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1 26 15 Nutritional Concepts Unit 1 cont d 8 Development of Chronic Disease Poor diets that lead to development of chronic diseases dies high in animal fat heart disease Chronic diseases slow developing long lasting diseases that are not contagious can be treated but not always cured with exercise healthiness medicine etc Ex heart disease diabetes cancer Adequacy all nutrients you need for your body to maintain normal weight Variety variety of foods you consume fruits veggies whole grain look at the labels COLORS more antioxidants and phytochemicals Balance selection of food types and amounts from the MyPyramid basic food groups Energy Nutrient Density most Americans consume excess calories consume inadequate diets Americans need to consume more veggies fruits whole grains dried beans low fat meats dairy products less sugar animal fat saturated fat Energy dense foods provide relatively high levels of calories per unity weight of food Ex fried foods cheeseburgers potato chips biscuit egg sausage sandwich Empty calorie foods provide excess of energy or calories in relation to nutrients ex soft drinks candy sugar alcohol animal fats Nutrient dense contain relatively high amounts of nutrients compared to their calorie value provides more nutrients than calories Ex broccoli collards bread cantaloupe lean meats 10 No good or bad foods all foods can fit into a healthful diet as long as nutrient needs are being met at caloric levels that maintain a healthy body weight empty calorie foods low in nutrients energy dense foods too many calories nutrient dense the healthy solution incorporate more nutrient dense in diet Empty Calories vs Nutrient Dense coca cola vs skim milk 1 cup The Inside Nutrition Health Unit 2 Nutrition Overall Health the health fitness of the human body depend on a variety of interrelated factors genetic traits environmental factors lifestyle factors health care and diet Conditions that Contribute to Death Health Care 10 Environmental Exposures 20 Lifestyles 51 Genetic Makeup 19 Nutritional State of the Nation Nutritional deficiency diseases such as rickets Vitamin D pellagra Niacin were once common Today life style related chronic disease are the major causes of health heart diseases cancers diabetes stroke Alzheimer s disease can immediately be gone after labor small percentage may develop into Type 2 excess sugar goes to baby could be born extra large or without brain could develop into its own diabetes Diabetes diabetes mellitus disease characterized by abnormal glucose utilization elevated blood glucose levels type 1 2 gestational diabetes diet insulin exercise gestational only during pregnancy in women due to diet ethnicity age etc Hypertension high blood pressure blood pressure inside blood vessel walls greater than 140 90mmHg Stroke cerebral vascular accident occurs when a blood vessel in the brain raptures or becomes blocked cutting off blood supply to a portion of the brain association with hardening of the arteries explosion of blood vessel in brain could be small or large with outcomes varying deficit in different things can things like diabetes could lead to a stoke Alzheimer s brain disease most common form of dementia cause of memory loss of recent events loss of more distant memories over 5 10 years eventually produces profound intellectual decline dementia and personal helplessness loss memory of everyday actions Leading Causes of Death in US Heart Diseases many differences between men women causes for women are taking in more stressors stomach obesity from menopause creating heart diseases Shared Dietary Risk Factors dietary risk factors for many diseases are associated with development of chronic inflammation oxidative stress ex heart disease diabetes Alzheimer s disease osteoporosis cancer and other chronic diseases chronic inflammatory diseases Osteoporosis condition in which be bones become fragile and susceptible to fracture due to a loss of calcium and other minerals common for thin Caucasian women or any gender that have suffers from anorexia or nervosa ex only 600 calories per day no vitamin c or calcium Inflammation body s first response from immune system to infectious agents toxins or irritants biologically active substances promote oxidation other reactions to counteract the infection toxin or irritant ex cut finger body goes through inflammatory to fix itself Chronic Inflammatory ex fever for a week continuously elevated blood pressure damaging cells low grade inflammation lasting weeks to years damages lipids cells tissues Oxidative stress condition that occurs when cells are exposed to more oxidizing molecules such as free radicals than to antioxidant molecules that neutralize them over time oxidative stress causes damage to lipids DNA cells tissue increases the risk of heart disease type 2 diabetes cancer and other diseases cancer in our bodies free radicals attack our bodies more when we put things in our bodies that we shouldn t they go rapid and start damaging our cells Free Radicals oxidizing agents chemical substances often oxygen based that are missing electrons which make them reactive and prone to oxidizing nearby moelcutes by stealing electrons from them can damage lipids proteins DNA cells and tissues by altering their chemical structures and functions Antioxidants chemical substances that prevent or repair damage to cells caused by oxidizing agents such as pollutants ozone smoke and reactive oxygen oxidation reactions are normal parts of cellular processes Vitamin C E certain phytochemicals function as antioxidants Diseases Disorders Linked to Diet Chronic Inflammation Oxidative Stress Chronic inflammation oxidative stress are sustained by irritants present in the body just 5 of body weight loss increases health high intakes of saturated trans fats Damage can be reduced by loss of excessive fat eating foods containing omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidants Foods Inflammation Oxidative Stress Ex whole milk only infants up to 1 year old to make sure they get adequate calories Nutrient Gene Interactions Sulforaphane in cabbages inactivates a gene that encourages cancer development about half of US population is genetically susceptible to cholesterol in the diet omega 3 fatty acids may lower risk of Alzheimer s disease in genetically susceptible adults The Importance of Food Choices Americans tend to choose energy dense nutrient poor foods including processed foods that pose great risks to health high in saturated fat salt sugar

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