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October 15th Cool Area Igloo was the most logical structure Ice is the most plentiful substance igloos work best o Eskimo Building cool climate o o o Can change the temperature by more than 100F o Gives the most space with the least amount of surface area surface area loses heat so less is more warm o Geodesic Dome was created that had huge interior space minimal amount of surface area stayed warm Created for Antarctica o Indian structures teepees cylinders cut long ways put on their sides that could be open or closed depending on the weather o Were able to build fires within their huts o Made from only animal skins and sticks made for easy mobility and easy Temperate Area replaceable materials New England o Plymouth settlement classic houses were ill prepared for cold weather o Very small windows that could be boarded up very large chimney in relation to the house the masonry would absorb the heat from the fire and radiate the heat throughout the house the house was wrapped around the chimney Quebec Chicago o Also brought their cultural baggage houses that were best fit for their home place and not as well fit for their new place of residence o Had steep roofs for style and because steep roofs don t hold snow it falls off Roofs would collapse otherwise o Windows could be opened during hot days house wrapped around chimney again o Frank Lloyd Wright designed houses with large porches because inside was so hot during the summer people stayed outside Inglewood gathering place around the fireplace middle of the house for warmth o o Kitchen north side because stoves generate heat you want the living rooms where it would be warmer Southwest screen doors o Made from Adobe originally entered buildings from the roof did not have o Very similar to Iraq o Night and day very greatly in temperature due to dry air and lack of humidity o Very thick walls flat roof but no rain o Thick walls protect from the heat of the day and the cold of the night walls would reradiate heat at night that was absorbed during the day to warm the house o Little or no windows to keep heat out o A contemporary church was made in the design of the old adobe buildings o Frank Lloyd Wright built a structure that mimics the pueblo small windows flat roof Hot Humid Area Louisiana Indian structure thatch roof with no walls o o Breeze was free to flow o Umbrella roof used to shade raised floor and bedding to let wind dry it out stay out of way of bugs o These huts were basically the same fundamentally as plantation houses o Plantation houses Large gardens logical Main living area is upstairs lower living is for utilities etc Very large porch created by the umbrella roof which keeps the sun off the Windows are very large big as doors for cooling can be opened for cross The ventilation was accomplished by eliminating halls windows aligned walls ventilation air flow with interior doors Roof had dormer windows had vents so that the hot air could rise and exit the house out the dormer windows o Crystal house made from exclusively iron and glass building without solid walls is what this building demonstrated o Had a skeleton structure London Architect lived in an entirely glass house Skyscrapers have a curtain wall Frank Lloyd Wright used horizontal layers of rocks to complement nature and the structure combined the interior and the exterior o Sea Ranch northern California building is angled to conform to the terrain and block off the cold winds from the sea indoor brightly colored October 17th October 20th Interior Design Guest Speaker William Riehm Interior Design deals with the personal environment the one that is within architecture that forms the link between architecture and man particularly but not limited to furniture The formal study of man s interaction with the proximate environment Not just picking out chairs and rugs HGTV is an exaggeration ID is how a room functions with those in it and those who will be in a room or space Four parts to ID Imagine a three part Ven Diagram with inner common area Function Science Technology Social Behavioral and Human Factors Aesthetics Art Beauty Overlapping Area Parts of ID o Color and Light o Line shape form and texture o Manipulation of space for function or purpose o Materials o It is not always about the look of a space Family vs Business organization is part of the ID curriculum o Must be able to understand how a family functions to create a successful environment o Also the same for business functions analyze corporate structure to make the most comfortable possible set up o Sometimes you need to put yourself into the space that you have just designed even just after it being drawn before any construction You need to put yourself in the customer s shoes Design Two Primary Classifications o Residential and Contract o Involve Space planning interrelation of spaces Immediate space Building Site Analyze Needs Codes and Regulations Communication drawing and verbal make drawings and also learn verbal communication skills Talk the customer through the decisions Collaboration work with other design professionals architects LA s etc o The difference between Residential and Contract is very small both study relationships between people o Residential Model some selling you a lamp and convincing you that the lamp is what you need through his schooling and professional opinion o Contract Model someone who tells you what lamp to buy and then you go and buy it Sell you a service not good o Commercial and ID will make some drawings and set a theme then the customer will go out and buy the correct furniture The contractor will take the ID s drawings and build and purchase all the furniture without the designer at all ID gathers all of the people s needs and tries to create the best possible overall product for all parties involved Must be very proficient at explaining their ideas to both the customer and the people they are collaborating with Objectives o Safety and function o Creativity o People and space Also design outdoor places like porches etc Must understand the indoor outdoor relationship Adaptive re Use readapting people to an already once used space There is work in downsizing for businesses which involves adaptive re use October 22nd Lu Cutrera GIS Geographical Information System Four Aspects of LA o Man o Nature o Art o Technology 1966 one who s profession is to arrange and modify the effects of natural scenery on a tract of land for aesthetic effect 1985 2000 One whose

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