Geography 1003 1 Ideographic writing sound but rather a concept a writing system in which each symbol represents not a 2 Loess vulnerable to water erosion a fine wind deposited sediment that makes fertile soil but is very 3 Spheres of influence in countries not formally colonized in the 19th and early 20th centuries particularly China and Iran limited areas were gained by particular European countries for trade purposes and more generally for economic exploitation and political manipulation 4 Special Economic Zones SEZs relatively small districts in China were fully opened to global capitalism after China began to form its economy in the 1980s 5 Lingua franca specific topics such as international business politics sports or entertainment an agreed upon common language to facilitate communication on 6 Khmer Rouge literally Red or communists Cambodians The left wing insurgent group led by French educated Marxists that ruled Cambodia from 1975 to 1979 during which time it engaged in genocidal acts against the Cambodian people 7 Transmigration one area to another within a state territory the planned government sponsored relocation of people from Describe the four seasons of the year and where on the earth the maximum solar energy per unit area is falling during those seasons Slides and notes for January 17th Describe where on the earth low air pressure and heavy precipitation is common and where high pressure and little precipitation is common Slides and notes for January 17th Understand that levels of solar energy input air pressure and precipitation move north and south with the seasons Also understand how the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone ITCZ moves with the seasons and what effect it has on the weather See your notes for January 17th and the slides for that day Understand how to interpret a population pyramid such as how to distinguish between a country with a young and growing population one with a stable population and one with a large elderly population Page 21 textbook slides for February 10th Understand the demographic transition model and how this model describes changing population growth as countries move from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates Textbook page 22 slides for February 10th Identify densely populated and lightly populated areas in East Asia Textbook pages 496 7 and 502 and slides for January 22nd Understand how China still has a majority rural population but Japan South Korea and Taiwan are highly urbanized Textbook page 495 Know that a high percentage of Japan s population is elderly and what effects that may have on their economic future Textbook pages 495 527 28 Understand what ideographic writing means and how the Chinese writing system was partially adopted by other East Asian languages like Korean and Japanese Textbook page 505 506 Understand how both China and Taiwan as well as North Korea and South Korea are two governments each claiming to be the rightful rulers of China and Korea These splits are the result of civil wars between Communist and anti Communist parties in those countries Slides for January 22nd Know about the role of Okinawa in the U S military presence in East Asia and the role of the Senkaku Diaoyu islands in political tensions between Japan South Korea Taiwan and China Slides for January 22nd Comprehend how China s land area has grown and shrunk over the centuries and that some parts of China today like Tibet and Xinjiang have not always been part of China Textbook page 517 Recall how European powers like Britain and France and later the Japanese empire opened China s ports to greater foreign trade and eventually carved spheres of influence for themselves in China Textbook page 517 Understand that China underwent a path of socialist inward looking economic development under the Communist party and Mao Zedong but after Mao s death shifted to greater connection to the global capitalist economy Slides for January 27th textbook pages 529 32 Understand that about 150 million of China s 1 3 billion people are migrant workers and be able to describe how China s household registration system affects their families and where they live Textbook page 503 and the film Last Train Home Recall the main characters in the documentary Last Train Home and the main events of the film Understand why so many Chinese migrant workers try to go home for the Lunar New Year and why their families don t usually migrate with them to the cities Remember what province the Zhang family in Last Train Home is from and what province mom and dad work in Comprehend how climatic patterns cause loess or wind blown sediment from the Gobi desert to accumulate on the Loess Plateau in China Also understand the plateau s serious erosion problem and its contribution to the Yellow river s characteristic color See textbook page 486 and class slides from February 7th Describe differences in elevation and precipitation levels between eastern China low elevation rainy and western China high elevation dry See class slides from February 7th and the textbook pages 493 94 Understand how east of Gansu province Han Chinese are the majority of China s population and west of there other ethnic groups like Tibetans and Uighurs become the majority Slides for February 7th textbook pages 511 18 Understand the relationship of China Tibet and Xinjiang and how that relationship has changed over time Slides for February 7th textbook pages 515 18 Understand the cultural groups native to Tibet and Xinjiang and their relationship with the majority of Chinese people Slides for February 7th Understand how the weather changes during the year in a monsoon climate and how the shifting ITCZ moves the rainy season across Southeast Asia Slides for February 10th textbook page 595 Identify densely populated areas in Southeast Asia like the river deltas of Thailand Burma and Vietnam and the island of Java in Indonesia Textbook page 599 Understand the importance of the Mekong river to Southeast Asian people and how hydroelectric dam development causes controversy between upriver and downriver countries Identify the Tonle Sap lake in Cambodia and how it changes between the rainy and dry monsoon seasons Slides for February 10th textbook page 630 Review the history of European colonialism in Southeast Asia and decolonization Textbook pages 615 17 slides for February 10th Know what transmigration in Indonesia means where transmigrants come from and where they migrate to Textbook page 603
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