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Kelsey Silverstein Wildlife Conservation Reading Review Questions for ENWC 201 Exam II BR Ch 2 3 April 16 2015 1 How did does Genesis 1 28 in the Bible affect human attitudes towards wildlife What is market hunting The term dominion over the creatures and replenishment of the Earth implies some sort of management or conquest of wildlife and their environments Market hunting represented one of the darkest eras of exploitation of wildlife in the United States Most market hunting is associated with the exploitation of waterfowl 2 Why were many bird populations decimated during the 19th century and how did Roosevelt play a role in protecting birds Many bird populations were decimated during the 19th century because of plume hunting which was to slaughter birds for the sake of women s fashions most popularly feather heats President Roosevelt issued an executive order 1903 declaring a small nesting area or Pelican Island as the first federal bird sanctuary He also created 51 other wildlife refuges which initiated the National Wildlife Refuge System 3 How did two technological developments the railroad and the telegraph hasten the extinction of the passenger pigeon The railroad network gave professional pigeon hunters ready access to the major nesting colonies east of the Mississippi river The telegraph also kept hunters informed about the locations of nesting colonies Because the railroad companies benefitted they likely helped transmit up to date info about where the pigeons might be harvested 4 What happened to the Labrador duck the heath hen and the Carolina parakeet The Labrador ducks were eliminated by changes made by humans in the marine environment along the Atlantic Coast These changes were associated with human settlement that destroyed food resources The heath hen was protected by legislature but the law was ignored because of the sporting and market value of these birds Later on habitat destruction predation poaching and sex ratio favoring males also contributed The Carolina parakeet was most directly exterminated by overshooting and capture The lumber industry hunting and farmers also contributed 5 Why did the populations of reindeer on St Matthew Island mule deer in Arizona and white tailed deer in Michigan rise then crash The populations rose due to absent or removed predators After irruption the population crashed when food supplies were exhausted Reindeer oversized herd overgrazed died of starvation Mule Deer profited from predator control protection overpopulated and starved White Tailed Deer humans were feeding deer population and controlling hunting then abruptly stopped feeding the herd and they starved and were eaten by coyotes 6 What are some of the failings of the bounty system in managing wildlife They were generally ineffective they were also subject to fraud 7 What was the source of lead poisoning in ducks and geese in North America and how has the problem been resolved What is a second source of lead poisoning in waterfowl The source resulted from lead shot deposited in wetlands by duck hunters i e pellets that miss their target and fall to the ground The birds eat the pellets mistaking it for food To resolve this the Secretary of the Interior ruled that duck hunters must use steel shot in certain hot spot areas where lead poisoning was particularly severe In 1991 a law was put into effect to permanently end lead shot A second source of lead poisoning was fishing sinkers 8 What factors lead to the successful management of wood ducks Timely recognition of the species perilous status adequate legal protection habitat improvement using artificial nesting structures and the coincident recovery of beaver populations and careful year to year monitoring of the population so that protecting could be forthcoming if needed on short notice 9 How were wild turkey populations re established Atlantic puffins Wild turkey populations were re established when the stock consisted of wild trapped birds of the appropriate subspecies i e birds from the lineage that had adapted to conditions in the released area Atlantic puffins were re established using transplanted nestlings from another colony After 2 weeks of age the young birds proved capable of learning the location The restoration project used wooden decoys as social attractions 10 How have marine mammals been protected The Marine Mammal Protection Act 1972 founded by the Endangered Species Act 1973 provides federal protection for marine mammals within the territorial waters of the United States 11 What is exotic wildlife What are two main popular game species have been introduced to America Exotic wildlife is foreign species now residing in North America Two popular game species are ring necked pheasants from Asia and brown trout from Europe 12 What are three main pest species introduced to America Starlings house sparrows and brown rats all introduced from Europe BR Ch 8 management 1 What are five major reasons why it is important to consider diseases in wildlife A Either domestic or wild animals may serve as reservoirs or as vectors for pathogens that ultimately affect each other or indeed humans B the density of animal populations C diseases may cause serious losses in already small populations of endangered species D diseases are a part o the whole spectrum of issues facing wildlife managers E the public may become passionately involved with ways in which biologists deal with wildlife diseases 2 How is disease sometimes related to habitat Epizootiology experts believe that habitat conditions influence the course of many wildlife diseases i e whereas pathogens are not likely to be eradicated completely the severity and frequency of their actions on wildlife populations often may be limited by human intervention Habitats sometimes can be improved to the point where diseases may be enhanced 3 What are the new diseases affecting wildlife today and which animals do they infect Hantaviruses small rodents preferably deer mice Conjunctivitis songbirds West Nile virus American crows Mad Cow diseases mule deer and elk Chronic Wasting disease free ranging deer and elk 4 What are the hosts and vectors of the sylvatic plague and rabies Sylvatic plague hosts Bobcats lynx badgers vectors fleas are the principal vectors but also wild rodents rabies hosts jackals red foxes badgers bats raccoons skunks woodchucks vectors raccoons assumed to be originated BR Ch 10 178 184 1 According to a recent national survey what percent of

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