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WEEK 9 Monroe Doctrine 1823 Document issued by President James Monroe to shutout any European colonization in the western hemisphere to protect the United States from potentially getting colonized South America was rising up and gaining independence form their colonizer at the time and Monroe simply sent the warning to Europe of the United State s zone of influence Suez Canal 1859 1869 Canal built through Egypt for faster travel Owned and controlled by a British company to their benefit Egyptians became upset because they did not have any control of the Suez Canal running through their country This lead to the uprising in Egypt forcing British government to invade taking control over a large piece of Egyptian land Scramble for Africa 1870s 1880s Europeans saw Africa as a gold mine for natural resources and materials The Belgian king ruler of Belgian Congo began the Berlin Conference 1884 1885 to divide African territory for the major European powers French Sahara and British Northeast and Southern regions Boer Wars 1880 1902 War fought between the Dutch Boers settlers in Southern Africa and Cecil Rhodes diamond mining magnate commercial empire The British got involved which resulted in two sets of wars known as the Boer Wars First Boer War 1880 1881 and Second Boer War 1889 1902 The series of wars showed the normal rules of warfare did not apply to colonial settings as machine guns gorilla warfare tactics and concentration camps were used British East India Company 1757 1857 Commercial control with a right from the government to own monopoly right to trade Started by taking existing ports then began to take over entire territories such as Bengal basically took over all of India through direct and Indirect rule Sepoys Indian soldier working under British rule The British East India Company recruited Indian soldiers to fight for British leading to the Indian Rebellion Sepoy Rebellion in 1857 Indian Rebellion Mutiny 1857 The sepoys working under British rule started the Indian Rebellion Sepoy Rebellion based on a rumor that bullet casings were made of beef and pork fat The sepoys refused to bite the bullet making British government send in soldiers Power was taken away form the British East India Company by the upset British government Civilizing Mission Colonial native elites were not the primary ones to engage with native populations the missionaries engaged from various religions Mission was not just to bring God but to elevate them to a better civilization status teach them chastity and saving and how to be more European like Missionaries were most likely to learn the native languages of the places they were going had the most knowledge and would often become the representative of colonial representation in villages Sometimes spoke out against colonial policies and were their voice Engaged in white man s burden believed they had to help other populations get to the white man s standard Social Darwinism Scientific form of racism belief that there are some people more worthy than others benefited the whites Darwin s theory of how natural selection could apply to humanity but he did not support the extreme ideas like Francis Galton and Herbert Spencer Argued that cultures or races that won the struggle for existence had been chosen by nature to rule the world Skin color now mattered far more than religious allegiance or language and its shades were arrayed to form an evolutionary hierarchy Human Zoos Human beings from colonial societies were brought to Europe and put in zoos on display Social Darwinist theory that they were a different subspecies taught the public that racism was scientific Demonstration of superiority of the white race Ideas linked to social hierarchy extremely common back then would feed the future Nazi s WEEK 10 Modernism Embracing whats new in the world in architecture art inventions bicycles automobiles telegraph radio light bulb Embraced avant garde artists that were constantly coming up with new creative forms and trends Avant garde ahead of the rest used by movements at the end of the 19th century celebrating art considered ahead of its time Appealed to those who liked to be on what we would call the cutting edge or who disdained the pedestrian tastes of the masses Always pushing forward and creating new tends and forms Cartels Groups of companies in industry that agree to decrease competition they all fix the same price to get similar profits Agree to not let new competitors into the field Most popular cartel was an Industrial cartel in the 2nd industrial revolution Second industrial revolution 1870s New industrialization phase with breakouts in chemistry electricity and steel production Made different products than the first revolution Steel was most important as it was used for battleships skyscrapers and cars Era of Cartels and monopolies no longer free market Suffragettes early 20th century Feminist movement in Britain seeking to obtain voting rights for women Had to prove themselves worthy of having the right to vote felt like their voice was not being heard so they turned to more violent forces British Women s Social and Political Union used radical tactics such as chaining themselves to political buildings Revolutionary socialists vs revisionists Against compromise wanted complete revolution believed that revolution must be pushed forward should not sit back and wait and would use violence if necessary More radical than the revisionists Small groups of radical leaders would have to speak revolution for the workers own good Anarchists Viewed the states as a tool of bourgeois interests and this rejected participation in parliamentary politics in favor of revolutionary action Proclaimed that since governments inevitably fell into the hands of the elite they needed to be done away with entirely Tiny movement but it was a highly visible one as a number of its backers undertook to achieve their ends through terror believed in using violence to overthrow the state and capitalism Christian socialism 19th century Mass political movement that sought to curb the excesses and inequalities of liberal capitalism but opposed the idea of socialist revolution Agreed with the socialists that capitalism needed to be tempered but should be obtained by taxing businesses and providing services rather than radical revolution Capitalism was causing terrible suffering unceasing conflict between workers and employers Formed Catholic work unions during this time to stand up

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