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Chapter 7 Homework 1 In the language of nucleic acids sequences that are complementary a Have matching nucleotides A with T and C with G 2 When Hershey and Chase determined that a bacterial virus labeled with 35S did not enter the bacterium and give rise to a new generation of viral particles they were able to eliminate as the genetic material 3 Hershey and Chase used 35S and 32P to distinguish between proteins and nucleic acids Why a Proteins not just use 15N a Because nitrogen is found in both proteins and nucleic acids so there would be no way to distinguish between them 4 Why are multiple origins of replication necessary for DNA replication in eukaryotes a Eukaryal genomes are typically much larger than bacterial genomes so multiple origins of replication ensures all the DNA is able to be replicated in a reasonable amount of time 5 Telomeres are necessary in eukaryal cells because a Eukaryal cells have linear chromosomes without them chromosomes would get smaller with each round of replication and DNA polymerase is unable to add new nucleotides at the end of eukaryal chromosomes 6 When compared to a template strand of DNA the corresponding RNA strand is a Complementary 7 DNA codes for a mRNA tRNA and rRNA 8 When the genetic code is described as redundant this means a Most amino acids are coded for by more than one codon 9 The initial amino acid in bacterial peptides is and in eukaryal peptides a F methionine methionine 10 A missense mutation a Results in an amino acid codon converting to a codon for a different amino acid 11 A nucleoside consists of a nitrogenous base attached to a pentose sugar 12 Adenine and thymine are purines and cytosine and guanine are pyrimidines 13 DNA replication in bacteria can be initiated anywhere along the circular chromosome 14 The enzyme telomerase is found in both bacterial and eukaryal cells 15 One important difference between RNA and DNA is RNA contains uracil in place of thymine 16 Almost all of the bacterial genome is transcribed while only a small percentage of a typical eukaryal genome is transcribed a True a False a False a False a True 17 Transcription is the synthesis of RNA from a DNA template and translation is the synthesis of a peptide from a RNA template a True a True a False a False 18 Synthesis of DNA occurs in the a 5 to 3 direction 19 Okasaki fragments make up the leading strand 20 DNA replication begins at the a Origin of replication oriC 21 DNA ligase is only required for the leading strand 22 What best explains the reason RNA primers are utilized in the replication of DNA a DNA polymerase adds nucleotides in a 5 to 4 fashion 23 If DNA polymerase I is no longer functional what might be true a RNA primers would not be replaced with DNA 24 RNA polymerase when compared to DNA polymerase a Is similar in synthesizing a new strand of nucleic acid in the 5 to 3 direction 25 Photoreactivation is a DNA repair mechanism that can break up thymine dimers that are formed when DNA is exposed to UV light That enzyme which mediates this reaction photolyase is activated by exposure to light Isn t the light that activates photolyase going to create more thymine dimers a No because photolyase is activated by visible light not UV light

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LSU BIOL 2051 - Chapter 7 Homework

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