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EXAM 2 NOTES 2 23 15 Alcohol Most legally used drug in history in the U S 3 8 of all deaths in the world are due to alcohol In an average calendar year every person in our country is exposed to approximately 1 000 alcohol TV commercials There are 70 million current regular drinkers in the U S There are 15 million alcoholics not exact because some go undiagnosed Out of these 15 million 500 000 of those alcoholics are ages between 9 12 Every 30 minutes someone dies of an alcohol traffic accident Each year in our country we spend 100 billion dollars on alcohol College students make up 5 5 billion dollars Students spend more on alcohol than other types of drinks plus your school books On average this is what every person in America is responsible for drinking 25 gallons of beer 2 gallons of wine 1 and gallons of hard liquor 44 of high school students and 70 of college students admit that they have had at least one binge drinking episode where they have blacked out they wake up and there are no memories 7 million Americans between the age of 12 and 20 binge drink each year The group that drinks the most is Native Americans specifically male Native Americans 80 of Americans have consumed alcohol in their lifetime The country that drinks the most alcohol per capita is Moldova Most of these countries are in Eastern Europe Czech Republic Russia Hungary Ukraine Estonia These were communist countries at one point Bourbon 51 79 alcohol Brandi 40 45 alcohol Everclear lowest is 75 alcohol highest is 95 alcohol Gin 37 alcohol Rum 37 57 alcohol Sake 14 16 alcohol Tequila 40 50 alcohol Vodka 35 50 alcohol Whiskey 40 53 alcohol Schnapps 20 40 alcohol Mixed Drinks that contains the most alcohol 1 Manhattan has the most alcohol of any mixed drink 2 Dark Stormy rum beer 3 Dry Martini 4 Gin Tonic 5 Long Island Iced Tea 6 Cosmopolitan 7 Car Bomb Irish stout Irish cream and Irish whiskey 8 Apple Martini 9 Lemon Drop Alcohol has been part of religious ceremony Alcohol is advertised as being a part of American culture the good part going out dressing up being around important people and having a certain type of liquor Alcohol is complex because a lot of times its used as a self medication tool particular by men to Women will admit they have stress men won t women have a better chance of dealing with The type of alcohol you drink is called ethyl alcohol The type of alcohol you put in your gas tank is called methanol The type of alcohol you use for medical purposes is so isopropyl alcohol while men drink to escape relax relieve stress things have Generally in beer it has anywhere from 2 5 of alcohol Wine 9 20 alcohol Hard liquor 35 50 alcohol 12 oz beer 5 oz glass of wine a mixed drink w 1 5 oz in terms of alcohol content these all the same alcohol 0 6 08 oz You metabolize approximately 0 5 0 6 oz every 60 minutes This means one drink per hour When you drink about 20 of it basically goes into your blood stream The rest goes through your stomach and gastrointestinal tract That alcohol in your bloodstream that s what you smell when you re around someone who drank a lot of alcohol the night before and they re sweating You can absorb fast and slow Alcohol absorbs fast when you don t eat Alcohol absorbs fast when you re smaller The more fat you have the less you have to drink to get drunk Depending on how much you drink up to 10 is excreted through your urine sweat and kidneys BAC stands for blood alcohol content The level where you are legally drunk is 0 08 At 0 08 your motor functioning decreases dramatically this is why you don t want to operate a vehicle At 0 35 you re at risk for quickly going into a coma Higher doses can be lethal dying due to alcohol poisoning Alcohol certainly can change your sleeping patterns Some people drink so much that they pass out and don t wake up for 10 12 hrs The life span of a typically alcoholic is 10 12 years shorter than a person who doesn t drink casual drinker Any alcohol drugs consumed during pregnancy can cause developmental delay child of a the alcoholic may develop much slower a child can be born premature a child can be born with a smaller head A child that is 6 years old might act like a 2 year old Alcohol consumption is especially damaging if the mother does it in the first trimester of pregnancy Alcohol can damage the liver which makes it much harder to metabolize that alcohol When you kill liver cells they don t grow back what grows back is scar tissue If you damage your entire liver it s basically just scar tissue this is called cirrhosis of the liver If you have cirrhosis and you still want to have a normal life you have to abstain from alcohol and eat a special diet People get addicted to alcohol because it relaxes you alcohol is classified as a depressant Alcohol can also damage your heart give you high blood pressure it also weakens your heart muscle Of course alcoholism like any addition is characterized by tolerance and withdrawal There s a difference between alcohol abuse get drunk one time at that s it and alcoholism they have a need to drink they can t control it Binge drinking this is a problem of youth 5 drinks in a row for men 4 in a row for women In a row meaning within an hour or an hour and a half There are 5 8 shots in a large daiquiri so if you finish a daiquiri within the hour you are binge drinking Frequent binge drinker 3 binges in a 14 day period Frequent binge drinkers are more likely to get in trouble miss school and engage in unprotected sex People that don t binge drink have more of their property destroyed are more victims of violence have their studying disturbed and they are victims of sexual harassment Alcoholism is one of those things that kind of sneak up on you You can beat alcoholism it s easier to beat tobacco ism because that s when the infant fetus is most vulnerable Tobacco Drugs 2 27 15 Notes SMOKING Statistics In the world about a third of everyone smokes 33 The ethnic group who is most addicted to smoking are Native Americans 80 of regular smokers at some point try to quit Out of that group 60 of them relapse within 7 days 20 of adolescents admit that they smoke monthly 90 of tobacco usage is cigarette Each week in the world about 12 000 people begin to smoke The average number of people who smoke in the world is 1 2 1 5 billion Around the world every minute 10 million cigarettes are produced In …

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