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BEHAVIORAL NEUROSCIENCE Psychology 3313 Autumn Semester 2014 2 20 pm 3 40 pm T Th Lazenby Hall Room 21 Instructor Dr Gary L Wenk Professor Departments of Psychology Neuroscience Wenk 6 osu edu Office Hour W 11 00 am 12 00 AM Room 047 Psychology Building This course is a structure function analysis of the brain I will systematically discuss each structure or region of the brain and its known function Suggested Text Physiology of Behavior Neil R Carlson 11th ed Pearson You are not required to buy or read this text ALL information will be provided on slides that are available on Carmen ALL examinations questions will draw ONLY from the slides presented in class Students are responsible for knowing and understanding the content of the lectures ONLY The text is only for additional edification If you do not attend class you will likely fail this course Order of Topics Brain Anatomy Cells of the Nervous System Electrophysiology Neurochemistry Pharmacology Learning and memory Development Sleep and circadian rhythms Hypothalamus and Feeding Behavior Limbic system and emotions Motor systems Vision Hearing Smell taste and touch Three Exams September 18th October 16th November 13th and the Final Exam Dec 15th 2 00 3 45 pm will determine your grade The Final Exam is worth 50 of your grade and is cumulative NO EXTRA CREDIT WILL BE GIVEN FOR ANY REASON Course Grade determination 100 88 A 87 85 A 84 83 B 82 72 B 71 70 B 69 68 C 67 57 C 56 55 C 54 46 D 45 E Grades of Incomplete will be awarded only at the end of the quarter and not on account of disappointing performance Students who are doing poorly in the course should drop it or withdraw taking a grade of W before the OSU deadlines for those actions Academic Misconduct It is the responsibility of the Committee on Academic Misconduct to investigate or establish procedures for the investigation of all reported cases of student academic misconduct The term academic misconduct includes all forms of student academic misconduct wherever committed illustrated by but not limited to cases of plagiarism and dishonest practices in connection with examinations Instructors shall report all instances of alleged academic misconduct to the committee Faculty Rule 3335 5 487 For additional information see the Code of Student Conduct http studentaffairs osu edu info for students csc asp Students with disabilities that have been certified by the Office for Disability Services will be appropriately accommodated and should inform the instructor as soon as possible of their needs The Office for Disability Services is located in 150 Pomerene Hall 1760 Neil Avenue telephone 292 3307 TDD 292 0901 http www ods ohio state edu

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