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Points Awarded Points Missed Percentage 75 62 24 38 75 6 1 While Huntington s Disease is ultimately fatal it is transmitted between generations because A carriers of the allele do not develop the disease B it only affects males so females are able to pass the allele to their children C its symptoms do not appear until later in life D heterozygotes have a selective advantage over both homozygotes Points Earned Correct Answer s 0 0 2 5 C 2 3 An individual with the genotype DdEeFfGg under goes self fertilization How many different genotypes will there be in the offspring of this cross A 9 B 16 C 27 D 81 Points Earned Correct Answer s 0 0 2 5 D This image taken from a university web site about landscape plants is labeled Ginkgo biloba Female flower cluster A This is incorrect because Ginkgo Trees have perfect flowers B This is correct because Gingko Trees have imperfect flowers C This is incorrect because Gingko Trees do not have flowers D This is correct because Gingko Trees are wind pollinated Points Earned Correct Answer s 0 0 2 5 C 4 What is the probability that individual III 8 will have an affected child if her husband has the same genotype as individual III 2 A 1 4 B 1 2 C 2 3 D 3 4 5 Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 B There are two types of Mexican hairless dogs Some have hair but most do not The gene responsible for hairlessness is inherited as an autosomal dominant it is lethal in the homozygous form and puppies with this genotype are not born Dogs that have hair are homozygous recessive If two Mexican hairless dogs without hair are mated what proportion of puppies in the litter are expected to be hairless A 1 4 B 1 2 C 2 3 D 3 4 Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 C A non vascular B seedless vascular C naked seed gymnosperm D covered seed angiosperm Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 B 6 You are surveying the plants of a remote island in the South Pacific One plant that you discover has a dominant sporophyte stage and is homosporous the sporophyte and the gametophyte live independently Based just upon this information you classify this as a plant 7 For all of the characters that Mendel observed when two plants from true breeding lines for two different traits were crossed one of the traits disappeared in the F1 generation then reappeared in the F2 generation This is because all of these characters showed 8 An organism has the genotype AaBb these two genes assort independently As a result of meiosis the genotypes of the gametes that this organism can produce through meiosis are A complete dominance B codominance C incomplete dominance D polygenic inheritance Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 A A AB and ab B Ab and aB C AABB AAbb aaBB and aabb D AB Ab aB and ab 2 5 2 5 D Points Earned Correct Answer s 9 About 40 of cats with white fur and blue eyes are deaf the gene that affects pigmentation also affects hearing Cats that have one blue eye and one eye of another color will be deaf only in the ear on the same side as the blue eye This is an example of A epistasis B pleiotropy C polygenic inheritance D X inactivation 2 5 2 5 B Points Earned Correct Answer s A PP B Pp C pp D You could use either PP or Pp Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 C the leaves Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 A 12 10 You are recreating another one of Mendel s experiments with garden peas You have a plant with purple flowers P but you do not know its genotype To determine this you would cross it to a pea plant with the genotype 11 In the land plants the waxy cuticle and stomata both evolved within a short period of time This is because the A waxy cuticle while reducing water loss impedes gas exchange B waxy cuticle while providing support makes it more difficult for fertilization to take place C stomata while allowing for gas exchange reduce the plants strength D stomata while allowing water to evaporate prevent carbon dioxide from entering A phenotypic ratio of 1 2 1 in the F2 generation of a monohybrid cross a cross that looks at one character is best explained by A independent assortment B incomplete dominance C segregation of alleles D complete dominance 2 5 2 5 B Points Earned Correct Answer s 13 A 3 1 B 1 2 1 In the plant Antirrhinum flower color is due to the action of two genes C and P For both genes a homozygous recessive genotype results in white flower color regardless of the genotype at the second gene If you cross two plants that are genotype CcPp what is the ratio of purple to white flowers in their offspring C 9 3 3 1 D 9 7 Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 D 14 A sickle cell B red green color blindness C Huntington s D PKU Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 B This pedigree shows the pattern of inheritance of in a family 15 The seed plants include both the gymnosperms and angiosperms Besides seeds which of the following is a characteristic that all seed plants share A Pollen B Endosperm C Fruit D Flowers Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 A 16 You graduated from Penn State ten years ago and now two of your closest friends are getting married They plan to have five children to start their own Pee Wee Lady Lions Basketball team They were both business majors so have no idea if this is possible or not Since you had genetics in Bio 110 they ask you what is the probability that if they have five children all of them will be girls A Zero B 1 32 C 1 2 D 5 32 Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 B 17 How many different types of gametes can an individual with the genotype DdEeFFGg produce Note All of these genes assort independently A 2 B 4 C 8 D 16 Points Earned Correct 2 5 2 5 C 18 When you look at a mature pine tree or elm tree the plant that you see is a Answer s A diploid gametophyte B haploid gametophyte C diploid sporophyte D diploid gametophyte 2 5 2 5 C Points Earned Correct Answer s 19 The process of double fertilization results in A diploid zygote and diploid endosperm B haploid zygote and diploid endosperm C twin diploid zygotes D diploid zygote and triploid endosperm Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 D A Non swimming sperm B Flowers D Seeds C Jacketed gametangia E Vascular tissue Points Earned Correct Answer s 0 0 2 5 A …

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