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1 3 domains of life Bacteria Eukarya Archaea check box 2 microbiology the study of cells and organisms too small to be seen with naked eye 3 Electron Microscopes be able to identify picture Mine was gram negative transmission electron microscope 4 how does DNA fit in prokaryotic cell DNA gyrase 5 what makes up a cell wall know all components checkbox proteins glycoproteins polysaccharides peptidoglycan N acetylmuramic acid N acetylglucosamine N acetyltalosaminuronic acid archaea only lipopolysaccharide Gram neg only Teichoic acid lipoteichoic acid pseudomurein Archaea only S layer archaea bacteria 6 what makes up bacteria flagella filament flagellin motor Mot Fli hook Gram no L ring 7 what makes up a eukaryotic flagella microtubules dynein motor proteins 8 True or False ribosomes from rough ER are 80s TRUE eukaryotic prokaryotic 70S free ribosomes 9 know what an endospore has that a vegetative cell does not check box calcium dipicolinic acid small acid soluble proteins practically no water 10 all viruses are complex true or false complex means multiple parts assembled separately I think its false 11 where do chemolithotrophs get their oxygen 12 facultative organisms know what they do fermentation aerobic anaerobic 13 Glycolysis know what organisms use and what follows it Use glucose and 2 ATP 2 NAD makes 2 NADH 2 pyruvate 4 ATP phototrophs energy from light no glycolysis Calvin Benson cycle e transport chain chemotrophs glycolysis citric acid cycle e transport 14 know what anaerobic respiration uses non oxygenic terminal electron acceptor NO3 SO4 Fe3 15 know about electron carriers NADH dehydrogenase flavoproteins iron sulfur proteins quinones non protein e carrier cytochromes 16 what process is used when there is urban runoff into water and the process is used for restoring oxygen to the surroundings types of photosynthesis anoxygenic photosynthesis 17 where do phototrophs get their electrons true false anoxygenic inorganic compounds oxygenic water 18 origin of replication is where replication begins true ends at Ter sites in prokaryotes 19 know that operons are cotranscribed NOT cotranslated 20 positive control what protein activates transcription drop box CRP which is activated by cAMP 21 know slide 43 on genetics and how glucose affects the system in the presence of glucose cAMP is not allowed to be produced thus the CRP cant be activated in the absence of glucose cAMP is in high quantity it binds to CRP and the CRP activates the lac operon this is condition 1 for lac operon 22 know macronutrients MgKCaNa CHNOPS My Knife CaNa CHNOPS you 23 know the growth cycle and where lytic virus would affect bacteria Attachment Penetration Synthesis Assembly Release affects in synthesis or release bacterial growth cycle in rich environment lag exponential stationary death 24 homoserine lactone communicates with different bacteria or only bacteria of the same species intraspecies 25 when can a temperate virus choose to be lysogenic after attachment and injection 26 CI protein accumulation if C1 accumulates shifts to lysogenic cycle Cro lytic 27 how to prevent transmission of diseases checkbox Prevent infection Vaccination Avoid unnecessary introduction IV tubes catheters Diagnose and treat infection Target the pathogen Use least exotic antimicrobial agent Full course of therapy Prevent spread of pathogen to others Avoid contact with others Wash hands 28 pasteurization is a form of sterilization false sterilant kills all no life left Disinfectant killed but endospores still survive Sanitizer reduces micro load Antiseptic germicides kills or inihibits on living tissue 29 conditions of early earth conducible for human life false 30 born sterile what colonizes you after birth air food water and people 31 what kind of environment to microorganisms like to live in warm wet armpits sebaceous and apocrine glands 32 what does lactic acid bacteria do to be cariogenic ferment sucrose on your surface of tooth to produce lactic acid 33 where is enterococcus a resident microorganism small intestine 34 pathogens in upper respiratory system 35 know what antibiotics do to resident microflora and pathogens kills all good or bad except resistant 36 steps of infection know them must put them in order exposure adherence invasion colonization and growth then toxicity and invasiveness lead to tissue damage and disease 37 how would you know you had an autoimmune disease antibodies and complement systems attack self 38 know that infection precedes disease 39 know the virulence factors and be able to apply them adherence factors invasive factors colonization factors cell surface structures toxins 40 know the toxins cytolytic toxins lysis AB toxins B binds A enters cell to cause damage enterotoxins changes in small intestinal permeability diarrhea superantigen toxins stimulate large numbers of immune response extensive inflammatory response endotoxins bacterial structural component released upon bacterial cell death 41 soluble toxins secreted by viable pathogens exotoxins 42 know host factors and be able to apply them AGE very young and old STRESS high stress DIET low calories low protein LIFESTYLE smoking alcohol iv drug use GEN HEALTH no sleep disease genetic conditions 43 know the host barriers physical skin mucous flora chemical stomach acid pH change anatomical blood lymph lysozyme 44 know that natural killers are apart of innate immunity 45 know that neutrophils arrive at the site of pathogen first secrete chemokines to get macrophages to arrive 46 slide 29 on immunology slideshow know what the picture is antibody 47 know the different antibodies G second response E allergy A secretions D like M M first response 48 know secondary antigen exposure b cells plasma and memory cells 49 what separates primary response from secondary primary t cells secondary no t cells 50 know the different hypersensitivities 1 allergies immediate 2 self antigen surface 3 self antigen circulating 4 delayed response 51 natural vs artificial passive vs active know this checkbox active secondary infection antibodies vaccination passive from your mom antiserum or antitoxin 52 who invented the vaccine Edward Jenner 53 know that old fowl cholera is attenuated vaccine Louis Pasteur 54 MMR know about herd immunity 90 measles mumps rubella 55 Thiomersal know what it does preserves vaccines 56 types of vaccines know them toxoid chemically modified exotoxin surface protein formaldehyde treated proteins from bacteria killed bacteria cell

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LSU BIOL 2051 - Notes

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