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Chapter 13 Psychological Disorders 1 What is abnormal psychology functioning b What is abnormal i The Four D s a Describe predict explain and change abnormal patterns of 1 Deviance different bizarre behavior different extreme a Engaging in social activities a lot less 2 Distress unpleasant and upsetting thoughts and thoughts behaviors 3 Dysfunction behavior thoughts and feelings interfere with the person s ability to carry out day to day function a Best way to define abnormal behavior 2 Identifying psychological disorders 4 Danger a Medical model focuses on physiological conditions that underlie 3 Anxiety Disorders abnormal behavior Fifth Edition i DSM 5 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 1 Lists specific criteria for diagnosing over 400 psychological disorders in children and adults b Comorbidity diagnosis is also difficult because some people suffer from more than one disorder c Diathesis Stress Model predisposed heritability for a mental disorder that remains unexpressed until triggered by stress a Anxiety generalized feeling of fear and apprehension i Physical cognitive emotional and behavioral components b Generalized Anxiety Disorder i A disorder characterized by chronic excessive worry and 3 or more of the following symptoms 1 Restlessness fatigue concentration problems irritability muscle tension inability to relax sleep disturbance ii Symptoms need to be present for six month at least iii No specific trigger iv Neurotransmitter imbalance 1 Benzodiazepines stimulate GABA c Phobic Disorders i Characterized by persistent excessive irrational fear and avoidance of a specific object activity or situation ii Negative reinforcement iii Social phobia 1 An irrational fear and avoidance of public situations iv Specific phobia 1 Irrational persistent fear and avoidance of a specific object or situation not related to a social aspect v Preparedness theory of phobias 1 Humans are instinctively predisposed to certain fear vi Systematic desensitization d Panic Disorder i A disorder characterized by the sudden occurrence of multiple psychological and physiological symptoms that contribute to a feeling of stark terror ii Characterized by panic attacks iii No identifiable trigger e Obsessive Compulsive Disorder i Obsessions repetitive intrusive persistent and uncontrollable thoughts and irrational beliefs ii Compulsions ritualistic behaviors designed to reduce anx iii iv Biological mechanism undetermined but heightened neural Interferes significantly with a person s functioning activity in the caudate nucleus of the basal ganglia v Treatment is antidepressants f Post traumatic stress disorder 4 Dissociative Disorders a Sudden by temporary alteration in consciousness identity sensorimotor behavior or memory b Loss of awareness c Dissociative experiences d Dissociative Identity Disorder i The presence within an individual of 2 or more distinct identities 1 Each identity is dominant at different times 2 Principal identity cannot remember what happens when other identities are in control 3 Alter personality 5 Mood Disorders a Mood disturbance as predominant feature b Significant changes in a person s mental state c Depressive Disorders i Biological factors 1 Heritability 2 Drugs a Neurotransmitters 3 Brain activity ii Psychological factors 1 Negative cognitive style a A person may construct the world that may confirm and contribute to negative beliefs b Negative thinking becomes automatic sometimes without realization 2 Seligman s Learned Helplessness theory a Those who are prone to depression will automatically attribute negative experiences to things that are eternal stable global i Cannot control the outcome of things things will just happen cannot prevent things from occurring do not try 1 Repeated failures lead one to stop iii Types of depressive disorders 1 Major depressive disorder unipolar even trying a Severely depressed mood lasting 2 weeks or more 2 Dysthymia years pattern a Same symptoms less severe but longer at least 2 3 Seasonal Affective Disorder SAD a Recurrent depressive episodes in a seasonal 4 Postpartum Depression a Depression following childbirth d Bipolar Disorder depression i Cycles of persistent high mood mania and low mood 1 Mania excitement euphoria boundless energy rapid speech inflated self esteem impulsivity ii Biological factors 1 High rates of heritability iii Psychological factors 1 Stressful life experiences 2 Stress and personality 6 Schizophrenia a Disruption of basic psychological processes b Symptoms i Delusion grandeur and or persecution 1 False beliefs that are not consistent with reality 2 Grandeur a person feels that they are a special or famous person people look to them to provide expertise admire them 3 Persecution being followed or being watched by the government or aliens 4 Centered around a theme ii Hallucination go along with delusion s theme 1 False but very compelling perceptual experiences 2 See things feel things hear voices iii Disorganized speech impaired language use iv Grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior 1 Disorganized behavior that tends to be inappropriate 2 Catatonic odd body positions that seem uncomfortable for the situation to those around v Flat Affect Ambivalent Affect 1 Flat Affect absence of emotions 2 Ambivalent Affect range of emotions really quickly that are not the type of emotions expected for the situation vi Positive symptoms symptoms that are added to people with schizophrenia vii Negative symptoms symptoms that are subtracted from people with schizophrenia c Biological factors i Prenatal exposure to toxins ii Dopamine hypothesis disorder itself is caused by an excess activity of dopamine in the brain iii Neuroanatomy 1 Enlarged ventricles 2 Tissue loss in parietal lobe d Environmental x Biological Interaction i Heritability with environmental factors like stress 7 Personality Disorders a Antisocial Personality Disorder i Lack of moral sense no remorse for others do not fear ii History of conduct disorder deception crime legal problems punishment and violent behavior iii Biological factors 1 Amygdala and hippocampus 2 Associated with smaller frontal lobes 3 More common in men than in women 4 Higher risk for other problems like alcoholism 5 More common in people who have experienced neglect

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KSU PSYC 11762 - Chapter 13 Psychological Disorders

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