Chapter 09 Adolescence Body and Mind p 323 Age and Puberty body fat Heavy girls reach menarche years earlier than malnourished Leptin hormone that causes increased body fat then triggers puberty and stimulates the appetite o Increased during childhood o Affects appetites in females more than makes p 324 A VIEW FROM SCIENCE Stress and Puberty factor as well Stress is a cause of early menarche puberty genes play a Cortisol stress hormone that cause puberty Harsh parenting also leads to early puberty for daughters not o Also creates sexual risks by having more sex partners Evolutionary explanation stressed species needed to replace pregnancies sons themselves before they died but natural selection would postpone puberty during extreme famine Natural selection favored well fed girls o In more peaceful times like now puberty can occur p 326 Weight Height Muscles 2 questions later Growth spurt uneven jump in the size of almost every body How much weight they gain depends on heredity hormones part diet exercise and gender males increased weight is mostly muscle o At 17 the average girl has twice as much body fat o Pudginess is gone by late adolescence o Lungs triple in weight heart doubles in size o RBC increase in both sexes but dramatically in boys Both weight and height increase before muscles and internal Only the lymphoid system tonsils and adenoids decrease in organs do size o Less susceptible to respiratory ailments o Have fewer cols than younger children due to growth of larynx p 327 Sexual Maturation secondary sex characteristics hormones Secondary sex characteristics physical traits that are not directly involved in reproduction but that indicate sexual maturity such as mans beard and woman s breasts o ex Shape at puberty males widen at shoulders while girls develop breast and wider pelvis Hormones begin the sequence of biological changes known as puberty affecting every body function including appetite sleep and reproductive potential p 327 Diet Deficiencies Menstruation depletes iron anemia is more likely among adolescent girls than any other o Especially in south Asia and sub Saharan Africa Boys may also have iron deficiency if they push bodies us physical labor or sports o Require more iron to be healthy of calcium a day Average American teen consumes fewer than 500 milligrams o Only 12 if twelfth graders drank 3 glasses of milk daily o Since so little calcium is consumed osteoporosis is a major cause of disability in late adulthood p 331 Brain Development prefrontal cortex The limbic system including amygdala matures before the o the instinctual and emotional areas of adolescent brain develop ahead of reflective and analytic areas o When compared with 18 to 23 year olds 14 to 15 year olds show heightened arousal in the brain s reward centers making them seek excitement and pleasure o Caution is needed Teenage brains have underdeveloped response inhibition emotional regulation and organization bc their prefrontal cortexes are immature Which means emotions rule teenage behaviors for years making loud music and strong drugs compelling night without sleep go through a day without eating exercise in pain or play football after a mild concussion Unlike adults some teenagers choose to spend a Prefrontal cortex help us choose to avoid some actions and perform others Neurological research finds that the reward parts of adolescents brains the parts that respond to excitement and pleasure are far stronger than the inhibition parts the parts that urge caution o Risk and reward p 333 Thinking About Oneself Fantasy Erikson and egocentrism o Personal fable aspect of adolescent egocentrism characterized by a belief that his or her thoughts feelings and experiences are unique more wonderful than anyone else o Invincibility fable Egocentrism creates imaginary audience which means adolescents believe they are center stage and they imagine how others might react to their appearance and behavior p 335 Formal Operational Thought formal operational thought Piaget described a shift from concrete operational thinking to o Formal operational thought In Piaget s theory forth and final stage of cognitive development characterized by more systemic logical thinking and the ability to understand and manipulate abstract concepts o Hypothetical thought reasoning that includes propositions and possibilities that may not reflect reality o Deductive reasoning reasoning from a general statement or principle through logical steps to figure it out o Inductive reasoning reasoning from one or more specific experiences or facts to reach a general conclusion p 343 Cyber Danger bullying and school climate occur Positive school climate makes it less likely for bullying to o Supportive teachers friendly students opportunities for growth clubs sports theater music and so on those with high self esteem are not only less likely to engage in cyber bullying but they also disapprove of it Negative school climate those with high self esteem are more likely to bully Chapter 10 Adolescence Psychosocial Development p 356 Identity Erikson s theory life s 5th crisis is identity vs role confusion o Negotiating the complexities of finding one s own o Crisis is resolved with identity achievement when a identity is the primary task of adolescence person understands who they are as a unique individual p 356 Identity Not Yet Achieved Role confusion does not seem to know or care what his or her identity is Foreclosure Erikson s term for premature identity formation which occurs when adolescent adopts his or her parents or society s roles and values Moratorium choice of a socially acceptable way to postpone making identity achievement decisions p 359 Vocational Identity part time employment o ex Going to college Adolescents who work more than 20 hours a week during the school year tend to quit school fight with parents smoke cigarettes and hate their jobs in adulthood as well as adolescence p 361 Parents bickering Only small benefit from intense teenage employment Parent adolescent conflict peaks in early adolescent Bickering repeated petty arguments about routine day to fay concerns o Some bickering indicates a healthy family p 363 Closeness Within The Family parental monitoring Parental monitoring parental knowledge about child s Overly restrictive and controlling parenting correlates with whereabouts activities and companions many adolescent problems including depression p 366 Selecting Friends selection and facilitation Teenagers
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