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The Cold War 1945 1992 10 22 2013 i From Allies to Rivals The Cold War 1945 1992 ii Waging war WHAT WAS THE COLD WAR Struggle about power and ideology o United States o Soviet Union HARRY S TRUMAN 1945 1953 DWIGHT D EISENHOWER 1953 1961 LYNDON B JOHNSON 1963 1969 RICHARD NIXON JOHN F KENNEDY 1961 1963 Origins and Development o US and allies attempt to put down communist revolution o Opposition to political radicals o Fear that communism was expansive 1930 s o World War II Conceptions of freedom POST WORLD WAR II Superpowers o United States o Soviet Union PROGRESSION 1945 Atom Bomb 1946 George Kennan Long Telegram from Moscow 1950 NSC 68 National Security Council U S Policy toward the Soviet Union Containment o Truman Doctrine military response o Marshall Plan spending plan for the U S Help poverty hunger and desperation in Europe Inflation and food shortages ARMS RACE PROXY WARS 1945 US drop atom bomb 1949 Soviet Union develop atom bomb 1957 Russians launch Sputnik 1969 US initiate moon landing 1940s Germany Greece Turkey Iran China 1950s Egypt Korea Cuba 1960s Ghana Angola Vietnam 1970s Chile Honduras GERMANY Zones of occupation Berlin Blockade KOREA 1950 1953 KOREAN WAR China o Since the 1920s china had had a growing communist membership factor o During WWII the national government non communists joined the communist rebels in order to fight off the Japanese o After the war the US saw China as a critical US battleground o Mao Zedong communist leader of China Korea o World War II occupied by Japan o Liberation in korea when japan lost o POST WAR communist and anticommunist zones American and soviet troops occupied korea American zone in the south Soviet zone in the north US opposed popular nationalist 1948 Korea had two governments each claiming jurisdiction over the entire country 1950 north invaded south with tanks ended with a stalemate still at a stalemate today north korea communist and south korea anti communist 10 24 13 The Cold War at Home Fear of the nuclear age Fear of communist infiltrators Second Red Scare Communist Party of the USA o 12 charged for violating the Smith Act o Eugene Debbs ran for president as a communist Program to review loyalty of government officials House Un American Activities Committee HUAC o Hollywod Ten Spy Trials o Alger Hiss 1950 Joseph McCArthy 1953 o New Deal Conformity Conformity Uses for anti communism o Anti communism among groups associated with communist countries o Religious groups o Government agencies o Political rivalry o Prejudice o Business and Labor Business would have lost strength Taft Hartley Act 1947 10 22 2013 10 22 2013

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UD HIST 206 - The Cold War 1945-1992

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