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Media Power Culture Exam 2 Study Guide DO THIS YOU CAN CHAPTER 5 SOUND RECORDING AND POPULAR MUSIC HISTORY AND EVOLUTION I II V III Mass Medium Stage Berliner Development Stage a 1850 Hog hair bristle as needle Entrepreneurial Stage a 1877 Phonograph Edison b 1886 Graphophone Bell Sumner Tainter a 1888 89 Flat disk gramophone first mass production of sound b 1910 Victrola c 1948 CBS s 33 rpm Lps d 1949 RCA s 45 rpm records e 1953 CBS RCA compromise a 1940s 70s magnetic audio tapes cassettes to stereos mixing b 1970s digital recording c 1983 CDs Sony Phillips Internet Age a 1992 MP3 b 1999 Napster free file sharing c 2001 Supreme Court ruling in favor of music industry d Today new ways of recording sharing copying transmitting IV Analog Age RECORDS AND RADIO 1920s First copyright issues in house live bands 1950s TVs challenge collaboration with radio increased and record Early 2000s challenge of Internet streaming music online radio sales stations MUSIC Latin music popular in US since 1914 industry makes millions of dollars in sales owners promoters are not all Latinos fusion ex Latin Jazz not just for Latin speakers Pop music appeals to large segments of the population ECONOMICS CASE STUDIES everything Money in sales Money out money spent to produce the labels 1 The rise of digital music iTunes 2 360 Degrees of Music gives single corporation control over CHAPTER 6 RADIO AND BROADCASTING HISTORY OF TECHNOLOGY 1840s Telegraph technology morose code 1890s Wireless telegraph telephony Marconi 1906 1st voice broadcast Fessenden 1906 Audion vacuum tube to amplify sound from radio then TV 1947 Bell labs invent transistors small electrical devices to amplify Forest radio signals 1960 FM frequency modulation 1990 Internet radio streaming exclusive via web 2002 Satellite radio 2004 Podcasting HISTORY OF REGULATION 1912 radio act of 1912 licensing required 1917 Closing down of all amateurs 1927 Radio act of 1927 liscensing not required only if radio stations served the public interest 1934 Federeal commissions act creation of the FCC public air waves of regulation conduct look at records challenge when complaints 1996 Telecommunications act of 1996 consolidation accelerated 2100 stations changed hands 6600 4400 owners in 96 05 licensing renewal almost automatic little no regard for public interest convience or necessity 2002 LPFM stations 10 100 watts HISTORY OF THE OWNERSHIP OPERATIONS 1900 1919 Ametuers 1916 First statio 8XK in Pitt Conrad 1920 1st commercial station KDKA in Pitt 1923 600 commercial no communication stations across the US 1922 25 AT T RCA GE Westinghouse battle it our for domination 1920s 40s Golden age of radio diversity of content common national across the country content changed culture SPANISH LANGUAGE RADIO speaking stations 1920 Brokerage system buying certain time slots from English Pedro program in LA could be heard in Texas 1946 KCPR AM 1st licensed station in San Antonio Challenge during emergency situations DARK SIDE OF RADIO 1 High costs of ownership 2 Concentration of ownership 3 Most in corporate hands 4 Cost of ads for small businesses 5 Limited content of public interest convenience or necessity esp during 6 Limited participation of minorities 7 Conservative political opinions and news 8 Few opportunities for diverse views on news politics 9 Limited oversight of FCC 10 Difficulty in challenging license renewals crisis CASE STUDIES 1 Origins of talk radio traced to 3 phenomena in 1980s AM stations 2 Streaming music Internet radio getting murdered by FM Regan s Fairness doctrine EFM media CHAPTER 7 MOVIES Movies have more of an emotional effect than other media impact of 3D HISTORY 1834 Zoetrope zoe life tropos turning 1980s Pictures move Muybridge Film roll Eastman Celluliods for filming Goodwin Kinetograph Kinetoscope Edison Dickson Cinematograph Lumiere Vitascope Edison Narrative films movies that tell stories Nickelodeons Theater for 5 cents MEDIA Synergy try to get more money than just movie sales ex merchandise media convergence How the media influences repetition narrative style ex Hollywood classic plot shared experiences Cultural significance message do we fit the ideas what if we don t American way Questionable messages CASE STUDIES 1 Hollywoods Race Barrier blacks through film 2 Movie theaters and live exhibition technology advances

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