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CHAPTER 14 FAMILY MARRIAGE Ambilineal a type of unilateral descent that follows either the father s or the mother s side exclusively Bigamy the act of entering into marriage while still married to another person Bilateral descent the tracing of kinship through both parent s ancestral lines Cohabitation when a couple shares a residence but isn t married Extended family a household that includes at least one parent and child as well as other relatives like grandparents aunts uncles and cousins Family life course a sociological model of family that sees the progression of events as fluid rather than as occurring in strict stages Family life cycle a set of predictable steps and patterns families experience Family of orientation the family into which one is born Family of procreation a family formed through marriage Family socially recognized groups of people who may be joined by blood marriage or adoption and who form an emotional connection and an economic unit of society Intimate partner violence violence that occurs between people who maintain a romantic sexual relationship Kinship a person s traceable ancestry blood marriage adoption Marriage a legally recognized contract between two or more people in a sexual relationship who have an expectation of permanence about their relationship Matrilineal descent a type of unilateral descent that follows the mother s side only Matrilocal residence a system in which it is customary for a husband to live with his wife s family Monogamy someone married to only one person at a time Nuclear family 2 parents and children living in the same house Patrilineal descent a type of unilateral descent that follows the father s line only Patrilocal residence a system in which it is customary for the wife to live with the husband s family Polyandry one woman married to more than one man Polygamy state of being married to more than 1 person Polygyny one man married to more than 1 woman Shaken baby syndrome medical symptoms like brain swelling and retinal hemorrhage resulting from shaking or impacting an infant s head Unilateral descent the tracing of kinship through 1 parent only CHAPTER 15 RELIGION Animism the religion that believes in the divinity of nonhuman beings like animals and objects in the natural world Atheism belief in no deities Cults religious groups that are small secretive and highly controlling of members and have a charismatic leader Denomination a large mainstream religion that isn t sponsored by the state Ecclesia a religion that is considered the state religion Established sects sects that last but don t become denominations Liberation theology the use of a church to promote social change via the political arena Megachurch a Christian church that has a very large congregation averaging more than 2000 people who attend the weekly services Monotheism a religion based on belief of 1 deity Polytheism a religion based on multiple deities Religion a system of beliefs values and practices concerning what a person holds to be sacred or spiritually significant Religious beliefs specific ideas that members of a particular faith hold to be true Religious experience the conviction or sensation that one is connected to the divine Religious rituals behaviors or practices that are either required for or expected of the members of a particular group Sect a small new offshoot of a denomination Totemism belief in a divine connection between humans and other natural beings CHAPTER 16 EDUCATION Credentialism the emphasis on certificates or degrees to show that a person has skill has attained a certain level of education or has met certain job qualifications Cultural capital cultural knowledge that serves like a currency to help one navigate a culture Cultural transmission the way people come to learn the values beliefs and social norms of their culture Education a social institution through which society s children are taught basic academic knowledge learning skills and cultural norms Formal education the learning of academic facts and concepts Grade inflation the idea that the achievement level associated with an A today is notably lower than the achievement level with A level work a few decades ago Head Start program a federal program that provides academically focused preschool to students of a low socioeconomic status Hidden curriculum the type of nonacademic knowledge that one learns through informal learning and cultural transmission Informal education learning about cultural values norms and expected behaviors through participation in a society No Child Left Behind Act requires states to test students in prescribed grades with the results of those tests determining eligibility to receive federal funding Social placement the use of education to improve one s social standing Sorting classifying students based on academic merit potential Tracking a formalized sorting system that places students on tracks that perpetuate inequalities Universal access the equal ability of all people to participate in an education system CHAPTER 17 GOVERNMENT Absolute monarchies governments wherein a monarch has absolute unmitigated power Anarchy the absence of any organized government Authority power that people accept because it comes from a source that is perceived as legitimate Charismatic authority power legitimized on the basis of a leader s exceptional personal qualities Constitutional monarchies national governments that recognize monarchs but require those figures to abide by the laws of a greater constitution Democracy a form of government that provides all citizens with an equal voice vote in determining state policy Dictatorship a form of government in which a single person small group wields complete and absolute authority over a government or populace after a dictator rises to power through economic or military might Monarchy a form of government in which a single person rules until that person dies or abdicates the throne Oligarchy government in which power is held by a small elite group One person one vote a concept holding each person s vote should be counted equally Patrimonialism a type of authority wherein military and administrative factions enforce that power of the master Politics a means of studying a nation s or group s underlying social norms as values as evidenced through its political structure and practices Power the ability to exercise ones will over others Rational legal authority power that is legitimized by rules regulations and laws

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