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KIN 1600 Alcohol Must used drug in the history of Western civilization Most used legal drug in America o The most used illegal drug in America is marijuana A typical American will be exposed to 1000 alcohol TV commercials Every thirty minutes in the US there is a traffic accident that is due to alcohol 15 million alcoholics in the US that we know of o A half million of them are between the ages of 9 and 12 usually in broken homes where the parents either abuse or neglect the child Approximately 90 to 100 billion dollars are spent on alcohol yearly Average each person consumes in a year o 25 gallons of beer o 2 gallons of wine o 1 5 gallons hard liquor College students spend 5 5 billion dollars on alcohol yearly o That s more than what we spend on books tea soft drinks and coffee put together 7 to 10 million Americans binge drink each year The Bible of Mental Health BSM5 does not use the word alcoholic or binge drinking and calls it Alcohol Use Disorder Alcohol Dependence o Characterized by the concept of remission and relapse Try to quit but you can t o Drinking alone or in secret o Using alcohol repeatedly or at unusual times When you wake up during the school day etc o Consuming alcohol in risky situations Driving or operating heavy machinery o Getting drunk more frequently o Feeling uncomfortable or developing Social Anxiety Disorder when alcohol is not available o Using alcohol specifically to get through problematic situations Too much stress work or school problems etc Specifically in the US 12 4 of adult men have this disorder 4 9 of women have this disorder On average 8 5 of adults have this disorder The age group that has the biggest percent is 16 29 which is 16 2 By ethnicity in adults 4 6 of people from ages 12 17 have this disorder o Native American 12 1 o White 8 9 o Hispanic 7 9 o African American 6 9 o Asian 4 5 Ages 12 17 ethnicity o Hispanics 6 o Native American 5 7 o White 5 o African American 1 8 o Asian 1 6 withdrawal Another defining characteristic of being an alcoholic is tolerance and o Getting used to alcohol and getting it out of your system o Withdrawal can be 4 12 hours after your last drink o Body metabolizes one regular drink per hour Alcohol Intoxication o Closest illness to binge drinking that we have o Characterized by the concept of a blackout Lose a chunk of memory after drinking 44 of high school students claim that they drink each year 70 of college students claim that they drink each year 80 of all Americans have consumed alcohol at least once in their life 65 are current drinkers and drink regularly Ethyl Alcohol is the only safe alcohol to consume o Beer 2 5 o Wine 9 20 o Hard liquor 35 50 Equated by half of the proof value A twelve ounce beer a bottle of wine and a regular 12 ounce mix drink all contain 6 ounces of alcohol o You cannot consume methyl or isopropanol alcohol unless you want kidney failure or blindness About 20 of the alcohol when you drink goes from the stomach to the bloodstream o The rest continues going through your GI tract Alcohol can affect you quickly or slowly o Drinking on an empty stomach increases the rate of absorption o Carbonation increases the rate o Drinking with food slows it down Out of the 20 that goes directly to the bloodstream o 2 10 is not metabolized Comes out in breath urine and sweat Excreted alcohol is the basis for alcohol testing Alcohol consumption is measured by BAC o The smaller you are the lower the BAC o The more fat content the higher the BAC because fat does not absorb alcohol well Because of this women have higher BAC than men after drinking the same amount because women have more fat content Women have 5 more fat than men because of childbirth o BAC is also determined by the speed of absorption How fast you absorb and how fast you consume You can metabolize 5 ounces in an hour o If your BAC is between 03 and 05 you experience a buzz Relaxed light headed less stress inhibition might go away Alcohol acts as a stimulant at this level because it makes the inhibitions go away o At levels of 08 to 1 that is the legal limit for being drunk Major reductions in your senses and motor control occur o At 2 most people are unable to function Might include control of their bladder o 3 to 35 means you are close to being in a coma or passed out o Usually anything over 4 means you are dead Health Problems from Alcohol DWI o Leads to money problems and resume problems o Half million injured each year Even in small amounts alcohol affects your liver in a small way o The cells of you liver die and what regenerates is scar tissue o Cirrhosis of the liver Takes away a person s tolerance Alcohol during pregnancy can affect the fetus o Alcohol or any drug can cause the fetus to be developmentally delayed The child does not develop at the proper speed Effects on your cardiovascular system directly depend on how much you consume o Drinking too much can weaken your heart muscle o The alcohol kills the muscle Overall the life of an alcoholic is 10 to 12 years less than a nondrinker or a The problem is not alcohol itself the problem is how you consume it casual drinker The Problem o Speed o Intensity o Duration Binge drinking o Having 5 drinks in a row for men in a short period of time o 4 drinks in a row for women o Most common form of alcohol abuse on college campuses Frequent binge drinkers have 3 binges in two calendar weeks 14 days A large daiquiri contains anywhere from 5 8 shots Binge drinkers can get in trouble o Physical altercations o Drinking and driving o Damage of personal property o Engage in unprotected and risky sex Not knowing your partner and STDs o Get in trouble with the law o Injure themselves Non binge drinking students report problems with o Assault o Property damage o Sleep or studying disturbed o Being the recipient of unwanted and or embarrassing sexual advances Withdrawal Symptoms o Shaking o Cold sweats o Anger or rage o Hallucinations o Seizures o Nervousness o Nausea o Physical problems If you binge drink then you are going to go through a form of withdrawal known as a hangover o Multiply your worst hangover by 50 and that s actual withdrawal For ever alcoholic 4 to 5 other people around them are affected as well Psychoactive Drugs In 2012 the DEA arrested 30 476 people for drugs The highest year was 1999 which was close to 42 000 Lowest year was 1993 where is was just over 21 000 One …

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LSU KIN 1600 - Alcohol

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