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2 11 15 Week 5 Nutrition Healthy Diets Dietary Guidelines MyPyramid More Unit 6 cont d The DASH Diet helps control mild moderate hypertension Hypertension high blood pressure blood pressure inside blood vessel walls that typically exceeds 140 90 mm Hg good for cancer osteoporosis heart disease limits fats red meats sweets sugary drinks The Mediterranean Diet based on diets in Greece Southern Italy restricts red meat sweets cholesterol includes wine with meals associated with lower risks of heart disease stroke some cancers and overall mortality Portion Distribution food portion sizes are expanding large portions served in homes restaurants bakeries and in packaged foods contribute to the problem of estimating portion sizes ex The standard bakery size for a muffin used to be 1 5 ounces it has grown to be a 6 5 oz muffin Supersized Americans rising obesity rates are related to increasing portion sizes supersizing fast food can triple calories ex supersized cheeseburgers fries and shake provide more calories than most people need in a day 2 220 calories Eating Right When Eating Out foods eaten away from home generally have lower nutrition higher fat Staying on Track when eating out avoid impulse ordering decide what to eat before going in Fast Food Fat Calories Fast Foods Old New The Slow Food Movement Slow Food USA movement away from fast food processed foods toward sustainable eco friendly agriculture locally grown foods The Slow Food Movement the urban garden connects healthy eating with a slower more harmonious rhythm of life purpose promote health for the people they work for to reduce incidences of these diseases Don t know how to cook Learn by don t go by familiar faces best cookbooks Developed by Associations American Heart Diabetes Cancer using recipes on food packages take a community education course find recipes online or in a basic cookbook Bon Appetit Enjoy your meals the best diets are those that keep us healthy and enhance our sense of enjoyment MyPlate Pros it s easy Get plate half fruit veggies half meat and grains encourages you to eat healthy when concentrating on sections of plate safe Cons says activity but plate can t make you move outside nothing actually encourages physical activity MyPyramid does eat right amount of calories doesn t determine calories or needs for person Only you can determine that Build a healthy plate make half of your plate fruits vegetables switch to skim or 1 milk make at least half your grains whole vary your protein food choices Cut back on foods high in solid fats added sugars and salt choose foods and drinks with little or no added sugars look out for salt sodium in foods you buy it all adds up eat fewer foods that are high in solid fats Eat the right amount of calories for you cook more often at home where you are in control of what s in your food when eating out choose lower calorie menu options write down what you eat to keep track of how much you eat if you drink alcoholic beverages do so sensibly limit 1 drink a day for women 2 drinks a day men Be physically active your way note to parents for children most at risk group for physical activity because these programs are being cut should not have more than 2 hours a day of technology TV AND phones Use food labels to help you make better choices Healthy People 20 20 a society in which all people live long healthy lives Determinants physical environment social environment individual behavior health services biology genetics health outcomes Overarching Goals attain high quality longer lives free of preventable disease disability inquiry and premature death achieve health equity eliminate disparities and improve the health of all groups create social and physical environment that promote good health for all promote quality of life healthy development and healthy behaviors across all life stages

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KSU NUTR 23511 - The DASH Diet

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