PSYCH 100 REVIEW EXAM 4 F2013 Chapter 14 personality PERSONALITY a unique particular pattern of behavior and thinking prevailing across time and situations that differentiates one person from another Difference between personality types traits Personality types different categories into which personality characteristics can be assigned or sorted based on factors such as developmental experiences or physical characteristics Personality trait relatively stable personal characteristics used to describe someone Who initiated important research into personality traits Gordon Allport traits Raymond Cattell his analyses indicated the existence of 16 personality Hans Eysenck his research suggested personality is determined by three factors dimensions Extroversion Neuroticism Psychoticism FIVE FACTOR MODEL Developed by McCrae and Costa Openness original and new ideas vs conventional and narrow in interests Conscientiousness responsible and organized vs irresponsible and careless Extroversion sociable and talkative vs withdrawn and quiet Agreeableness trusting and good natured vs suspicious and ruthless Neuroticism emotionally unstable and moody vs emotionally stable and easygoing With respect to personality you should be familiar with these terms 1 Neuroticism the tendency to be anxious worried and full of guilt 2 Psychoticism the tendency to be aggressive egocentric and antisocial 3 Introversion the tendency to avoid the company of other people to be inhibited and cautious shyness 4 Extroversion the tendency to seek the company of other people to engage in conversation and other social behaviors with them and to be spontaneous 5 Self control behavior that produces a larger long term reward when people are faced with the choice between it and a smaller short term reward also the tendency to be kind considerate and obedient of laws and rules process by which a stimulus decreases the strength of behavior by 6 Agreeableness 7 Punishment conditioning responses that interfere with the operant guidance of behavior 8 Reinforcement process by which a reinforcer increases the environmental 9 Expectancy the belief that a certain consequence will follow a certain action 10 Self efficacy peoples beliefs about how well or badly they will perform tasks 11 Shyness timidity in social situations 12 Temperament an individuals pattern of behaviors and emotional reactions Role of Environmental Heredity factors Biological theories of personality 1 Brain structures 2 Genetic factors 3 Neurochemistry Social cognitive theories of personality Personality reflects how individuals interactions with environment how people think about world and how they interpret what happens to them A Banduras concepts Self efficacy person learned expectation of success Reciprocal determinism cognitions behaviors and environment interaction to produce personality B Rotter s concepts Cognitive expectancies what people expect to happen Reinforcement value degree to which people prefer one reinforcer over another Locus of control what people consider source of life s rewards and punishments Internal takes responsibility blames self External blames others and life is too hard Psychodynamic theories Examines how unconscious mental forces interplay with thoughts feelings and actions FOUNDER Freud A Freud s three levels of consciousness 1 Consciousness thoughts or motives person is currently aware of or 2 Preconscious thoughts motives or memories that can be voluntarily remembering brought to mind 3 Unconscious thoughts motives memories blocked from normal awareness Neo Freudians Alder Jung Horney Biopsychosocial model suggests multiple theories provide different insights proportionately different contributions Personality Structures ID instinctual energy pleasure principle EGO rational part of psyche reality principle Defense mechanisms egos protective methods of reducing anxiety by distorting reality A Freudians idea of 5 developmental periods key to personality development 1 Oral stage birth 18 months breast bottle feeding with mouth 2 Anal stage 18 months 3 years toilet training 3 Phallic stage 3 6 years identifying with same sex parent 4 Latency stage 6 years puberty none 5 Genital stage puberty adult hood sexual relations with another person TWIN STUDIES Twin studies indicate data showed correlations of personality between identical and fraternal twins and this indicates that genes we receive from our parents do influence personality structure Little evidence is found for an effect of common family environment largely because each individuals family environment is strongly affected by heredity factors like personality and physical attributes Theorists concepts Social Cognitive Theorists 1 Rotter Locus of control learned helplessness 2 Bandura people learn the relation between their behavior and its consequences by observing how others behavior is rewarded and punished Reciprocal determinism Early Theorists 3 Allport studied how everyday words are used to describe personality characteristics Traits Non Freudian Theorists 4 Adler many experience an inferiority complex which later results in a will to power Inferiority superiority 5 Jung inherited collective unconscious consisting of archetypes Archetypes collective unconscious 6 Horney concept of basic anxiety Humanists Theories of Personality Personality develops from internal experiences feelings thoughts and individual feeling of basic worth Human nature is innately good with positive drive toward self fulfillment 7 Rogers emphasized the importance of the self and mental health as related to degree of congruence between self concepts and life experiences Conditional positive regard positive behavior toward a person contingent on behaving in certain ways Unconditional positive regard positive behavior toward a person with no contingencies attached Self concept conditions of worth 8 Maslow argued self actualizationis achieved only after the satisfaction of several other important but lower level needs Example physiological safety and attachment needs Maslow s case study analyses of people whom believed to be self actualized revealed several common personality characteristics Self actualization innate tendency inborn drive to develop all ones talents and capabilities must be satisfied before higher growth needs Maslow s proposed basic physical necessities Hierarchy of needs 9 Eysenck personality polar terms 10 Kagan shyness 11 Zuckerman believed that extroversion is determined by a
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