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1 Thermogenin Uncoupling Protein 1 is found in the mitochondria of brown fat in mammals and is important for hibernation because it increases heat generation As a mitochondrial uncoupler it acts by allowing hydrogen ions H to move back across the inner membrane into the matrix This results in a decrease in Points Awarded Points Missed Percentage 75 42 24 58 75 4 A water production B NADH oxidation C FADH2 oxidation D ATP synthesis 2 5 2 5 D Points Earned Correct Answer s A sponge Porifera B mollusk C echinoderm D cnidarian Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 D 2 You are walking along the beach in Cape May New Jersey and you step on something very soft The next thing you know you feel extreme pain in your foot and it begins to turn red you have been stung by nematocysts This means that you stepped on a 3 Arthropods have a chitinous exoskeleton Which of these statements describes a clear advantage of that exoskeleton A It provides protection for the arthropod s body B It prevents gas exchange across a large surface area C It cannot grow so must be shed as the arthropod matures D All of the above are clear advantages of the arthropod exoskeleton Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 A 4 This plant grows in the Arctic tundra Referring to the absorption spectrum shown which photosynthetic pigment is this plant most likely to be primarily using for photosynthesis A Chlorophyll A B Chlorophyll B C Carotene D All three pigments are being used equally Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 C 5 You have discovered a new species of arthropod living in the ocean and are now determining which group it belongs to It has multiple jointed appendages that show specialization for different functions all of these appendages are branched biramous Based upon this you decide that this animal is a new species of A chelicerate B mollusk C insect D crustacean Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 D A kinetic kinetic B potential potential C potential kinetic D kinetic potential Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 C 6 During cellular respiration electrons lose energy as they are transferred from glucose TO A the electron transport chain TO NADH TO oxygen B NADH TO the electron transport chain TO oxygen C glycolysis TO Krebs Cycle TO ATP TO NADH D ATP TO oxygen 2 5 2 5 B Points Earned Correct Answer s 7 In the process of cellular respiration a molecule of glucose is an example of energy and the production of ATP as hydrogen ions flow from the inter membrane space into the mitochondrial matrix is an example of energy 8 The oxygen required for cellular respiration to occur A is combined with carbon atoms to form carbon dioxide B is used to produce water during glycolysis C receives electrons at the end of the electron transport chain D Oxygen is required only for photosynthesis A allows for more diversity in metabolism B is found only in animals with exoskeletons C allows specialization of different regions of the body for different functions D increases resistance to disease Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 C 9 In animals a segmented body Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 C 10 There will never be identical twin A snails mollusk B sea stars echinoderm C tunicates urochordate D squirrels vertebrate 2 5 2 5 A Points Earned Correct Answer s 11 If oxygen is absent your muscle cells will use an alternative metabolic pathway lactic acid fermentation This process A oxidizes NADH to replenish the supply of NAD B provides ATP to power muscle cell contraction C generates carbon dioxide that can be used in the Krebs Cycle D converts glucose to pyruvate Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 A Plants undergo A photosynthesis and respiration in leaves B photosynthesis and respiration in leaves and roots C only photosynthesis D only photosynthesis in leaves and respiration in roots Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 A 12 13 14 A determinant B choanocyte C indeterminant D cnidoctye E totipotent Points Earned Correct Answer s 0 0 2 5 C E In humans Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis PGD is a genetic reproductive technology that allows a doctor to remove a single cell from an 8 cell stage embryo and test the single cell for the presence of genetic problems As long as there are no genetic problems the remaining 7 cell embryo develops normally and eventually becomes a child This technology is possible because humans have cells at the 8 cell stage choose all that apply The group of protists that are most closely related to animals has a cell structure that is very similar to a type of cell that are found in sponges parazoans A choanocytes B amoebocytes C cnidocytes D nematocysts Points Earned Correct Answer s 0 0 2 5 A 15 This is a mutation that has been seen in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster A pair of legs is present where the antennae should be What is the most likely cause of this mutant fly A A mutation in the DNA sequence of a HOX homeobox gene B A mutation in the DNA sequence of a gene that affects the formation of a blastula C A mutation in the DNA sequence of a gene that affects the formation of a gastrula D A mutation in a the DNA sequence of a gene that determine the cleave pattern of the embryo Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 A Ribose is a sugar found in some nucleic acids and other molecules If each C C bond contains 76 kcal of energy and each C H bond contains 91 kcal how much energy is available through the complete catabolism of this sugar 16 A 304 kcal B 686 kcal C 850 kcal D 1017 kcal Points Earned Correct Answer s 0 0 2 5 C 17 Which of these statements are true of both aerobic cellular respiration and photosynthesis choose all that apply A A hydrogen ion gradient drives the synthesis of ATP B Electrons are supplied by the splitting of water molecules C Electrons are carried by electron carriers D CO2 is released as carbon containing molecules are broken down A plant has a genetic mutation that leads to a less efficient version of Rubisco this plant will produce than a normal plant that does not have this mutation Points Earned Correct Answer s 1 2 2 5 A C 18 A more sugar B more ATP C less sugar D less NADPH Points Earned Correct Answer s 0 0 2 5 C A ATP B NADH C Water D NADPH Points Earned Correct Answer s 2 5 2 5 D 19 During the Calvin Cycle provides electrons for the reduction of carbon dioxide 20 Which of these groups of animals include species that are internal parasites of humans choose all that apply A Parazoans sponges B Platyhelminthes flatworms C Nematodes round

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