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Tutorial 1 Overview Life and Natural Selection Evolution changes in genetic structure of a population Explains the diversity of life Adaptations traits the help an organism survive in its current environment Natural Selection process by which a population becomes better adapted to its environment over time differential reproduction fitness Tutorial 2 Carbon and Life Properties of Water polar molecule high surface tension specific heat heat of vaporization electronegative cohesion stick together adhesion stick to other surfaces Covalent bonds hold together hydrogen s and oxygen hydrogen bond hold together molecules Ice is less dense than water Metabolism the set of chemical reactions that happen in living organisms to maintain life Anabolism combination of molecules Condensation Dehydration Synthesis releases water Catabolism broken down Hydrolysis digestion addition of water to breakdown polymers Macromolecules 1 Carbohydrates sugars Used for energy storage starch Structural support cellulose Plays a role in information storage in nucleic acids DNA and RNA Monomer Monosaccharide s simple sugars Disaccharides anabolic reactions water released Polysaccharide several thousand monomers starches o Glycogen sugar storage in animals o Cellulose plant cell walls most abundant polymer o Chitin structural purposes 2 Lipids fats Hydrophobic Not polymers Energy storage protection insulation fats o Saturated fats no double bonds o Unsaturated fats double bonds Structure of cell membranes phospholipids cholesterol o Phospholipids hydrophilic head hydrophobic tail Hormones Steroids estrogen testosterone 3 Proteins amino acids Structural support digestive enzymes pigment move muscles transport oxygen 20 commonly seen amino acids Polypeptides a polymer chain of amino acids 4 Nucleic Acids DNA and RNA Polymers of nucleotides RNA expresses genetic information ribose AUGC DNA carries genetic information deoxyribose ATGC Tutorial 3 Antiquity of Life Universe 13 7 billion Solar System 4 55 4 56 billion Earth 4 5 billion Life 3 5 billion Primitive Earth s Atmosphere Anaerobic No oxygen oxygen oxidizes substances removing all the electrons Highly reducing gained electrons Plate Tectonics large plates move with respect to eachother Continental drift the continents are constantly moving Pangaea super continent 180 million years ago Evidence o S American and African continents fit together o Fossils of unusual plants animals on coastlines of S American and Africa o Fossils of tropical plants in Antarctica Fossils Precambrian Paleozoic Mesozoic Cenozoic 1 Sedimentary Rock best source Relative Dating farther down the older not accurate age 2 Radiometric Dating using elements with radioactive isotopes that delay at known rates less than 50 000 years o Half life 3 Dendrochronology one tree ring one year drought narrower Tutorial 4 Prokaryotes I Cellular and Genetic Organization Prokaryote o No membrane bound nuclei small o Coccus spherical o Bacillus rod shaped o Spirillum helical o Divide quickly because of their small genome simple morphologies and because they reproduce via binary fission o Nucleoid where DNA plasmids are located o Gene Transfer 1 Transformation acquire genes from surrounding environment 2 Conjugation attachment to eachother pilus must have F Factor F 3 Transduction phages viruses that infect bacteria Eukaryote membrane bound organelles and nuclei Three major domains of life 1 Bacteria o Prokaryote o Single celled or colonial o Cell walls have peptidoglycan o Genes lack introns non coding region of gene o Endospores thick coated resistant cells for harsh conditions o Sporulation formation of endospores o Good Bacteria o Aid Digestion Bioremediation make medicines nitrogen fixation 2 Archaea extremophiles o Prokaryote o Single celled or colonial o Cell walls lack peptidoglycan o Some genes have introns 3 Eukarya o Eukaryotes o Divide via mitosis meiosis o Complex cells o Tublin vs flagella Tutorial 5 Prokaryotes II Structure and Function Prokaryotes o Cells are encased in plasma membrane keeps salt and liquids balanced o Cell walls contain peptidoglycan o Capsule additional layer outside of the cell wall Gram Stain Gram a lot of peptidoglycan absorb gram stain purple stain Gram less peptidoglycan do not absorb gram stain more complex cell walls pink stain o Ex Yersinia caused the plague Movement Biofilm slime Taxis Spiochetes helical rotate like a corkscrew Flagella clockwise random counterclockwise directional Phototaxis light Geotaxis gravity Chemotaxis chemicals Either or move towards or away from Nutritional Modes Chemo Photo energy comes from a high energy molecule or from light Auto Hetero carbon comes from CO2 or more complex form for carbon Ex Chemoheterotroph Carbon Sources Sugars monosaccharide s polysaccharides or starches Carbon dioxide aka Carbon Fixers TNT and PCBs make non toxic byproducts Feed on oil clean up spills o Bioremediation removal of toxins from the environment Tutorial 6 Prokaryotes III Evolution and Early Metabolism Symbiosis 1 Mutualism both benefit Ex Cellulose digestion 2 Parasitism one benefits at expense of the other Ex plague and cholera 3 Commensalism neither are benefited or harmed Ex bacteria on skin Opportunistic Infection normally commensalistic bacteria becomes pathogenic Microbiome all the bacteria living in ones body Sabrobes organisms that live on dead and decaying matter Nitrogen Fixers Legumes house NF bacteria Cyanobacteria capable in NF o Ex blue green algae Tutorial 7 Subcellular Architecture of the Eukaryotic Cell Organelles separated from the rest of the cell by a phospholipid bilayer Stores main genetic material Site of all gene expression Nucleus Most visible organelle The Endomembrane System Protein Production and modification Rough ER o Houses ribosomes bound o Make proteins for export outside of cell Smooth ER o No ribosomes o Makes lipids o Detoxification of toxins Golgi Apparatus o Modifies proteins adds sugars o Proteins move from rough ER to Golgi o Cis face receiving end and trans face exit Surrounded by nuclear envelope nucleolus housed inside contains genes that encode and transcribe rRNA 1 Free ribosomes making a protein SRP recognizes special sequence 2 SRP attaches to signal sequence 3 Growing polypeptide inserted through the pore and translation continues Rough ER Golgi Vesicle Cell Membrane Exported out of cell Ribosomes In prokaryotes and eukaryotes Not membrane bound Two forms Site of protein synthesis 1 Bound make

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