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GEOG 1003 Study Guide for Exam 4 This guide should be used as a guide for studying your lecture notes the slides I have put on Moodle and the relevant chapter in the textbook This test will be based upon all of Chapter 5 Sub Saharan Africa and the parts of Chapter 4 Middle East and North Africa listed in the study guide so you should reread them carefully Words in BOLD are generally highlighted in the textbook and refer to that paragraph section Key concepts and ideas that you should know are Chapter 5 Sub Saharan Africa 1 How many people in total live in sub Saharan Africa 883 million 2 The average GNI PPP per capita in sub Saharan Africa 2 251 3 The importance of the ITCZ AND THE SUBTROPICAL HIGH in defining the regions climate patterns ITCZ intertropical convergence zone A low pressure region where air flows together and rises vertically as a result of intense solar hating at the Equator producing heavy rainfall over the Congo Basin Subtropical high a zone of descending air which results in dry stable air that causes desert conditions over the Sahara and Kalahari Importance African coast and East Africa experience seasonal rainfall as these global circulations shift northward in April and southward in October Importance predominate and variations in circulation bring unreliable rainfall and frequent droughts that result in agriculture and water resources management challenges The areas between the ITCZ and the subtropical high such as West Where seasonal rainfall is modest semiarid conditions 4 The country in the region that has in part a Mediterranean climate South Africa 5 The importance of PASTORALISM to the people of the Sahel and the impact here of drought between 1968 and 1973 Pastoralism a way of life that relies on livestock with some crop production alone rivers and ta oases Impact from droughts as many as 3 5 million cattle died 15 million farmers lost more than half their harvests in this area and a quarter of a million people died from famine before food relief could reach them 6 Other countries affected by FAMINE in the 1980s and 1990s 900 000 dead 1984 1985 300 000 dead 1991 1992 Ethiopia Somalia Sudan 500 000 dead 1985 7 The predicted impacts of CLIMATE CHANGE in the region Temperatures are supposed to rise almost everywhere causing intense droughts in southern Africa Affects rain fed agriculture and livestock will suffer People lack access to safe water Crop yields will fall Increase spread of diseases 8 The tallest mountain in the region p180 Mt Kilimanjaro 5895 m 19 340 ft 9 Which two countries in the region have massive copper deposits and which country in northern sub Saharan Africa is a large producer of Uranium Copper located in the southern Congo and in the copper belt of Zambia Uranium Niger 10 The river and waterfall that is located on the Zambia Zimbabwe border Zambezi River and Victoria Falls 11 The extent of SAVANNA areas in Africa the amount of land they cover 2 5 of Africa 12 The name of a pastoralist group that practices TRANSHUMANCE The Fulani of West Africa 13 The percentage of land in sub Saharan Africa that enjoys some sort of protected 14 The modern day country in which the oldest evidence of the human species was status 5 discovered Tanzania 15 The three countries that played an important role in THE ADVENT OF THE COLONIAL PERIOD IN AFRICA and things provided by Africans in this trade Spain Portugal and China 16 The role of Dahomey and Benin in SLAVERY Slavery was an important income source for some African coastal kingdoms such as Dahomy and Benin that captured enemies or residents of inland villages and sold them to the slave traders 17 The total estimate of how many slaves were shipped to the Americas between 1600 and 1870 and the amount of slaves who died during the journey It is estimated that more than 9 million slaves ho were mostly male were shipped to the Americas from Africa between 1600 and 1870 At least 1 5 million slaves died during the journey 18 The name of the first white settlers in sub Saharan Africa and the part of the continent that they settled first The Boers settled in Cape Town 19 The importance of the BERLIN CONFERENCE in the colonial history of Africa and the major European colonial powers at this time 13 countries were represented at this conference but it did not include a single African representative from sub Saharan Africa even though more than 80 of Africa was at that time still under African rule The Berlin Conference allocated African territory among the colonial powers according to prior claims and laid down a set of arbitrary boundaries that paid little respect to existing cultural ethnic political religious or linguistic regions 20 The export orientated economies of colonial Africa and how this affected trans Africa trade Colonial mines extracted large amounts of gold diamonds and copper for export to Europe Crops minerals peanuts coffee cocoa cotton tea tobacco and cotton were also exported form different areas However few efforts were made to link regions within Africa The resulting infrastructure still facilitates trade beyond but not within Africa 21 The differences between the British and French forms of colonial governance The British chose a paternalistic indirect rule for most of their African colonies Preexisting power structures and leaders were made responsible to the British Crown and colonial administrators in a decentralized and flexible administrative structure The French colonial policy was one of assimilation encouraging local elites to evolve into French provincial citizens with allegiance to France Agriculture and mining however were under close scrutiny from the French capita in Paris 22 The duration of the formal colonial period in Africa Colonialism lasted 80 years from 1880 1960 23 The countries that sponsored liberation movements in the Portuguese colonies of Angola and Mozambique The Soviet Union and Cuba 24 The impact of deteriorating TERMS OF TRADE on sub Saharan Africa Small farmers had to produce twice as much coffee in 1990 as in 1960 to earn the money needed to purchase a bag of fertilizer 25 The impact of debt and how much was relieved in the 2000s Debt sent food prices soaring and increased unemployment Africa is the largest recipient of foreign aid and receives 1 3 of the YS 131 billion that it gives globally The total external debt of sub Saharan Arica fell from US 148 billion to US 116 billion By 2011 26 African countries had their external debt cancelled in full at

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