own behavior mental stateIntrospection personal observations of one s thoughts perceptions feelings Observational Methods researchers observe record behaviors subjects aware of being observed can only observe behavior not thoughts more natural for subjects Descriptive Statistics summarize sets of data all numerical methods mean median variability standard deviation Correlation Coefficient strength and direction of relationships correlation causation Positive Correlation same direction Negative Correlation opposite directions Strength of Correlation absolute value of coeff 1 00 to 1 00 closer to 1 stronger relationship close to 0 unrelated https www studyblue com printFlashcardDeck deckId 13326082 6 100 12 27 2014 StudyBlue Flashcard Printing of ALL Deck https www studyblue com printFlashcardDeck deckId 13326082 7 100 12 27 2014 StudyBlue Flashcard Printing of ALL Deck Descriptive Studies describe behavior of subject s w o assessing relationships b n different variables Laboratory Study researcher facilitates collection environment artificial setting of data control over Field Study researcher does NOT have control over experiences and environment naturalistic observation no control Longitudinal Time Span study same individuals over period of time Attrition when subjects drop out of longitudinal experiments Cross Sectional Time study people at one Span time https www studyblue com printFlashcardDeck deckId 13326082 8 100 12 27 2014 StudyBlue Flashcard Printing of ALL Deck Informed Consent privacy confidentiality everything is voluntary protection from harm no long term physical or psychological damage told free to quit at any time debriefing clear up white lies Double Blind Experiment both observer and subjects blind about treatment to avoid observer subject expectancy effects Observer Expectancy Effects experimenter bias researcher unexpectedly influences subject w expectations Subject Expectancy Effects different treatments in experiment induce different expectations in subjects affect subjects responses Social Desirability Bias Hawthorne Effect data affected by subjects knowledge of researcher s presence over answers more socially acceptable specific to Observational Methods effects weakened in report good under report bad make longitudinal studies https www studyblue com printFlashcardDeck deckId 13326082 9 100 12 27 2014 StudyBlue Flashcard Printing of ALL Deck Sensory Neurons carry information from sensory organs into CNS Motor Neurons carry messages from CNS to muscles glands Interneurons only in CNS carry messages from neurons to neurons collect organize integrate messages Soma cell body Dendrites INPUT increase surface area of cell https www studyblue com printFlashcardDeck deckId 13326082 10 100 12 27 2014 StudyBlue Flashcard Printing of ALL Deck Axon OUTPUT transmit messages to neurons motor neurons Axon Terminal release neurotransmitters branches out to fibers called Terminal Buttons

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OSU PSYCH 1100H - StudyBlue Flashcard

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