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1 23 15 Lecture 5 Plasma Membrane Components Proteins figure o Integral Serve as channels receptors anchors Amphipathic so they can orient themselves in the bilayer Not removable hard to pull out of membrane because they have polar and non polar regions Many of them are transmembrane o Goes completely across the membrane o Peripheral impact shape and motility Polar because they lie on the polar heads Found in the inside of the cell in the intracellular fluid on the cytosolic side NOT the outside Cytosolic surface in Glycocalyx allows for Identification and Interactions o Our immune system can recognize it It is a protein on the outside of the cell Allows for identification and interaction between cells o Are you a healthy cell or a foreign malicious cell It is a sugar chain anchored in a protein Everyone has a unique glycocalyx Pathogens are recognized because they do not have the same glycocalyx as us o Short branched carbohydrates AKA sugars o 3D reason it looks fuzzy under a microscope Give fuzzy surface If we have a cross section of a cell we can tell which side is the outside inside of the cell by looking for the fuzzy Junctions for interactions figure 3 9 These help form tissues 1 Gap Junctions o Channels linking two cytosols o Direct channels between adjacent cells o Signals can move through gap junctions The signal is limited to the size of the channel o Small so we have limited exchange o Allows interstitial fluid flow There is intracellular fluid flow too 2 Desmosome o protein linkage between cells o Kind of like sowing cells together 1 23 15 o There are still some small spaces in between where they aren t being o Things cannot move from one cell to another through this All is does is held hold cells together o Spot welds o Allows interstitial fluid flow BUT there is not intracellular fluid flow 3 Tight Junctions o joining of plasma membranes o Kind of like desmosome but the connection is ALL the way around our cells 3D o Forms a band around the cell Plasma membranes are fully connected all the way around They block interstitial fluid flow There is obviously no intracellular fluid flow either Useful in the digestive tract skin epithelial cells Creates barrier between outside and inside of you Cellular Metabolic Pathways Energy source ATP adenosine triphosphate o Phosphate bonds are high energy Energy is released when we break a phosphate bond Refer to equation 1 Making ATP o 1 Substrate Level Phosphorylation Substrate interaction P bound to a substrate is transferred to ADP ATP X ADP XP Ex glycolysis and krebs cycle and creatine in muscles Know all three examples o 2 Oxidative Phosphorylation Uses the electron transport chain system For THIS class we can say they are synonymous Energy input allows unbound P to bind to ADP

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OSU EEOB 2520 - Plasma Membrane

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