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PR Final Exam Review PR is a comprehensive strategy to shape public perception control media narratives and persuade for a particular viewpoint Advertising and marketing are concerned with brand branding logos and product sales PR is concerned with a malleable image of a person or organization PR tends to be more nimble and flexible than advertising Advertisers directly speak to the public paid PR filters The differences are murky because social media media PR professionals are called upon to create as well as Corporations use PR to build credibility and goodwill with Political PR is concerned with public information and public Edward Bernays is known as the father of modern PR information through the media and opinion leaders industry changes in public s media habits distribute content the public persusation counsel on public relations to mean the field of PR because other forms had limited or negative connotations Historical trends growth of institutions expansion of democracy and advocacy and improved communication Early form of organized PR was known as press agency Press agents concerned with publicity stunts and shaping Advertising started as space brokers to buy space in Ad agencies started doing everything from ad design to The tension between government and corporations brought Rise in media relations and need for publicity bureaus Yellow journalism was sensationalized The rise of objectivity consumer demand 19th century led to objective journalism Inverted pyramid who what when where how developed by war correspondents Ivy Ledbetter Lee established a publicity bureau in 1904 Stressed truth increased professionalism and credibility of field he didn t check accuracy lied and worked for public image of emerging companies newspapers placement client focused model about the rise of lobbying and corporate relations Publics are anyone that may have an interest or association monopolies with your organization May have the potential interest or association with your organization Knowing your publics knowing how to communicate Types of publics media government employees investors consumers community business Traditional publics are those groups with which an organization has a defined long term relationship Non traditional are groups that you have no existing relationship with but you may come across Latent non active unaware groups that haven t been targeted by your organization yet Aware groups that are aware of how they may interact with your organization but haven t established a relationship Active aware and in a relationship with your organization Intervening publics this is a public that has influence over or communication with other publics o Media is the most powerful o Other intervening interest groups vocal critics Primary publics have influence over your goals have Secondary publics don t have influence over your goals but resources you need and require a maintained relationship are still one of your publics that require maintenance Internal publics inside your organization External publics outside your organization Mediation is communication between a sender and receiver that moves through something else o Relaying information communicating to a mass o Window on events mirror audience send and receiver is distant filter gatekeeper interpreter forum platform interlocutor Media impact values o Selective exposure tend to watch things that reinforce o Selective perception tend to see what we want to see o Selective retention tend to retain what we want to Social learning theory bobo doll experiment watching violence can inspire violence effect of media violence McCombs and Shaw 1968 are 2 researchers who noticed retain agenda setting theory Media don t tell us what to think but are good at telling us what to think about Cultivation theory Gerbner 1970 s this is the researcher who noticed the trend Mean world syndrome if you were to watch nothing but news you would think the world was mean Media priming short term media effect media can use keywords to prime response from the audience the prims tend to decay over time people view the world another right system Framing theory by framing stories media can influence how Cultural relativism no cultural system of ethics better than Ethical imperialism ethnocentric believe your system is the Edward T Hall time orientation polychromic monochromic Hofstede s cultural dimensions power distance individualism masculinity uncertainty long term short term First amendment speech press assemble undermines government o Political whether civil rights have been violated o Economic financial value loss of ability to make money ownership intellectual property harm to reputation Authoritarian model prohibits any press or speech that State controlled communist model state controls the press Social responsibility model the press should be concerned Libertarian model extreme individualism and constant Pentagon papers top secret document leaked Upheld first Progressive magazine publish article on nuclear weapons Print media has the most freedom Sedition opposing US war efforts Obscenity material that is offensive Libel written defamation of character Speech not protected copyright infringement not raw Ethics is the study of what constitutes right and wrong in with the social good and best for society American criticism of government amendment rights of papers case dropped ideas Ethics is a set of criteria by which decisions are made about PR ethics are not mandated by law they use a code of Research learn about organization planning strategy of our society what is wrong and right ethics made up by profession problem solving communication execute strategy evaluation measure effectiveness of plan Not a linear process Standing plan long term goals and relationships and aims to meet those goals Contingency plan address what if scenarios Goals general statement of where you want to go objectives specific statement of what you want to do strategies general statement of how you are going to accomplish objectives tactics specific steps you will take lead teams creation design and research Public relations managers big picture deal with clients Public relations technicians skilled jobs like writing content

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