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Exam 2 1 What are amino acids used to synthesize in your body Used to synthesize proteins in the body 2 What is complementary protein 2 or more protein foods whose amino acid composition complement each other so that the essential amino acids missing from each are supplied by the other Example beans and rice 3 Nitrogen equilibrium When the amount of nitrogen excreted the amount of All essential amino acids must be present in adequate amounts nitrogen eaten in protein must be enough nitrogen and must have enough calories for total energy needs Positive N balance nitrogen intake in food is more than the amount of nitrogen being excreted happens during growth periods and recovery tissue and essential body compounds are being built faster than they are destroyed Negative N balance more nitrogen is being excreted than is being take from food body tissue wearing out or being broken down faster than it can be repaired when protein is very low during starvation fever restricted diets 4 What are the essential amino acids Who do you have to know to answer that Those indispensable to human nutrition which cannot be synthesized in the body or cannot be make in sufficient quantity must be supplied by protein in the diet MATT V PHILL o Methionine threonine tryptophan valine phenylalanine histadine isoleucine leucine lysine 5 What type of food provides all the essential amino acids Complete protein those foods that contain all the essential amino acids in the correct amounts and in the correct proportions to maintain life and support growth when used as the sole source of protein food Example milk eggs dairy poultry meat and fish 6 Where does the absorption of amino acids take place Intestinal membrane 7 What is the disease called Kwashiorkor Protein Calorie Malnutrition PCM a deficiency of protein Kwashiorkor malnutrition caused by protein deficiency first described in Africa usually occurs at the time of weaning or age 2 growth slows hair loses color skin is scaly with sores and body swells 8 What is Phenylketonuria PKU disease Phenylalanine levels are normal at birth but increase during 1st Defect must be found close to birth or child will be mentally Inborn error of metabolism inherited disease weeks retarded 9 Do people in the US get enough protein No Which sport should carbohydrate load Marathon running What food is best for a pre game meal Sufficient food intake and 2 3 glasses of liquid Should have an empty stomach during competition Lots of carbs and a little protein and fat Eat 3 hours before game What is true about water for trained athletes Must replace water and salt you lose in sweat Carbohydrate loading During hard work carbs are the fuel used Increase carbs stored as glycogen Not all athletes need to carb load People can work 2 3 times longer on a high carb diet compared to a high fat diet Carbs allow you to go longer but do not make you faster If a sport lasts for more than 60 minutes or you train heavily ever day you need a high carb diet bread cereal pasta If a sport lasts more than 3 hours you need carbs and water during event Dietary supplements for athletes Vitamins minerals herbs amino acids enzyme concentrates Don t know what is actually in any of these things quad dirt 10 11 12 13 14 15 children 16 Dietary supplement health and education act DSHEA Can t get information about supplements about if it s safe and FDA has to prove a supplement is unsafe before it can be supplement industry is now responsible for safety of supplements and not the government removed which takes a long time because they don t have enough inspectors about its contents What is the best method in determining nutrition status for Anthropometric studies body size height weight etc Used for children because you can compare over time on the The amount of energy required by an individual in the resting growth curve Define basal metabolism state for such functions as breathing and circulation of the blood percentage of the energy needed by sedentary Americans is for their basal metabolic rate and much of that energy is expended in pumping ions across membranes How many calories do you use during mental work Sodium Potassium Pump Theory states that a large 17 NONE 18 Specific dynamic action of food the amount of energy What is the specific dynamic action of food expenditure above the resting metabolic rate due to the cost of processing food for use and storage What is the most reliable method of dietary assessment if want 19 to know a diet and if it has all nutrients you need Food diary record for 3 days 20 What is the most accurate way of measuring body fat Using indirect methods on the live person The Bod pod Cadavers 21 Life insurance companies have dominated the development of Weight and body composition height weight tables and defined ideal or desirable weights associated with lowest mortality rate Body weight doesn t accurately reflect ideal weight We are concerned with body composition or the percent of fat and lean body tissue Lean tissue is muscle bone and organs while fat weight is the total weight of body fat stored Best measure of relative weight is the body mass index minimizes the effect of height on fatness and can be used to compare populations BMI weight in kg height in meters squared if you are below the 15th percentile you are too thin and if you are above the 75th percentile you are overweight Can measure body fat Body composition changes as you age fat goes up bone mineral goes down Dietary assessment 24 hour recall 3 day diet 7 day 24 hour recall client recalls food intake for the preceding 24 hours by interview recalls what was eaten how it was prepared and when it was eaten disadvantages people find it hard to remember everything they ate on the previous day they could be untruthful and may have altered their usual intake 3 day diet keep a diary for 3 days on food intake do it midweek 7 day diet keep a diary for 7 days on food intake Disadvantages of 3 and 7 day diet illiterate people can t keep records people modify their diets to simplify record keeping are unable to estimate food proportions accurately validity of the record decreases after 3 or 4 days 1 lb of fat how many calories 3 500 calories Are all chemicals in your food bad No food is made up of chemicals Example phytochemicals are present in large amounts of onions celery garlic and other plant food sources Suggested weight loss per week for the average person using diet and exercise 2 pounds What does acid vinegar

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